Scattegories Scoring...



I'm going to break these down by Category...

Band Name (or artist eg Elton John not Jimmy Page):

Tina Turner (Spiderman) - 2
The Harmony Two Tones (TomB) - 2 **** in the future this will be 0 - Harmony is H not T
Tool (SeFro) - 1
The Captain and Tennille (train) - 1 **** see Harmony Two Tones - Captain is C not T
Tony! Toni! Toné! (mikeymike) - 3
Thompson Twins (EricBess) - 2

State Capital: ***note I didn't say US State***

Trenton (Spiderman, TomB, & EricBess) - 0
Tepic City - Nayarit Mexico (SeFro) - 1
Toronto - Ontario Canada (train) - 1
Topeka (mikeymike) - 1

Brand Name:

Tylenol (Spiderman) - 1
Tostitos (TomB) - 1
Tide (SeFro) - 1
Tom's (train) - 1
Tazo Tea (mikeymike) - 2
Toyota Tercel (EricBess) - 2


Thailand (Spiderman) - 1
Tuvalu (TomB) - 1
Tanzania (SeFro & EricBess) - 0
Transylvania (train) - 1 ***It's now part of Romania, but I'll allow it.
Trinidad & Tobago (mikeymike) - 2 ***that's really the name...

Political Leader:

Tutu, Desmond (Spiderman) - 1
Thomas Jefferson (TomB) - 1
Taylor, Zachary (SeFro) - 1
Tom Osborne (train) - 1
Thatcher, Margaret (mikeymike) - 1
Truman, Harry (EricBess) - 1


Spiderman - 5
TomB - 5
SeFro - 4
train - 5
mikeymike - 9 **Very nice.**
EricBess - 6

All in all, I'm pretty pleased with the answers. I clarified the rules in the original announcement thread - taken directly from the rules. From now on - Answers must begin with the letter - additional words in the answer which also start with the letter will get bonus points - again articles of speech do not count as words (the, and, etc...) When you give a name, you can list it first then last or last then first but the first letter listed must be the letter.

Round 2 coming up...

I just realized I did not start this game last Wednesday when I thought I did... I apologize to anyone who was going to send me answers Tomorrow . . .


Staff member
Man, Mikeymike is laying the smackdown already...

I can't believe three of us thought of the same US state capitol. I was trying to choose which one to go...


Yep, Spidey. There were 3 US state capitols and I was trying to think of the one that fewer people were likely to put. Guess I wasn't the only one thinking that way :D I did consider trying to get a non-US state, but didn't feel like taking the time...

I must be too used to WWYT. I'm the only one that got 2 of their answers axed.

Good job MM. Way to pull in the doubles and triples.


I'm pacing myself...

Points in all categories is what matters...;)


Damn, I suck at this game! Lowest. Score. Ever.

Well, at least this time I know more than one word per answer gets more points. :D


Yeah, that part I get. But see, he forgot to say "no made up stuff" and half you guys already sent in your crap! So, as long as I make up my own stuff, send it in, and then make a web page with those made up answers as correct "Yes, DING DANG DONG DENG DUNG DOO DAI DOO DITTO is a real name!!!"

I'm gonna rock this game! :D


While I know that was a joke... I would like to clarify that the answers must be correct and verifiable... :D


I'm keeping the results all together...

Potent Potable:

Daquiri (Istanbul & EricBess) - 0
Dawson (Train) - 1
Don Julio Tequila (MikeyMike) - 1
Damiana Liqueur (TomB) - 1
Daniels, Jack (Spiderman) - 1

Magic card:

Deepwood Drummer (Istanbul & Spiderman) - 0
Devouring Strossus (Train) - 1
Demonic Consultation (Azreal) - 1
Day of the Dragons (MikeyMike) - 2
Drift of the Dead (TomB) - 2
Daunting Defender (EricBess) - 2

Fictional character:

Dick Dastardly (Istanbul) - 2
Death (Train) - 1
Drizzt Do'Urden (Azreal & Spiderman) - 0
Dirk Diggler (MikeyMike) - 2
Donald Duck (TomB) - 2
Dare Devil (EricBess) - 2

