CPA:The Series



Gerode, you will be Ed's charioteer, and duel can be a fencer in Techno Land

In TechNo2, the town square, he troops were drilling, at the command of Duel, a fencer.
A young girl named Purple Jester was wandering through the land, and bumped into Ed's chariot

Gerode: Get out of the way before i impale you upon my SHINY spear!!!!

DUke steps from the chariots surrounding Ed's and as soon as he sees PJ, he falls in love, then remembers Ed is near him, and says:

DUke: Let her go....

As PJ moves out of the way, Gerode pulls out his SHINY trumpet

Gerode: Troops! Were going to war!!!!!

The Computer chip troops stand up and salute: 10.10101.

Gerode: ummm..what are they saying?

Duel: Dunno...

Ed stands up




Chips, chanting: 01010101010101010101!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DUke, looking at Orrg, makes a crazy sign and points to Ed

Ed, turning around: what???

DUke: uh...i were so gifted oh holy one for knowing Macish!


Suddenly, dozens of Rabid Mules stampede through the town...

Ed: FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Chips fight the Mules, and as the start to lose, they retreat into the the castle, somehow, in all the running, DUke and PJ are left behind....

A large man, in black armor, steps over to PJ and picks her up...DUke hides in some bushes...

PJ:Let me go, Dakkon!!

Dakkon: Never!! i shall smite you with my 32 fake Hammers of Bogarden!!! Bwa ha ha haaa!!!!

He throws her on a back of a dragon, and flies towards the caves of despair...

DUke stands up, looks around, and runs inside the Castle, and hides in his quarters...

Meanwhile...Well, i'm tired for now.. I'll be back...your turn dukey!
ps. make it about Dairy land with ransac, the young boy..


heheh... I'm a dog! YAY! Make me Ransac's guard dog in the next story.



ooh! ooh! when this thread loses its novelty, I should get to destroy the world in it!!!

Tzyver wants to SMASH!

(i'm the resident apocalyptic reaver mage)


When is Apollo gonna do something? I'm dying of suspense! (Yes, I know you like that, DUke)


Bad Mr.X. You will die in the story. you will be eaten by a rabid sheep...

As for Apollo, you will be in the Weird Al scene,(I'm listening to him right now...) and have maybe a little more than a cameo, not a main character.
DUke, PJ, Ransac, The Master, and Dakkon Blackblade are the main characters.......
I'm not even one....And ErinPuff has a pretty big role....

The forest won't be in it much....

The caves of despair blow up......

Apollo breaks the record for the most earwax eaten in a half hour.....

Lots of people die too....

DUke will do the next part....


He plays Magic!
He's Legend master!
How do i know?
If you go into his profile, and look for all his posts, it also shows Legend Master's posts. Therefore, Master is Legend Master!!!!


Ummm. OOOKKKAAAYYY... Yes. Do i die while trying to save Timmy from the fire in the barn?



Well, I'm sure DUke is writing some of this now, because he is in the CPA now, so i'm waiting....


...there was all kind of stuff going on the Techno Land...

<At the same time, in Dairy Land>

Ransac, as we know it, has grown into a good ol'almost-mature-young-thing...thanks to ErinPuff. This boy, was the boy she "helped" back in the day. He has grown, and has left ErinPuff. He felt "different" than everyone else. He just didn't feel that he belonged with all those normal people...or whatever they were...he felt that he belonged somewhere...somewhere nice...somewhere...a political place...He kind of felt like Neo (from The Matrix)...Ransac "knew" that something "was not right about his world".

He was working at the Milk Milk and More Milk shop in Dair Land. The shop was small, but it paid Ransac a lot of Milk Duds (The "money" in Dairy Land).

Ransac: Yeah, happy day to you to, Sir. <selling a product to a customer>

Ransac stands and has been a busy day.

Ransac: GREAT, here comes another customer...

<The new customer approaches>

Darsh: Yeah, I would like an order of 2 Goody Good Milk galons...

Ransac: <sigh> Would you like some Good Scent on that, sir...<he had said that line over and over again today>

Darsh: No, just make it 2 Goody Good Milk...

Ransac: ALL RIGHT! I keep asking customers to at least TRY the Good Scent product with their milk, but nobody does...ALL RIGHT, I'm quitting! <Ransac, being his crazy self, takes off running>

Darsh: HEY, where's my milk!

Ransac: Take all the milk you want! ALL OF IT! Take the store...I don't care. I'm Ransac, the garbage collector...

Darsh: <shouting since Ransac was getting far> I thought you were the milk guy...<thinking: "What the heck is Ransac is talking about>

Ransac: NO, I'm the trash eater...

Darsh: <sigh>

Ransac didn't know what he was talking about either, he was just running like an imature thing. He was hoping so bad to encounter destiny...and HE DID...

As he was running, he tripped and fell over, hitting an "object". It caused him pain, but...after popping all the stars and blastoderms that were spinning around his head...he could tell what the object was! It was...nothing more than a...a...MAN! He looked at the man. The man looked of an honorable class. The man was staring at Ransac in...a NICE way...although of Ransac's bad behavior...that's strange...

That's all for now, I'm out of ideas for Ransac right now. Take it away, Bob. :)


Ransac:wh-who are you???

The man: You don't know who I am???? Seriously???? Jeez, kids these days, never watch the news....I'm Bob!!!The King?!?!?!

