Yet another werewolf game


Well-known member
Curses, I'm very surprised that you guys didn't believe Ericbess's story about his special power.


Well for myself I didn't think 2 players would have powers, it seemed like killerjoe had claimed one by why of pronouncing mooseman innocent a few times.Spiderman didn't hear back from joe so since knowing 1 player to be innocent seemed more inline with twists we have seen before I voted for eric.That and ericbess's last statement felt like that sceen out of princess bride with the iocain powder.Anyway congrats limited good game.


CPA Trash Man
SO, to go ahead, yes I was indeed the seer. I had a horrible pairing of being a very shady character and the guy with all the knowledge at the same time.

That just goes to show you: shady characters aren't always bad. AND good characters aren't always good, either.


Ransac, cpa trash man


Wooooo HOOooOOOO!!

I was really tempted to break the tie, but it would have been a dead give away. Especially when EricBess totally saw what was going on.. Train, why did you vote for EricBess and not for me?

Oh, and:


I'd be willing to lead this one, if there are no other takers..


The Tentacled One
I thought everyone might want to know what the twist was here. Once Limited chose to eat Spiderman instead of EricBess, there was only one actual villager left and the villagers had no way to win. Here's what EricBess saw at the beginning of the game.

Oversoul said:
You happened to get the surprise I was talking about. This game will be harder for you than it will be for anyone else...

You've been cautious about investigating this crisis. You're a villager in Monster Canyon, but you're not quite a normal villager...

Unbeknownst to the other villagers, you are a member of the Laotian Anti-Werecreature Society. Being one of their best agents, you were sent to live in Monster Canyon (a particularly problematic region) years ago. During your stay, you've had to deal discreetely deal with some weresquirrels and werefoxes. But this is the moment you've been waiting for.

However, you know it's not as simple as hanging the two werewolves. Your society knows that lycanthropy is contagious. These backwater hicks would never listen, though. The only solution is to kill them all. You can return to Laos yourself for vaccination after this is all over.

Of course, this is a particularly daunting task. You're sure that if you hang the second wolf with only three other villagers standing beside you, your combat training will enable you to sneak attack the first and defeat the other two. But if there are more than three other villagers left, they may be able to overpower you.

Your training will protect you from the werewolves should they choose to go after you, but then they, at least, will know that you are not what you seem. You must elude them while simultaneously avoiding the lynch mob and let the two sides weaken each other. It's a dangerous job, but that's why they need someone like you to do it. Good luck, werewolf hunter.
I thought this would make it extremely difficult for him to win, but he made it down to the final day before the ghost council hanged him...


I really thought Ericbess was a wolf. Good game Limited!

And I'm always down for more Werewolf shenanigans.


Staff member
Wow. So EricBess had the task of getting the villagers down to 3 or less but avoid being hung himself AND being targetted by the wolves. Good job to make down to the final 3 then.

And congrats to Limited for making it all the way!

I'm always up for another game.


So, if EricBess would have voted for Train...

We would have hanged him, I would have tried to eat him during the night, he would have escaped and killed me during the day!

I would not have seen that coming :D


Except it wasn't that easy Limited. I understood it to mean that the werewolf's win condition still applied, so if it was just down to me and you Limited, I escape, but you win.

I'm very disappointed in all of you :) Especially since, had I been the wolf, I had "convinced" Limited to switch his vote. Why would I have risked the ghost counsil? There were at least 3 times I put myself in danger when I could have just sat back and gone with the flow...

I really can't believe that I was the only one that suspicious of why Limited hadn't been killed by the wolves yet. Part of me was convinced that train must be the wolf, but it just kept nagging me that Limited was still alive when he was so "obviously" a villager. Particularly when Spiderman was eaten, since Spiderman and myself had already thrown suspicion at each other...

Anyway, well played Limited. As for everyone else... :p:p:p ;)

Limited said:
I was really tempted to break the tie, but it would have been a dead give away.
Yep. I knew that once I sent it to the ghost counsil, it was going to stay there. Anyone changing their vote at that point would have been completely suspicious.


CPA Trash Man
Well, it was really a 50/50 shot picking the werewolf. On the night I was "killed", I used my seer powers to see that train was innocent. The rest of the council was going to vote for him to hang, but I informed them of my seerly findings. SO, it was either Limited or EricBess. The coin landed on tails. Our bad. :D

Ransac, cpa trash man


Isengar Tussle
One question:
Limited lead the voting to hang DF, was that part of a plan or was it a backstab?
Couldn't see DF going along with it....


Staff member
I think it was a plot to keep suspicion off one of the wolves - since he voted for the known wolf, we would think it would be less likely that he himself was a wolf.


Isengar Tussle
Spiderman said:
I think it was a plot to keep suspicion off one of the wolves - since he voted for the known wolf, we would think it would be less likely that he himself was a wolf.
But, he got DF hung or hanged!!! not a real good plan for DF......


I just randomly accused DF when he made some lenghty statement, just to get some kind of feud going between us. That way, if either of us was ever killed, the other would appear to be a villager.

Its hard to predict if the others will follow a baseless argument, but this time people suddenly went with it. At that time, I could not switch my vote so DF was sacrificed for the greater good (me :D).

In the end, the tactic seems to have worked pretty well ;)


Had the Seer still been around, Limited's ploy of killing a fellow wolf would have been very risky. Maybe I've just had more opportunities to play the wolf that others, but in order to succeed, you have to keep as much suspicion on everyone else as you possibly can.

By knowing the Seer was going to die, Limited did a great job of diverting suspicion from himself. Unfortunately for him, this left him in a position of not being able to keep suspicion on everyone else, since in the end, he had to choose a kill between myself, Spiderman, and train, all three of whom had been accused of being a wolf. I have to imaging that was a tough choice, Limited :D

Ransac - I actually kicked it to the ghost counsil because I was hoping that in your dying night you might have found out who the wolf was. Limited already mentioned that he wanted to change his vote, but realized it would make him look guilty if he did. The ghost counsil was very risky for the real wolf...

I'm still not sure what it was that made everyone suspect that I might have been a wolf. I figured I was safe because I could have just taken the victory by voting for train.


Staff member
I was voting for you because you kept creating ties and making me choose in one case and the ghost council in the last. It seemed you didn't want to draw attention to yourself by making someone go but wanted someone else to do your "dirty work" :)