CPW Brawl



Boo...Boring....Make it the card appear in his back pockets or thorw them through a window without breaking it like David Blaine!!!

**Bane throws popcorn in RXI's general direction**


*Camdex gets up and pokes RXI on the shoulder. when he turns around, Camdex kicks him in the gut and sets him up for..... THE TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!*

wow, a real blast from the past!

*Wham! RXI lands on his head with the weight of himself and CAMDEX. CAMDEX rolls him over and applies the pin!*



Gato- "I cannot allow it!"

The Master of Tricks heaves Cadmex off of RXI, but not roughly, as the man had kinda saved his live.

The master of Tricks turns to RXI, but before either can move, several feds bust into the warehouse. The flash their badges and turn to RXI, trying to arrest him. It seems they thought he was Ms. Cleo, what with all the weird tarot card reading

Gato (inner monlouge)- Hrm...doubt that they will get him, but if they do...well, that's what he gets for being a dirty hippy.

Prince RXI

*As the fed try to take RXI away, RXI dissapears. From the top of a very tall pile of bricks a voice rings out*

Voice: Now you have angered me, federal losers!!!

*A figure appears on the bricks. That figure seems to have full body armor on and wielding a sword... It is RXI in his full suit of silver armor! Bolts of lighning fly from every which way and ALL of the feds explode into little fragments of blood, bone, muscle, flesh, but mainly fat and crap. RXI disappears and reappears next to Camdex, but without his armor on.*

Camdex, bad timing.

*RXI slaps Camdex, Camdex spins around, and RXI loblows him. Camdex falls to the ground in a shaking mass. RXI then turns to El Gato on his guard.*

Prince RXI, as we were doing El Gato?


As RXI began to turn, the Master of Tricks took a running start and ducked into a roll.

Just as RXI turned, ElGato sprung up. His arm rocketed upward, and ElGato's palm caught the Moon Prince's chin.

RXI's head was whipped back, and the Master of Tricks began to finish the Tiger Claw, bringing his hand, now twisted into a clawlike shape, back downwards, threatening to rip out RXI's eyes...

Prince RXI


*RXI grabs El Gato's hand with his left hand, pulls it back, and punches El Gato in the face with his right fist. El Gato lets go and they both fall back. RXI rolls away, gets to his feet, and quickly moves away from the fight. RXI then tries to put all attention from the other fighters on El Gatp by making him yell out in pain from a brick he just threw at El Gato's head and the one he threw at El Gato's back.*

Prince RXI, hides and pants


* CAMDEX staggers to his feet, still hurting from the lowblow. As the bricks fly toward ElGato, Camdex fires a bolt from his bat, and the bricks turn to ash*

THat wasn't very nice, ElGato! btw, who's the ref?

*CAMDEX kicks ElGato in the gut, and then DDTs him! Camdex rolls up for the pin!*


Prince RXI

*RXI catches his breathe and finds his center of balance. Then RXI starts to meditate in a corner that is hidden by many many piles of building materials, ex: bricks, bags of cement, wooden boards and crates, glass window panes (shattered), and steel beams.*

Prince RXI, hummmmmmmm.....


ElGato kicks out

Gato- "Are ya blind, man? RXI lowblowed ya!"

The Master of Tricks chucks Camdex into a big pile of bed matresses, then starts to look around for RXI

Gato- "Hrm...now where did that dirty hippy go?"

ElGato starts digging through a large pile of building materials in a corner, looking for the bizare Moon Prince.


CPA Trash Man
THE BRAWL IS ALMOST OVER! When this thread reads six pages on my screen(which should happen tomorrow), when I get on next, I'll stop the match.

Just to clear up confusion, my pages read 30 posts long.

Ransac, cpa trash man

Prince RXI

*RXI finished meditating and gets to his feet.*

Now I see what I must do...

*RXI grabs the bottom most brick from the pile that he is hiding behind, and the pile starts to topple away from him... right where El Gato is looking for RXI!!! El Gato heard something, looks up, and sees the pile shift to fall towards him. Un-known to El Gato, RXI is pushing the pile helping it to fall away from himself.*

Prince RXI, where is Zero!?!?!?!?


