Lord of the Rings LCG 4 Player Game Actions



Hold on. I overlooked something that I could do. Namely:
Sneak Attack
Type: Event
Sphere: Leadership Cost: 1
Action: Put 1 ally card into play from your hand. At the end of the phase, if that ally is still in play, return it to your hand.
So that I can bring out:

Type: Ally
Sphere: Leadership Cost: 4
Willpower: 2 Attack: 1 Defense: 2 Hit Points: 3
Gondor. Noble. Ranger.
Action: Exhaust Faramir to choose a player. Each character controlled by that player gets +1 Willpower until the end of the phase.

So if I do that and use Faramir's ability, our Willpower will be 13 (Eowyn 5, Aragorn 5, Gloin 3) which means we'll only need to discard one card to reach 14.
Of those two, I'd recommend taking the Hasty Stroke back, since it almost always finds an opportunity to be useful.

We should also start thinking about which location we'll travel to and who'll fight what.

..... then again, how about I discard Longbeard Orcslayer and you both take those cards back? I see those both being useful, whereas the Orcslayer not so much.


Nothing Special
Wouldn't it be useful to raise our willpower higher than the threat level so we can start making some progress on the quest? Also, I have a Dwarven Tomb (I think that's the one), so I can pull the Hasty Stroke back out of my discard pile if necessary.


Absolutely. When I play one or two player, feeding Eowyn every turn gets very costly and dangerous, so I tend to only do it when I've underquested or need just a little boost to finish exploring a location. I can see the logic behind being a bit more bold in 4 player though.

So you still want to discard then?
A note on the Dwarven Tomb: I don't think that you can immediately return the Hasty Stroke to your hand right when you need it as it's an Action. Hasty Stroke is a Reaction. I can't double check the timing chart at the moment, but I think it's useful to think of Actions like sorceries and Reactions like Instants (or more appropriately, interrupts.)


Staff member
I agree with turgy22, but also because it's our first game for most of us and we don't know how things really go yet, so let's go all out rather than hold back for now :)


Nothing Special
I see what you're saying, boogiepop. I won't know if Hasty Stroke is needed until it's needed and then it will be too late. Still, I'll take my chances. Most of the shadow effects don't seem quite as harsh as the "when revealed" effects. (Of course, I'll probably keep saying this about things until we're all dead.)


Sounds like a plan. So Spiderman, turgy and I all feed Eowyn and I play Sneak attack to get Faramir out, albeit briefly. That gives us another 5 onto the 11 which makes 16. 2 progress points will go on the quest.

Are we traveling this turn? (I recommend we do.) Where to?
And who'll be taking the baddies when that comes around? I'm all tapped out, so I'm no help this time.


Nothing Special
Forest Gate seems like the most beneficial location to travel.

Unfortunately, I'm tapped out otherwise, so it'll be up to Spiderman and Rokapoke to do all the fighting (not that my deck's all that great for fighting with anyway.)


Boogiepop, shouldn't we have progress since Legolas killed something previously?

Also, I think I can suck up a bunch of damage here by taking on the Spiders. I would have to leave them undefended, taking 3 damage each to Beravor and Glorfindel, but with a little help from Spidey I can kill both Spiders.


Undefended attacks are mighty risky when it's a one HP difference between the life and death of a character. As for Legolas, I believe his two points were what got rid of the Mountains of Mirkwood.

I updated the main page with us having travelled to the Forest Gate. Spiderman gets to draw 2 cards.


I've got more healing in hand... I just don't know what the alternative solution would be here.


Spiderman's Gondorian Spearmen have the ability to block for you. That could open things up for your guys.


Staff member
We play event cards during combat, right? I've got Blade Mastery, Rain of Arrows, Feint, and Stand Together that could help also (I also have Thicket of Spears but can't pay for it right now).


Yup, that's correct. We have to do our optional engagements and then do regular engagement checks after that.
Since turgy and I can't help out this combat round, I'm guessing you and rokapoke could each do an optional engagement, and the remaining guy will go to you, Spidey.