Song Title:

Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap) (Istanbul) - 4
Do Wa Diddy (Train) - 2
Devil's Dance Floor (Azreal) - 2
D-D-Don't Don't Stop the Beat (MikeyMike) - 2 (those first D's are part of 1 word)
Doctor! Doctor! (TomB) - 2
De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da (EricBess) - 8 [The Police, nice find]
Do you Hear (What I hear?) (Spiderman) - 1


Diane Duane (Istanbul) - 2
Dante Alighieri (Train) - 1
Denning, Troy (Azreal) - 1
Dostoevsky, Fyodor (MikeyMike) - 1
Dan van der Vat (TomB) - 1 (der is an article - "the")
Dahl, Roald (EricBess) - 1
David Drake (Spiderman) - 2

Istanbul - 8
Train - 6
Azreal - 4
MikeyMike - 8
TomB - 8
EricBess - 13 (Holy cow! It's amazing what an 8 pointer gets you.)
Spiderman - 4

Overall Scores -

EricBess - 19
Mikeymike - 17
TomB - 13
Train - 11
Spiderman - 9
Istanbul - 8
Azreal - 4
SeFro - 4


Staff member
Argg! How could someone else pick Deepwood Drummer out of all those choices! :p

And I knew picking the drow elf was risky with Azreal... oh well.


My sister has bred a high amount of Scattegories competitive edge into me. It has made me stronger...faster...better...

Wow EB, HUGE pick up on that Police song. I've never seen anything above a 5-pointer before, and you picked up 8! Awesome

A nice pick-up as well by Istanbul with AC/DC

:D I figured "D-D-Don't Don't Stop the Beat" was worth a shot, but I knew those damned hyphens were going to screw me.


And worrying all week that someone else was going to get it too... :D

Interesting. It looks as if the song "Do Wah Diddy" by DJ Otzi was later remade by Manfred Mann and called "Do Wah Diddy Diddy". I already had my answer in by the time I thought of that song, but looks like you missed out a point, train, by not including the other "Diddy"...

Azreal the Soulmaster

Sorry Spidey I saw the category and the letter "D" and couldn't resist, I figured it might get a couple of points since no one else would risk it as the name is in my sig and all.


Nice round for everyone - well - except those of us getting smashed by an 8-pointer!!!...:eek: :D :cool:


This was a difficult round, and I got some very interesting (and somewhat bizarre) answers... I'm going to allow some and disallow at least parts of others based on a real stretch...

Part of the Body:
Internal Iliac Artery (Mikeymike, EricBess, & train)
Inner Ear (Istanbul & TomB)
infected & inflamed impacted incisor (Sagerider) - 4

Article of Clothing:
Isotoners (Mikeymike) - 1
Insoles (Istanbul & EricBess)
IZod slacks (Train - Sorry Train the Inseam is not an article of clothing - merely a measurement) - 1
Ice Skates (TomB) - 1
indigo inlaid in ivory insulated icefishing jacket - (Sagerider - I'll allow an indigo insulated jacket - but I could not find any inlaid or icefishing specific jackets) - 2

Things you throw away:
Iodine Swabs (Mikeymike) - 1
Invalid Invitational Information from Ineffectual Internet Sites (Istanbul - I'm giving 4 points for the first 3 I's and Internet)
Ideas (EricBess) - 1
Indoor Incandescent Industrial light bulbs (Train) - 3
Instructions (TomB - a man after my own heart...) - 1
imperfect & irregular igloo insulated coolers (Sagerider - I'll accept Igloo Insulated cooler - but imperfect and irregular? you'd return it not throw it out) - 2

Famous Duos and Trios:
Ike & Tina Turner (Mikeymike & Sagerider)
Ignatz & Krazy (Istanbul) 1
Indigo Girls (EricBess) 1
Iphicles, Heracles, and Iolaus (train - show me where they did something as a trio...)
Isley Brothers (TomB) 1

