Scattegories Scoring...


Staff member
I forgot to answer this? Geez... that'll teach me (I hope).

I have to agree that adjectives should not be allowed, but don't let that discourage you, sageridder! Keep playing!


I'll agree that UNNECESSARY adjectives should not be counted. But consider my example word by word.

Indigo inflections in the idea for the Iridescent Drake

Now, Indigo needs to stay, otherwise we have no idea what kind of inflections we're talking about.
Inflections needs to stay because it's the principal noun, what the phrase is all about.
Idea, I could see leaving. -1 on that.
Iridescent needs to stay, otherwise we're left asking, 'indigo inflections in what?'.

I think this should be worth 3 points. If you're being really strict, it should be worth 2 points for 'indigo inflections' - it loses much of the intent of the original phrase, but it still works on its own. But 1 point? I don't see it.


I'm going to review the rules again and make a decision - it was late last night when I was scoring...

I am not going to knock someone completely down - however I do agree with EricBess in keeping a control on things.

I propose that unless the rules specifically deny adjectives that I will allow one adjective which makes sense... An incisor can definately be impacted.

I am also going to make a correction to the "Blue responses". Upon further review, things that "CAN" be blue are not things that are blue... So the Infiniti answers should not count - you can certainly have a blue infiniti - but not all infiniti's are blue.


I was really just trying to make a point, not to stir up a wasp's nest. I agree that "relevant" adjectives should count, but I think that it needs to be something natural that makes sense. For example, a "Hot-Air Balloon" literally changes the meaning, even though "Hot-Air" is an adjective. On the other hand "Blue Balloon" does not.

There are times when a specific adjective will make the word fit the category. For example, "things that are painful" would be "impacted incisor", while I don't agree that "impacted incisor" should be allowed for "part of the body".

BigBlue - It's your game, so you need to determine the level you will allow, but this game is a lot funner if it isn't just about trying to come up with one additional adjective to score that extra point. Just my thoughts - I'll go with whatever you decide.


How the hell did three of us get "Internal Iliac Artery"? :D

I agree on the whole adjective thing, it turns this into a different game.

Regarding Istabul's Iridescent Drake answer, when I look at the card I do see light Inflections and some are Indigo. I can see this answer being tough to score and swinging either way, but Istanbul has a very valid point.

The real problem with an answer like this is the precedent that a "Yes" would set. I don't think anyone wants to get into semantic debates over specific answers after every round.

I think he should get 2 myself (for Inflections and Iridescent), but the line in the sand is tough to make out. And I apologize if I've overstepped my boundaries BigBlue.

Regarding something like color, I don't think any points should be allowed unless it has factual or literal attachment to the rest of the answer.

Abyss Blue Pearl Acura (Abyss Blue Pearl is Acura's actual name for the color)

Pink Panther

That's just my take. Scattegories is a great game, and in a social setting these sometimes goofy answers are the ones that are the most fun - whether they score or not. As long as no one takes anything personally, and all answers get held to the same guidelines.


With regard to Istanbul's answer - the way I read it the Indigo Inflections were referring to the Idea - not the drake...

"Indigo Inflections in the Ideas for the Iridescent Drake"

Does not equal

"Indigo Inflections in the Iridescent Drake"

I do not want to convert Scattegories to "Adjective Festival"

Therefore I will be discounting all adjectives from now on unless I really feel convinced that they belong... EricBess example is a fine example - a Hot-air Balloon gives a different picture than merely a Balloon to most people.

I'm rescoring round 3 below.

