Battle To End Boredom



[me] unplugs the Matrix[/me]
:Gerode's brain immediatly shuts down from the sheer shock of being released from the Matrix:
"Besides, if those are real nukes they would kill you as well."
And you can't prove that such things are impossible, humans only use a small percentage of their brains, no one knows what kind of powers could exist just waiting to be unlocked. Besides you can't prove that somethings impossible, you can only prove what is possible.

Ademis, I can't play this weekend, we'll have to play next week I guess.

Nifallor Ruler of Kairon

::Takes his 6 pokeballs, calls out 6 pokemon, set them on fire and sends them after the 6 people nearest to him::

"Feel the power of Pokemon."

::Reanimates the Pokemon, sets them on fire again and let them kill some more people::

"Now some real, powerfull armies."

::portal opens, 150 Flowsteal warriors come out. Razor flies overhead. And a big Flowsteal Dome flows over Nifallor, shielding him::

"Ok, who wanted to fight?"


Bob's clone explodes.
*Bob walks in.
Dumb clones....Always exploding....
I don't want to battle, but...
I'm not unplugged or anyhting, my clone is wacko, but I do have Pro: Anime and Pro:Nukes
Bob gives Imo, Graak, and Talas Pro: Nuke and pro:Anime and eradicates the place.
"Fwa ha ha ha ha!!!"
(This is the real me. My clones are usually battling for me, but they malfunction quickly.)


Pokemon? Ahem.... well

[me]looks through his vest and finds an AK-47[/me]



[me] casts Extinction naming pokemon[/me]
Whew! Thats better

Lets take this back to old school:)

[me] brings out the Fodder Cannons[/me]
Crowd: YEAH! the Fodder Cannons are back!!!

[me] loads up the fodder cannons with Extremely Heavy School Bookbag(tm) and fires at the Anime haters[/me]

Cannon fires, as the bookbag leaves the barrel of the cannon it rips apart, the books inside spread out like buckshot out of a shotgun, the books slam into the group with tremendous force, but amazingly the group remains standing, then following the books are thousands of papers, they hit causing paper cuts all over each persons body.


(Multani bashes Bob in Maniacal rage.)
Now :D
(Multani mounts a Double Buster Cannon from Gundam Wing on to Rocket Launcher, and fires.)
It's not even the 4th of July and already the fireworks are at work. :D

The Raven

[me]takes out his tribble chain gun, and starts firing flaming tribbles at Multani, Darsh, and Dw.[/me]

HA HA HA!!! Feel the wrath of the tribbles!!!


[me] ducks behind the Fodder Cannon, all the tribbles fall into the cannon[/me]
I'm rubber and you're glue...:D
[me] fires the Fodder Cannon, all of the tribbles fly out and hit The Raven knocking him to the ground and burying him underneath a mountain of tribbles.[/me]


Why do you explode in a maniacal rage whenever I say something barely offensive?
Bob then casts Obliterate, destroying everything....
Bob then becomes a Planeswalker.
Bob then resurrects Talas, Ka-moho, Graak, and Imo.
What the Heck, I resurrect everyone.
Ps. Jeez Multani, I could see you defending Anime, but you don't have to get that mad...
I'd rather clean all of the bathrooms in grand central station with my tongue....Then Spend one more minute with you!!!!!!


That should teach you not to mess with anime bob.
And I still have a secret weapon!:D

And about the Obliterate, that only destroys creatures, I'm not a creature, I'm a player!:D(didn't that work perfectly?:D)


You...Little...............Fine....I quit....
No....I don't quit, I'm just pissed.....
People hate me because I don't watch the same TV shows as them....It's just so.....evil...
C'mon! Do I hate people because They don't like Simpsons?
And Darsh was the one who brought up the whole Anime thing.....
I just gave myself pro-Anime!


Bob :)s = I'm just kidding
Anyway this is the Battle Arena, that means we fight and have fun doing it.
And you are the only one that goes around here yelling "I hate anime!" does everyone else go around yelling "The Simpsons suck!" i don't think so.
And besides with a post like this...
Originally posted by Bob
So, this May be Matrix-like, but Bob lives in the real world, where DBZ could never happen(Belive me, It couldn't)
And Bob can't be hurt by any Anime thing.
He is also unplugged.
Bob pulls out his Nukes.
"Mua ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!"
Bob's Nukes are also real, so they can harm Dw and Darsh, those wacky Super-Saiyans.
Dw and Darsh attack with thier wacky beams and powerful attacks, but Bob dodges them all, Neo style.(Not NeoKeo)
Matrix rules. :D
You are just asking for a beating.
Anyway no one hates you just because you don't like anime that would be stupid, no one hates you at all, I just dislike it when you go around bashing anime ALL THE TIME.
Just remember, its only a game, don't take it personally.


Hmmm...That post did not come out the way I wanted it so how about a demonstration.

Hey Multani, Star Trek is the worst garbage I've ever seen!;)
And now Multani will post something like this.

Multani takes his Type X treetrunk and bashes Darsh down into the ground, all the way to china.

See? We both know the other is just kidding and is just asking for a beating. We don't take it personally, it's just a game.:)


Nope, still fighting.
C'mon I want to see some carnage, my soul collection is only 25 pieces!
What is with these people anyway, especially the ones that try to kill me all the time?
Silly silly mortals.
Xarvox restrains himself from smiting anime haters,
they will have their due punishment at the hands of their superiors.
Then he becomes bored and leaves until a later date..