Things that are Blue:
Immobilizing Ink (MikeyMike) - 2
Indigo Inflections in the Ideas for the Iridescent Drake (Istanbul - again I feel I have to limit this - I'm sorry I don't see Indigo Inflections... I just don't see how Idea's or their inflections are blue... 1 point for the Drake)
Iris (EricBess) - 1
Infiniti I35 Interior (train) - 2 points because TomB also used Infiniti
Infiniti I30 (TomB) - 1 point because train also used the Infiniti.
infected & ingrown index finger nails (Sagerider - I cannot give you infected again since you used it in your first answer) 2

I have to be honest with you, I like my categories better - at least I didn't get such bizarre answers as people scrambled for every I word they could think of...

Round Scores -

Mikeymike 4
Istanbul 6
EricBess 3
train 6
TomB 4
Sagerider 10

Overall Scores -

EricBess - 22
Mikeymike - 21
TomB - 17
Train - 17
Istanbul - 14
Sagerider 10
Spiderman - 9
Azreal - 4
SeFro - 4

No one got me those lists 5-8 yet... I'll give two bonus points to the person who get's me them first... and 1 to everyone who get's me them afterwards. :D


Indigo is a form of dark blue. Inflections are like highlights. If nothing else, you should give me credit for Indigo Inflections in the Iridescent Drake...look at the art.


I call foul....

You cannot allow adjetives. Otherwise, you get into things like "beautiful big blue balloon" for "things in a park". The point of the game isn't to see who can come up with the most adjectives that start with the letter.


infected, inflamed, and impacted -3 for sagerrider.
indigo inlaid ivory insulated...Personally, "icefishing jacket" is even a stretch, but it differenciates a specific item, so -1 more for sagerrider.

Invalid...what?? Another stretch, but I would be willing to believe "invalid information" -2 for Istanbul

Light bulbs? Incandescent Light bulbs specify something different, but "indoor and Industrial" don't differenciate -2 for train.

igloo insulated cooler? A huge stretch as it is not something you would typically think of something to throw out. I say -2 more for sagerrider (up to -6)

Case in point "Imobilizing Ink" is strickly different than "ink" because now it refers to a blue magic card, so that is a legitimate 2-pointer.

Infinity I35 Interior is pushing it.

Infected and Ingrown Index fingernail? I would believe -ingrown- (infected wouldn't be blue) fingernail, but that would be -7 total for sagerrider.

Mikeymike - 4
Istanbul - 4
EricBess - 3
train - 4
TomB - 4
Sagerrider - 3

And I feel that would be generous because personally, I don't think some of those answers even merit the time of day.

Bigblue - your call, but I don't think a standard challange would really work at this point since half of the players went for broke on the adjectives. However, I will say that if this game turns into an adjective fest starting this round, I will probably just bow out because it defeats the purpose of the game.


Staff member
I didn't even think to start in on the myriad of creative and inventive adjectives you guys came up with. I've never played the game before, but that just seems wrong to me...:(


Here it is.I've never played this before and as such wasn't sure how to play.Here is a copy of the pm I sent.

scattagories round 3
If I'm gonna join this late I gotta swing for the fences.I've never played scatagories before so if I've played incorrectly please just send me a pm to tell me so instead of posting this.

Part of the Body- infected & inflamed impacted incisor (bad tooth)

Article of Clothing- indigo inlaid in ivory insulated icefishing jacket (blue/purple icefishing jacket with white inlay i saw in LL bean)

Things you throw away-imperfect & irregular igloo insulated coolers (bad cooler)

Famous Duos and Trios- the infamous ike & tina turner (duo from 70's)

Things that are Blue- infected & ingrown index finger nails ( they go blue ,purple ,yellow ect. but they do go blue)

Trust is indeed a shiny jewel,set in the stone of friendship.And much like any other stone can be use to crush the skulls of those unsuspecting.To clear the path for me to claim my rightfull place as master of all I survey.
.~ ~(_)==(_)...™

I simply wasn't sure what I could or couldn't put in an item description.So be it, I bow out.The igloo cooler thing was from a cousin the worked on the line at igloo in product quality, so from that point of view the bad ones would be thrown out.