As the pile of crates and building material begin to fall, the Master of Tricks had barely enough time to even get his hands up.

He looked at his hands as they began to rise above him, and ElGato, in that instant, snapped his fingers.

All of the falling objects combusted.

RXI ran up to Gato, and they locked into a grapple of strength. RXI began to get the upperhand, starting to push the Master of Tricks down to his knees. The Moon Prince snarled

"You cannot defeat me this way!"

ElGato answered back.

"I'd look up if I were you"

RXI laughed, not believing anyone would actually try and pull that old stunt. As RXI began to guffaw, Gato gaveleft go and gave him a quick jab to the stomach, then raced away.

The punch did little, and RXI soon started after the running Gato. But the Master of Tricks had stopped.

"I told you to look up"

RXI did so, and as he did he had only a moment to curse his oversight. The building materials, just like everything else ElGato combusted, had come back together.



**As Prince RXI is buried under the materials, Camdex and Zero charge ElGato from behind. They double clotheline Gato the the ground, pick up a couple of pipes from the pile RXI is under, and start to beat on Gato with them. Seconds later there is a bright flash of light, and the pipes they are holding shatter. From above then leaps a man in silver armor holding a hammer and a bedpan**

"No more...this whole tournament has been two on one. Ransac has been pulling the strings! I screwed ElGato to save my championship...I made a deal with the devil and I have paid! No more...my debts must be repaid and wrongs must be set right!!"

**Camdex and Zero both charge VB who ducks under and mule kicks them in the back. Camdex comes and VB blocks the blow and spins him into Zero, and then downs them both with a blast from Valhalla that tremors the ground beneath their feet. Bane grabs Gato and helps him up, but Gato shakes him and and glares at him angrily&&

Gato: That wasn't neccessary! I don't need your help! I wan't to win this on my own!

VB: I was neccessary for me...I am sorry. I betrayed you before and must make amends

A voice from nowhere: BANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**Ransac has appeared in the arena**


CPA Trash Man

*Ransac appears with title belt in hand.*

Well, well, well, VB. You think just by making friends with someone you can take me. Well, how about this.

The winner of the CPW Brawl is..........ZERO. T. KATAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you like them apples, VB. Oh, wait. You can't cast a deciding vote, now. You're not champion. Seeing and I am the owner AND champion of CPW, I guess I now have.......100% CONTROL OF THE CPW.

Oh, isn't this great. But, seriously VB, did you think that teaming with ElGato will do anything. I've got back-up, too, in case you've forgotten.

Ransac, cpa trash man


*CAMDEX begins shooting energy blasts all over the arena*

Wait a minute! RANSAC!!!!!

*CAMDEX rushes at Ransac, brandishing his chain*


Prince RXI

*Sudenly, as Camdex runs at where Ransac was, Camdex himself Explodes and is forever no more.*


You wish RXI...you don't have the power of Mod!

RANSAC!!! I knew I never should have trusted you...but yo WILL Pay!!! I have beaten you before and I WILL do it again!! If you wanna screw with us...you WILL regret it!!!

You want a fight...YOU GOT ONE!!! Bring on your Back-Up!!! I will take you all on. And if Gato wants a peice I would be more than happy to fight beside him.

You with me Gato??


CPA Trash Man
I could use more titles. How about we make this for the CPW Tag Team Title, a new belt to the CPW.

How about it, then. VB and Gato vs. Me and Azreal.

Seems fair.

Oh, and Z.T.K., how about you wrestle someone while I'm busy getting a new belt. No, your No.1 contendership doesn't have to be on the line, unless you want it to. But, you will wrestle a random individual and you won't know who it is until the beginning of the match. What to you say?

As for everybody else, I've noticed a large unhappiness towards a particular person. So, how about a Double Match where Prince RXI will wrestle BOTH CAMDEX and Bob at the same time, yet on different threads.

I would like everyone's consent before I start up the threads.

Four matches? I know it's not much, but I think it's fit to may these fights a PAY-PER-VIEW(not really paying for it, of course. Just to make it sound more important)!!!!I'll give a name later.

Ransac, cpa trash man