Darsh: You know me too well. :D
Raven: I love Star Trek. I have ways to deal with them. :D (Multani feeds Tribbles with poisoned grain.):D

Bob: I hope you know, I'm kidding. Also, I'll take that last comment as a compliment. :D


And I just want to share something I saw that was stupid and dumb on an American dubbed Anime...
A good guy is fighting a bad guy on a sand dune. The good guy knocks the bad guy off the cliff. he then drops his sword and runs. He could have at least stabbed him and ran. It was probably edited out.:mad:How dumb is that?


LISTEN, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.
He said to his friend, "If the British march
By land or sea from the town to-night,
Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch
Of the North Church tower, as a signal light, --
One, if by land, and two, if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
Ready to ride and spread the alarm
Through every Middlesex village and farm,
For the country-folk to be up and to arm."

Then he said "Good-night!" and with muffled oar
Silently rowed to the Charlestown shore,
Just as the moon rose over the bay,
Where swinging wide at her moorings lay
The Somerset, British man-of-war;
A phantom ship, with each mast and spar
Across the moon like a prison-bar,
And a huge black hulk, that was magnified
By its own reflection in the tide.

Meanwhile, his friend, through alley and street
Wanders and watches with eager ears,
Till in the silence around him he hears
The muster of men at the barrack door,
The sound of arms, and the tramp of feet,
And the measured tread of the grenadiers,
Marching down to their boats on the shore.

Then he climbed the tower of the Old North Church,
By the wooden stairs, with stealthy tread,
To the belfry-chamber overhead,
And startled the pigeons from their perch
On the somber rafters, that round him made
Masses and moving shapes of shade, --
By the trembling ladder, steep and tall,
To the highest window in the wall,
Where he paused to listen and look down
A moment on the roofs of the town,
And the moonlight flowing over all.

Beneath, in the churchyard, lay the dead,
In their night-encampment on the hill,
Wrapped in silence so deep and still
That he could hear, like a sentinel's tread,
The watchful night-wind, as it went
Creeping along from tent to tent,
And seeming to whisper, "All is well!"
A moment only he feels the spell
Of the place and the hour, the secret dread
Of the lonely belfry and the dead;
For suddenly all his thoughts are bent
On a shadowy something far away,
Where the river widens to meet the bay, --
A line of black, that bends and floats
On the rising tide, like a bridge of boats.

Meanwhile, impatient to mount and ride,
Booted and spurred, with a heavy stride
On the opposite shore walked Paul Revere.
Now he patted his horse's side,
Now gazed on the landscape far and near,
Then, impetuous, stamped the earth,
And turned and tightened his saddle-girth;
But mostly he watched with eager search
The belfry-tower of the Old North Church,
As it rose above the graves on the hill,
Lonely and spectral and somber and still.
And lo! as he looks, on the belfry's height
A glimmer, and then a gleam of light!
He springs to the saddle, the bridle he turns,
But lingers and gazes, till full on his sight
A second lamp in the belfry burns!

A hurry of hoofs in a village street,
A shape in the moonlight, a bulk in the dark,
And beneath, from the pebbles, in passing, a spark
Struck out by a steed flying fearless and fleet:
That was all! And yet, through the gloom and the light,
The fate of a nation was riding that night;
And the spark struck out by that steed, in his flight,
Kindled the land into flame with its heat.

He has left the village and mounted the steep,
And beneath him, tranquil and broad and deep,
Is the Mystic, meeting the ocean tides;
And under the alders that skirt its edge,
Now soft on the sand, now loud on the ledge,
Is heard the tramp of his steed as he rides.

It was twelve by the village clock,
When he crossed the bridge into Medford town.
He heard the crowing of the cock,
And the barking of the farmer's dog,
And felt the damp of the river fog,
That rises after the sun goes down.

It was one by the village clock,
When he galloped into Lexington.
He saw the gilded weathercock
Swim in the moonlight as he passed,
And the meeting-house windows, blank and bare,
Gaze at him with a spectral glare,
As if they already stood aghast
At the bloody work they would look upon.

It was two by the village clock,
When be came to the bridge in Concord town.
He heard the bleating of the flock,
And the twitter of birds among the trees,
And felt the breath of the morning breeze
Blowing over the meadows brown.
And one was safe and asleep in his bed
Who at the bridge would be first to fall,
Who that day would be lying dead,
Pierced by a British musket-ball.

You know the rest. In the books you have read,
How the British regulars fired and fled, --
How the farmers gave them ball for ball,
>From behind each fence and farm-yard wall,
Chasing the red-coats down the lane,
Then crossing the fields to emerge again
Under the trees at the turn of the road,
And only pausing to fire and load.

So through the night rode Paul Revere;
And so through the night went his cry of alarm
To every Middlesex village and farm, --
A cry of defiance and not of fear,
A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,
And a word that shall echo forevermore!
For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,
Through all our history, to the last,
In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
The people will waken and listen to hear
The hurrying hoof-beat of that steed,
And the midnight-message of Paul Revere

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1860.


Yeah dw, rigghhhtttt.
[me] backs away slowly[/me]
Um I gotta go, bye!
[me] runs faster than humanly possible[/me]