Call for Second Singleton Ultimate Draft


CPA Trash Man
Well, I knew that, too. But, him drafting Metalwork signaled to me that the immediate future (next few rounds) was when he was going to go for the pieces.

Ransac, cpa trash man

Modus Pwnens

I planned it as soon as I analyzed the previous draft, getting the lotus was only a lucky coincident :)

Oh, and Ransac, I value Metalworker higher than the Academy, and I couldn't risk anyone else getting it.
But don't worry, I still have lots of picks up my sleeve, hopefully you'll leave me in peace for a while now :(

Budget Player Cadet

Where's mooseman? Better question-what happens if he doesn't show up soon?

Modus Pwnens

Just a thought, but why don't we do, instead of a swiss pairing system, let everyone play everyone once (best of three). This should avoid the advantages of a lucky pairing (as some decks simply perform better against others).

If there's a tie after everyone has played 7 matches, we can have the tied players do another match to decide.

PS: I got the idea after I read Ransacs comment about 1 year drafting, then playing 3 games.


CPA Trash Man
That's what we were supposed to do with the last draft. Unforunately, after 2 rounds, members had less time to check the site and the whole thing got abandoned for the most part.

Ransac, cpa trash man

Modus Pwnens

Hmm, I suppose we should start with Swiss, then if there's more time, we can play other people as well?

Modus Pwnens

Oh great, my computer just crashed, and even though I saved my draft-comments, the entire file got corrupted, so I'll have to start again :(

Life sucks


Isengar Tussle
Ransac said:
Mooseman is on! The draft can continue!!!!
And so are you..... Mindmaster???????? Are you going to take your turn? you have been slacking in the other games.....


CPA Trash Man
I HAVE been slacking in other games! BUT, with the exception of the 2HG one going on, I update all of them when I actually play them. :D

Anyway, good pickup on the Academy. I'm surprised that it lasted this long. Even in decks that don't run lots of artifacts, just a few makes this card worth it.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Isengar Tussle
Don't be a hater....... well at least not to me.... Who had to open their yap and let me know I had better get it now or not at all?

Modus Pwnens

That would be Budget "big-mouth" Player "Steal Modus' freakin cards" Cadet :D