Part of the Body:
Internal Iliac Artery (Mikeymike, EricBess, & train)
Inner Ear (Istanbul & TomB)
impacted incisor (Sagerider) - 2

Article of Clothing:
Isotoners (Mikeymike) - 1
Insoles (Istanbul & EricBess)
IZod slacks (Train - Sorry Train the Inseam is not an article of clothing - merely a measurement) - 1
Ice Skates (TomB) - 1
insulated jacket - (Sagerider) - 1

Things you throw away:
Iodine Swabs (Mikeymike) - 1
Invitational Information (Istanbul) - 2
Ideas (EricBess) - 1
Incandescent Industrial lightbulbs (Train) - 2
Instructions (TomB - a man after my own heart...) - 1
Igloo coolers (Sagerider) - 1

Famous Duos and Trios:
Ike & Tina Turner (Mikeymike & Sagerider)
Ignatz & Krazy (Istanbul) 1
Indigo Girls (EricBess) 1
Iphicles, Heracles, and Iolaus (train - show me where they did something as a trio...)
Isley Brothers (TomB) 1

Things that are Blue:
Immobilizing Ink (MikeyMike) - 2
Inflections in the Iridescent Drake (Istanbul) - 2
Iris (EricBess) - 1
Infiniti I35 Interior (train) - 2 points because TomB also used Infiniti
Infiniti I30 (TomB) - 1 point because train also used the Infiniti.
infected index fingernails (Sagerider) - 0

Round Scores -

Mikeymike 4
Istanbul 5
EricBess 3 + 2 for getting me the lists I wanted.
train 5
TomB 4
Sagerider 4

Overall Scores -

EricBess - 24
Mikeymike - 21
TomB - 17
Train - 16
Istanbul - 13
Spiderman - 9
Azreal - 4
SeFro - 4
Sagerider 4

If you still have issue with this scoring, I'm sorry but as final arbiter I feel I have to place limits on adjectives and since the rules do not explicitly disallow them I will allow 1 with guidelines laid out in the trial thread below.


Wow... I'm actually coming in at the tail end of something...

Anyone watch the Super Bowl... Halftime show...

Janet/Justin - who'd a thunk it?!...:eek:


Something you'd find in a bathroom
Clinique City Cover Compact Concealer (City Light Pink) (Sagerider) 6 and that is the official name of the product.
Cotton Towels (Spiderman) 1
Cafe Cologne (Mikeymike) 2
Custom cabinets (TomB) 2
Comode (EricBess) 1
Cellex-C Betaplex Clear Complexion Cream (Train) 4 (the hyphen eliminates that other C)

A Color
Cotton Candy from Crayola (Sagerider & Mikeymike)
Cornflowerblue (Spiderman) 1
Cerulean Cornflower (TomB) 2 I looked up Spideys and it is one word so they are different.
Cyan (EricBess) 1
Charcoal Gray (Train) 1

Astronomical Term
Cosmological Constant (Sagerider) 2
constellation (Spiderman) 1
Cosmic Collisions (Mikeymike) 2
Celestial Coordinate Conversions (TomB) 3
Cosmos (EricBess) 1
Coronagraph (Train) 1

Fruit or Vegetable
Colombian Chicory (Sagerider) 2
Cauliflower (Spiderman) 1
Chinese Cabbage (Mikeymike) 2
Celery (TomB) 1
Cabbage (EricBess) 1 - completely Different from Chinese Cabbage...
Cermai (Train) 1

Title of a Book
La Catira (Sagerider) 1
Coronagraph (Spiderman) 1
Chilton's Repair Manual Chevrolet Camaro (Mikeymike) 3
Cataclysm: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 BC (TomB) 4
The Count of Monte Cristo (EricBess) 2
Crazy Colour Quick Reference Card for Computer RSI (Train) 4 -

Cumulative Score:

EricBess - 30
Mikeymike - 30
TomB - 29
Train - 27
Sagerider 15
Spiderman - 14
Istanbul - 13
Azreal - 4
SeFro - 4


I have just a quick question...

Did sagerider get credit for both "City" in his bathroom category?...


I'm sure I'd do decent - but definitely not as well...

"Yeah, this one's got a big imagination on him God..."
"Well... we can't handle him in heaven anymore... put him on Earth..."

