Scattegories Scoring...



Blue - I'm sure it can be draining - and sometimes a break is all that's needed...:) :cool:

I have detachment issues. I still haven't gotten over Melrose Place being cancelled
You mean: "Everyone in this complex has slept with everyone else in this complex..."


Originally posted by train
You mean: "Everyone in this complex has slept with everyone else in this complex..."
That's the one! I had a huge crush on the short-haired blonde girl, but I don't really know why cuz she was such a wimp.

BigBlue, I'm sorry if we're driving you crazy. :(


It's ok... It really is... I went out a limb and tried something new - it just didn't work out the way I'd envisioned it... I didn't expect it to come off without some tweaking needed - but it was just a little more than I'd bargained for. And many players just gave up which is frustrating to see. I still haven't learned that I can't make everyone happy, but I keep trying and sometimes I get hammered which is how I felt.

It'll pass. I just need a break is all. I took too many things on at once... That's all.


Staff member
I don't mind the pan or rattle.

I'm still willing to start ShipWrecked but I think I need info from EricBess still...


Three answers in 2 weeks - one of the key reasons I put it to sleep.

Name of a Magazine:

Newsweek - Spiderman
News N Notes - Train - Obviously an Internet search... A journal of the St Louis Genealogical Society...
Natural New England - MikeyMike

Things you keep hidden:

Necklaces - Spiderman & Mikeymike
Nascar: The Need for Speed (autographed copy) - Train

College or University:

New Mexico University - Spiderman
Northwest Nazarene College - Train
Notre Dame de Namur University - MikeyMike

Something you'd find in a Living Room:

Napkins - Spiderman
The Naughty Nineties / One Night in the Tropics 2-pack - Train - I'm counting this as 2 for the first part - the second part is a stretch.
Nylon Carpeting - MikeyMike

Pizza Topping:

Norwegian Nokkelost (cheese) - Train
Nori - MikeyMike

Round Scores:

MikeyMike - 6
Train - 11
Spiderman - 3

Final Scores:

Train - 48
Mikeymike - 43
EricBess - 38
TomB - 29
Spiderman - 23
Sagerider 15
Istanbul - 13
Azreal - 4
SeFro - 4