Ransac just stares blankly

Bob:ugh....I'm going to The Weird house for the club meeting....

Ransac: My ma owns that!

Bob: ErinPuff's your mom? Hahaha...if you only knew....if you only knew.....

Ransac wonders if this "Bob" had too much Egg Nog....

Ransac goes looking through the trash, looking for something..

Ransac: Maybe i should just go the meeting....there might be somethin' in the trash there....

As Ransac walks down the road, and ses the sun, and looks at his few milk duds...he's so hungry....

Ransac: well, I guess this is putting your money where your mouth is....

Ransac eats the milk duds, and is walking down the road, and sees a litle dog sitting in the cold...he walks over to pet it.....

Ransac: YEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His fingers are red and burnt, as to his surprise the dog laughs...

Dog: woof!!!archmage!!!woof!!!woooooofff!!!!!59archmage!!!!!!woof!!!!!

ransac looks at the tag: |<9Archm@ge

Ransac walks away from the dog, but it follows him...he runs, but it runs after him...

Ransac:*sigh* C'mere you....

The Dog barks happily...


Well, Ransac made his way to the meeting, and watched through a crack, and saw his ma, thousands of pictures of weird al, and saw a large red bird, darsh, fat from the gallons of milk, and "Bob"....some others too..

Bob: Hey Darsh, "Who's that waddlin' down the street, it's just Darsh cuz he loves to eat!!"

Darsh: Cram it!!!

ErinPuff:Hey, guys, cut it out, or i'll carve your name on your back with an icepick!!!Apollo, do you have anything to say??
(Excuse my language)

The bird, Ransac realized was named Apollo said: No, but these two are stupider than starving, craze weasels!!!!

Bob: Hey, I'm the king! I'll shove that very same icepick under one of your toenails, or 2!!!!

Ransac didn't want to watch this wacky stuff, so he decided to go to techno land....

So, after he crossed the gate, he saw a man in fine robes hiding in the bushes

Ransac: Who are you?!?!?!

Man: I'm DUke, the Duke of Dukes, and i'm hiding from Dakkon Blackblade!! Be quiet before he hears us!!!!

ransac: well, come into Dairy land, our cows will protect you!!!

DUke:I can't! i was banned for raising taxes when Techno land used to rule Dairy land, and they were so high, I was banned forever!!!

Suddenly, Ransac heard a voice: hey, darak! I hear somin'

Another voice said: Where is it, plooza??

Quickly ransac his in the bushes with DUke...

DUke: Hey, don't touch me, trash boy!!!

Ransac: How'd ya know?

DUke:Umm....I'm just..umm..intelligent!

ransac: Umm..sure....

Suddenly, a shadow came closer, and Ransac hid...

the voice "Plooza": looky what we's got hur!!!

Ransac and DUke:*Gulp*


I think that i get the best lines. Better than anyone elses, at least!



CPA Trash Man
Ransac:Hmmm, maybe I should try this.

Ransac snaps his fingers and is now wearing black clothes. DUke then stares at Ransac.



DUke:Why do you keep doing that?

Ransac:Because.............I love doing that..

DUke:Okay, then, How do you do it.

Ransac think about that one for a while. After several minutes, Ransac just shrugs his shoulders.


Ransac: AAACHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Sorry. I have a cold.

At that moment, the voice from before reveals himself to be a guy in a Mickey Mouse suit. He takes off his head and it is actually Bob.

Ransac:Are you following me?

Bob:You took my pants.

Ransac looks down and realizes that he is wearing Bob, the king of Dairyland's pants.

Ransac:eek:h, my bad

DUke is just about to go insane when he is finally told that this is a story.

DUke:AAaaaaaahhh. I get it. YOu guys are from the IRS aren't you. You won't get ME!!!!!!!!!

DUke runs away.

Bob and Ransac look at each other. Bob then takes his pants back and Demands that Ransac follows DUke.


Bob:Because if you didn't, the story would end.


Bob:But, you can take this dog with you. Come here K9!!!!

K9Archmage comes in and starts biting Ransac.

Bob:I'm sure you two will get along well.

Ransac:But, but...

Bob:No need to thank me. I'll be on my way.

Bob leaves.


K9Archmage then relieves himself on Ransac's leg.

Ransac, cpa trash man


This is for me and DUke. You just messed up the story!

Bad Prince of Cheese!!


CPA Trash Man
Sorry. How about this

Ransac then snaps his fingers and everything he just posted was erased.

Now, DUke and Ransac are gulping still.

Sorry about that. Didn't mean any harm.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Oh come on...You and DUke are soon going to run out of ideas...And it puts a new twist on the story...Let Ransac help...How can you even know where this storyline is going, anyways?...


CPA Trash Man
It's their thread. Let them do what they want. I appreciate the vote of confidence, but honestly, if I helped, we would see more tap-dancing monkies than the actual story.

Ransac, cpa trash man


TRY as hard a you can to not be wacky and mess the story up. you can be funny, but don't destroy the story.
DUke, can you tell Ransac the story behind this?
We'll go
DUke then Bob then Ransac then DUke then Bob etc.
And no finger snapping powers in the story.
And DUke and I can deny a post if it's too wacky. K?
Now,'s your turn once DUke tells you what happens....