*infant train suddenly appears in the emergency room...*


Originally posted by Spiderman
I wonder how we'd all do if we had the time limit and no access to look things up :p
[feigned disgust] Look things up? Why I have no clue what you might be talking about! [/feigned disgust] :D


Yes he did. Just like EricBess got 8 points for De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da not 3.

I went to Clinique's website, and that is the name of the product including one of the color choices many of which included City in the color description. I allowed it as such if you'd like to throw it to a vote, I guess we can...


No - no vote... I was just wondering...

"Now I know to look for colors of something(in the actual name)!...";)


I would just like to point out that there is only one answer this entire game that I have actually "looked up" and that was Internal Illiac Artery. All of the rest were 100% things that I came up with on my own.

And yes, "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da" was pretty much the first thing that I thought of for that one. I even ran to my CD collection to make sure that it really was called that.

Concerning the extra point for "City", I don't have a problem with the fact that the word is used twice in the same answer so much as the fact that adding the color on the end like that really doesn't significantly change the meaning, so it is effectively an adjective at that point. Still, I don't think it's a big enough issue to throw to a vote.


I tell you this about this game... I liked the concept... I tried the concept... and I probably will never run it again.

I truly love the game, but I don't think it ports well to this format of play.

I have a question for you folks... If an item can fit the category but doesn't always is it a valid answer?

Let's go back to the Blue things answer...

Infiniti I35 Interior... Not all Infiniti I35 Interiors are blue... I was half tempted to disallow it except that I'm not sure how difficult the game should be - the more persnickety you get with the rules I think the more bizarre the answers will get...

In the Real Life version of the game, that answer would probably be shot down unless someone in the game owned an Infiniti I35 with a blue interior... I'm just curious if I'm way off base here.

It becomes a rather sticky question if you apply it to all categories - like the bathroom one. Not everyone has that clinique product in their bathroom... But it wasn't worded as something in YOUR bathroom either...

To be fair to Sagerider - maybe his girlfriend or another femaile friend uses that product which is why he knew it... I wouldn't even know where to start looking for scattegories answers online.

Say Spiderman - speaking of looking things up on the Internet... Any chance we'll see Balderdash again? :D another similar game to that which I enjoy is Acrophobia where you put up a string of letters and each player uses those to form an Acronym with all players voting on which acronym they like best (not necessarilly based on reality)... In the case of duplicates the first one to answer get's to keep it... points are based on votes garnered (you cannot vote for your own) If I ran that one the Acronym would be on Monday and the voting would start Wednesday with the results on Friday... but I'm getting a little buried...


It probably depends on the group. The game itself says that you can be creative with your answers. And I know when I play, we usually speak in terms of generics.

However, we are really picky about adjectives and only using things that really specifically "answer the question". So, for the car, we would have probably allowed "Infinity" and perhaps even "Infinity I35". The fact that it is in "interior" would probably be tossed out. And the fact that someone else also put "Infinity I30" would have probably gotten each other cancelled out. While they are not "technically" the same answer, they are for all practical purposes.

"Clinique City Cover Compact Concealer" would have probaly been challenged and reduced to either "concealer" or "compact". Of course, IRL, no one is going to come up with all of that witout looking it up. Specifics would be allowed for certain categories. For example, "Tazo Tea" would be acceptable for "Brand Names", but if the category were "Hot Drinks", we would challenge "Tazo" and only allow "Tea" because at that point, the brand becomes an adjective that doesn't add any additional pertenant information.

We don't usually deal with "factual" unless it is blatant. For example, I don't have a "compact" in my bathroom, but it is the type of thing that would be located there. We probably wouldn't allow "Cards" as something that you keep in a bathroom (even if that person did) unless there were some internal joke or something where everyone playing knew that someone there actually did keep cards in his bathroom.

I think it must have been my fault. Everyone was doing fine until I got that 8-point answer and then everyone started throwing out crazy answers to just get one more word in.

I mean, sagerrider was playing for the first time as he said, but he wasn't the only one to go crazy that round.