My Soap Opera


Cateran Emperor

[me]picks up Sleepy's bed, and smashes it over Nodnarb's head[/me]

Hey that rhymes!


You didn't add me you idot. I know someone to add. Check your pms. And add more info about me!


I second that.

Oh yea, cmon man Namielus would fit in perfectly...

[Edited by Namielus on 10-14-00 at 09:00 PM]


Whereas a faggot is a bundle of sticks. I never did fully comprehend the logic behind that particular choice of words as far as an insult is concerned... :)

Ya' know, this is the first time I've looked at this thread? It just kinda slipped past me every time I came in here up until now... Very cool, DW. Very cool indeed! I like the idea, all the CPA members in one school...

Oh, wait. No, I hate the idea. Can you imagine the chaos of an ENTIRE school made of casual MtG players? Good lord... The complete and utter destruction we would call down upon our surroundings. DUke, DW, and Nodnarb alone would be enough to send the place tumbling to the ground in a pyrotechnic display of high explosives ingeniously distributed throughout the infrastructure of the building...

(Hey, btw, you people _are_ aware that I am absolutely nothing like that, correct? :) I'm a loner by nature, I just tend to end up with people following me for some reason that streches far beyond anything so flimsy and inconsequential as logic and reason. And PJ having a crush on me? Someone's off the deep end... :) J/K)

Nice writing, all around, though! This will be fun to watch...


Zadok, I'm not like the char dw has down for me either...I had to laugh...

I was in the music group of people...There were 2 different band geek groups though...( I was in the group that didn't drink, mess around, or party; and that had real talent istead of pretending )...And I was called a 'Drama Queen' by some crazy teacher, but thats another story!...Well, I did get Actress in our senior year notales...Anyway...

But I think that different people viewed me as different things...The "snobs" viewed me as a scumbag because I didn't dress in the latest fashions, and I didn't care about it...And the "scumbags" viewed me as a snob because I'm in the upper classes and I walk with my head held up...Well I have been told I look kind of stuck up when I walk, oh well...Can't please everyone...


...yeah, that's IT!
I never read this whatever you wanna call it before---so execuse me:).

Almindhra, a cheerleader? LOL:D!

Zadok? What the hell is that? Zadok and Purple Girl? Yes, that's even funnier, if that's the word:).

Me? Bully? Yeah, just because I 'bully' you around Dw doesn't mean a thing:).

Those characters are so off! So off!

Oh well, it's your story, not mine, so, keep it up the way you want it, I guess:).

Keep it up, I THINK:)...

[Edited by DÛke on 10-15-00 at 08:56 PM]


Wow, I bet even a bird could get a date at this school (hint, hint, DW)!


Forget a bird I could. That is frightening. At my school I'd probably have to ask at least 10 girls and then maybe I would have a chance.


New Character:

Hawiian Mage: B+ student. Very random. Very cool. Can be violent at times. Came from Hawaii, surfer dude.

Maro-Multani: Psycho girl who runs around kissing random guys and disappearing. Myth: Whereever she goes, trouble and controversy will follow.

Apollo: The school mascot. A majestic dove that brings luck.

Sleepy: Randomly collapses in hallways and goes to bed.

Thallid ice cream man: ONE WORD: RANDOM

Old woman: Preaches randomly to those who need it

Purple sits in her bed crying:

Old woman comes in…

Old woman: Do not cry young girl remember:

It was not real acceptance of ourselves we received as children, just an absence of condemnation of the aspects we hid. Conditional love created many trauma knots in us as children which we then later as adults need to untie.

Old woman disappears into thin air

Purple: Wait! Wait! What do you mean?

Purple dresses to go to the dance, not actually to dance but to watch and talk with her friends in a desperate attempt to become happier

Hours later Purple goes to the dance.
Slow dance is put on…

Erin is teaching Darsh how to slow dance…

Erin: Okay put you hand around my waist and just rotate in a circle with your feet

They start dancing:

Erin: Two things, stop grabbing my butt and take your hand from anywhere close to my butt You naughty naughty boy!

Darsh gives a sad puppy face


Darsh smiles and …..


Darsh: come on baby, baby!

Erin and Darsh once again commence with their non sexual but intimate intercourse (making out)

Thallid Ice Cream One: Okay I’m your DJ! The next one’s for you naughty boys out there! THALLID G IS IN THE HOUSE!

Hawiian Mage sits there…

Hawiian Mage: This is such a slutty school!

Hawiian Mage: She’s a slut, he’s a slut

Zadok001: Did you just call me a slut?

Hawiian Mage: No, I called you an um, an, um, a chut!

Zadok001: You callin me somethin in yur weird Hawiian language that you think I can’t understand?

Zadok001 uses his strong football muscles and starts beatin up Hawiian Mage.

Jaws10387: It would be a nice disco light if I just attach these fireworks and light them on…..

Jaws10387: FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!!!!! EVERYONE GET OUT!!!!!

A fire leaps up in the middle of the gym and everyone screams while running out….

Apollo the school bird and mascot is stuck hanging on a cage high above the gym floor

Animal lover psycho girl: OH NO THE APOLLO! MY POOR BIRDY IS GOING TO DIE!

Sleepy hears her and gets up casually walks into the gym and gets Apollo

Animal lover psycho girl: THANK YOU THANK YOU! WHAT CAN I DO TO REPAY YOU?

Sleepy: Just tell me you love to sleep

Animal lover psycho girl: I do

Sleepy: Here try my bed, it’s the newest in comfy technology..

Animal lover psycho girl: Okay but I don’t think beds could be as comfy as you say they are- OHHHHHHH! It is comfortable

Sleepy gets in bed with her and they fall fast asleep while Apollo checks out some hot doves in the pet shop window across the street

What will happen in the next zany adventures. Tune in and fine out on the next: THE CPA, MY CPA!


This use to be about 6 pages but it was not making sense so I cut it down.


You didn't add someone. I'm gonna kill you tommorrow. You should have posted the 6 pages and sngle spaced them.


How long do I have to wait? This will keep me from killing you if you post it or pm it to me or send it to me via yahoo instant messanger. I wanna know what happens!