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  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Aurum Astrum [EDH].
    This deck has betrayed me for the last time. Tried to use it once on Friday last week and also for my final game last night. It was...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Hypergenetic Eureka [EDH].
    Well, people knew Maelstrom Wanderer could be dangerous, but they still gave this deck time to set up. I needed it because I kept...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Kid Gloves [EDH].
    Tried this deck a couple more times and it has has had no luck at all. :(
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Bad Advice [EDH].
    Well, I actually had a pretty good game going. Used Persistent Petitioners to commit crimes for Duelist of the Mind, then set up a board...
  • Oversoul
    Got ahead of a Bruna auras deck by a turn or so and flooded the board with tokens for the win. This actually might be my most...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Unbound and Down [EDH].
    Another Omarthis beatdown win last week. The combos are cool, but sometimes just punching people with equipped creatures gets the job done.
  • Oversoul
    This was the deck that I brought out for my final game last night. At first, it looked like I was maybe falling behind. Ulvenwald Hydra...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Goblin Lives Matter [EDH].
    Is this deck on a winning streak? Weird. Despite only getting three lands, my mana production was boosted by stuff other red players at...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Aurum Astrum [EDH].
    After getting trounced by high-power decks while trying to use my Legends legends, I played at the same table. The apparent consensus...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Bad Advice [EDH].
    Played this deck last night. Ledger Shredder put in work, but one of my opponents popped off and slaughtered the whole table pretty...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Kid Gloves [EDH].
    Well, this deck's first game was awkward. I kept a two-land hand and stalled out, discarding Fallen Angel to hand size. The next player...
  • Oversoul
    When I considered Tor Wauki as a commander option, it occurred to me that Repercussion might work well with that ability. So I built a...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread 'Tis the Season of Giving [EDH].
    I played this deck yesterday in a game that I'm counting as a win. And it's my count that matters here! :P Alright, so the clear...
  • Oversoul
    Oversoul replied to the thread Bad Advice [EDH].
    I threw this deck together on Tuesday night, then played it twice on Wednesday and once yesterday. Yikes, it's bad. I will need to...
  • Oversoul
    OK, Witch Enchanter is in here officially. This deck racked up another win. Under the threat of angel beatdown by a Giada deck, I used...