RPG Chapter One... In the Court of the King


Staff member
"Halfson, do not be afraid. We just want to ask a few questions. First, do you know where Steerton is?"


Well-known member

"Hmm, seems like someone was running through the bushes trying to get somewhere, only he lost this on the way. Judging from the smell, I'd say his point of departure was the kitchens, and seeing as how that is probably where these problems originated, I suggest that they be checked out. RXI would you care to accompany me to the kitchens. I feel the need for some more substantial food anyway. The only thing I dislike about these parties are that they try to outdo themselves with fluffy dishes and light airy food."

I'm going to head to the kitchen and if I don't know where that is I'll ask a servant.

Prince RXI

"Sorry, but I don't think I could stand it if I were to see an animal being eaten by a human. I'll just walk around and lossen some musles."

With that, RXI walks out of the room and takes a small tour of the castle.


I stare at the man coldly, Carefull not to show any emotions.

"I am Deyja Leoht, of the Nzumbe. As for why I as such questions, That is between me and my people." A scowl forms across my face. "Now I Grow impatient! Do you have it or not? I can bring my buisness elsewhere if needs be!"

As I speak I pull out a small Leather bag of the same make as my gloves and boots. I undue the sinue string and pull out a few gold coins. Hastily crafted, yet gold all the same. To see if that will help "pursuade" Siphlin to help me with what I want.

**In informal situations the Nzumbe use their clan as their last names.**

Prince RXI

I am still walking around the castle when, to my horror, I find myself...



I run screaming back to the main hall and crouch quivering in a corner and muttering about mad men, barbaric actionss, and the slaughter of innocent, young animals.