Let's test your knowledge about magic



That's fine. These games suck anyway. You know...I here there's this cool game you can play with these little cardboard rectangle thingies. It's weird though, you have to keep turning them sideways and stuff. That and they cost a whole lot and most of them are never used.

Oh, well. Back to making levels for UT. I need a good DM level idea...any thoughts?


Two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck and a duck in the middle. how many ducks? (Not 5)

A man is driving his car without its lights on, the streets lights are not on, and there is no moon. A black cat runs in front of him. He brakes quickly and avoids it. How did he see the cat?

It takes 3 mins to boil 1 egg. How long does it take to boil 3 eggs? (Not 9)

On what side of the cup does the handle belong?

What kind of dog has four legs but never runs?

Where are potatoes grown?

If you hop out of your flop, to drop by the shop for a mop, and to top it off, your pop is a cop, what should you do when you come to a green light?

You have a wooden barrel filled with water. what can you put in it to make it lighter?

There are 2 babies born on the same day at the same time in the same month in the same year at the same hospital from the same biological mother. How is it possible they are not twins?

What word in the English Language is always spelled incorrectly?

What can you keep even after giving it to someone else?

What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?

The more of these you take, the more of them you leave behind.


here are some more!

I live alone in a small house with no doors or windows, and when I leave I must break through the walls.

What is is that you will break when you call it by name?

What fastens two people yet touches only one?