RPG Chapter One... In the Court of the King



"Caplon, I am more comfortable trusting others with legwork in the city. If it's all the same to you, I would prefer to stay here and assist with the Queen and the royal family. Give an outsider's view as it were. After all, she did personally request my assistance."


Staff member
"I agree, depending on how many people are going out into the town. Trying to attack the problem from different angles might help, which is why I suggested we make a list of possible enemies of the king and investigate from that end."


To all players -

Caplon says, "As for enemies of the King, I can think of none. This is not a time of war, and the King was most loved by the common folk out of all kings in history. No rouge or land hungry lord comes to mind, or anyone who may wish the king ill. Also, and I most likely need not tell you this, but keep the king's death under your hoods. The news of his death could cause great unrest in the kingdom, something we need not at this time."


"I'll visit the apothecaries and make a list of all the poisons purchased recently. The guards and anyone else willing will come with me."

"Caplan, Are the apothecaries in walking distance? "

"Could there be any place other than the Apothecaries where poison could be purchased?"


I raise my eyebrows at Dorgath, "Thirsty?"

To Deyja - "I can't speak for the swamps. In a typical city dynamic, one could also find poisons among the dead. Um...those who chose the slums, that is. However, they are very unreliable and as likely to send one looney for a few hours as to kill. I suspect whoever did this deed didn't leave that much to chance."

To Caplon - "The Queen is nobility and therefore understands that she will need to pause her grieving to speak with us. However, we should pay her enough respect to allow a bit of time. I suggest we speak with those responsible for handling the King's wine first."


Staff member
"Well, actually, yes, that dancing gives you quite a thirst! But not for that particular wine... what I was thinking was that we could tell if the whole bottle/cask was contaminated or just the king's glass (if the king only drank that certain wine, for example)."

Prince RXI

To Caplon-
"I don't think that I would be of any help here in the city. My place is in the wild. If you find anything, go outside the city and just whistle."

To Dayja-
"If you find any of these at that shop, can you pick up a pouch of Tesna roots, 1 cup of corsen pollen, or a bottle of Cusclant necter? I'll repay you for them."

"So, I can go and search the outer areas? Good."

And with that, RXI walk out of the room, Egnesta and corwin flying at his sides.


Well-known member

*Rando, are rooms in the castle provided to the party guests or do the people generally have rooms in inns around the castle?*


To Adar -
Some of the more "noble" of the guests have acomodations in the castle. The rest must make there own way at an in or in the home of a freindly townsman. You and Aarian have your own rooms here in the castle.

To Dorgath -
Caplon says, "The skinny little man over there, serving the guests is the chief steward. He would be the person to talk to concerning wine."

To all players -
Caplon continues, "Now, if you don't mind, I must atend to the queen, and must make sure the crown prince is safe. Mr. Aarian? I think you said you would like to assist me?"


I walk back over to the poisoned chalise. Making myself Aquainted with the poison. Studying it's texture and smell, if any. I also take a small sample with me.

After compiling the physical charasteristics of the poison to memory I return to the group. "Well then, I shall be off. If this poison is rare or expensive I shall find out. However, If this is at every apothecary I fear I'll be wasting my time."

"Hanson, Ghernald, Lets get this part of the investigation over with."

I start to head but stop after a few paces. "I shall return as soon as all the Apothecaries in town are visited."

I wait shortly for any response or change in plan. If there is none I take the guards and head off.


"Ragnold, it would be wise to set up a conference room as a base of operations."

I dismiss myself and follow Caplon. He seems to have quite the aspirations. I can't help but wonder if he genuinely follows his king or if he has aspirations of his own. Regardless, he knows the local politics here better than I so I will give him the benefit of the doubt...for now.


"Good idea Prince Aarian. Caplon it would be more discreet to question the steward away from the crowd."


Staff member
I approach the steward.

"Sir? If I may have a moment of your time? I have a few questions to ask on behalf of Caplon and Ragnold."


To Deyja -
The two guards are at your service. One asks, "Are you familiar with this town? What is it you seek?"

To RXI -
While prowling around the outer walls of the caslte, and after having to talk your way out of more then one confrontation with the guards, you finnally come across something interesting. Beneath the southern most tower, you find a worn, beat up scarff, once green but now soiled and tattered.

To Aarian -
Caplon leads you out of the ball room and through a series of confusing hall ways. Each time you pass through a door or arch-way, you find your suroundings starkly differant then where you had just been. You realize that one would need a map of this castle to get around, at least until one has had a few weeks to familierize one's self with the lay out.

In one hall decorated in red velvet carpet and with dozens of historical tapestries on the walls, you and Caplon round a corner and see two figures at the end. They are maybe 50 feet away. One is small and lithe, and dressed in dark robes, the face hidden behind a deep hood.

The other figure is taller and more broad, and dressed in tattered and dirty coathing of multiple colors.

It seems that they were embracing, but when the two of you came around the corner they both took off through one of the dozen doors in this hall.

To Roland and Dorgath -
The steward straighteds up at your approach. "May I be of asistance?" he asks, his eyes looking a little worried.


"Interesting that one would wear such tattered robes this deep in the castle. What is the guard staff like in this area?" Meanwhile, I have no reason to suspect anything too illicit was going on, so I continue to follow Caplon.


To the Guards:
"Besides the main road that leads to this place I have no Idea. We must go to every Apothecary in this city. And perhaps outlying provinces if we have time. Now lets go."

With that Deyja impationtly waits for the guards to lead.


Staff member
"I would just like to ask you if anyone touched the king's cup or had access to the wine used. Is there a vat or barrel somewhere?"

Prince RXI

RXI thinks to himelf:
What is this? This scarf seems to be very old, and very valuable for the rarity of the cloth. But I sould check with the people at the castle to see if it's rare in this part of the land.

RXI looks down at his own green leather cloak, belt and boots.

Because mine's leather and this is not, I think that they would see the difference.

With that, RXI heads back to the castle.


OK...on with the game...

To Aarian -
Caplon looks at you for a moment and then back down the hall. "Was it just my eyes playing tricks upon me, or was there a vagabond in the halls of the castle? What would such a soul be doing prowling in here?" With that, he draws a short sword and runs down the hall towards the door the pair darted into.

To Deyja -
The two guards lead you out of the castle and into the city streets. After a short walk, they take you down a dark side-way and to the door of a dimly lit shop. The windows are covered in grime and a sign over the door reads, "Siphlin's Alchemy". It is one of very few shops in the area still open at this late hour.

To Roland and Dorgath -
The steward says to you, "Well, there are hundreds emploed in our kitchens. Only a few would have had access to the wine though. And I know for a fact that I cracked the cask that the king's drink came from just tonight, and served him myself. As for the cup, it would have been waiting for the king at the table when he arived in the hall this evening."