Wizard: Round 6


Staff member
Jigglypuff, I'm gonna delete that post and you'll just go last after EricBess for this round.


rkoelsch took the first trick.
EricBess took the second.
Jigglypuff took the third trick.
Chaos Turtle took the fourth.


In case anyone wishes to mourn for me I am pretty sure I will miss my bid.


Hold on, I'm confused about what just happened. Why did my post get axed?

(- Steve -)


Steve, you lead with a jester and CT took the trick. So you couldn't lead and since you started us off there was no need to play another card. so spidey deleted it but I saw it :D


Where does that leave us? I guess I can safely comment since only JP has left to play and he's already taken his trick.

I'll play 7 of Diamonds

Why did you have to play a club, CT???

Well, someone commented that BB has a Wizard for his 1 bid. If so, only the 1 bids get to make with everyone else falling 1 short. CT doesn't have a Wizard or he would have led it to ensure his bid. Same logic goes for me not having a Wizard or I would have played it last trick.

So, unless there were 3 Wizards this round (in which case BB has it made), it all comes down to who has the highest trump card left :eek:


Staff member
If Jigglypuff gets his card in to finish this hand, I can finish the round and can start the next one :eek:


Is there money riding on this game? Or a Foil Birds or something?

EricB, you are taking this way to seriously. . .


I'll be honest with you, I was VERY worried when I saw the lead, until that Wizard was played. Now I'm just a little worried.

I think there's one card which can beat me left, and I'm hoping it's not gonna be played by rk when he leads. and it's a 40 point swing, -10 vs 30. I almost prefer my crap hands to this, although now that there's gonna be 7 cards trump and wizards won't take every trick. I almost took that Ace from CT, in retrospect I shoulda, but I was worried about taking 2 tricks with the 9, not a high trump, but maybe high enough. . .


I'm confused now. What suit was led?

EDIT: Well, it doesn't really matter, so I'll go with my original plan: Jack of Spades

(- Steve -)


BB - I always take games seriously. But in the sense that I can learn a lot from them.

If there is indeed only one card that can beat you, you must have a Wizard and you are worried about the last Wizard.

I wouldn't worry about rkoelsch. He's made it very clear that he doesn't think he can make his bid.

As far as taking the Ace of Clubs away from CT - yes you should have. For two reasons. First, there are 3 extra tricks bid this round. That means that in general, the hands are fairly strong. If you indeed have a Wizard, then it wasn't as crutial, but still, waiting too long could potentially get your Wizard stolen.

The second reason, and if you do have a Wizard, then the odds of making your bid was good, so this is the more important reason, CT had 160 points before this hand. I had 50, and rkoelsch had 110. You had some level of control over who you "messed up". The longer you wait, the less control you have. It is still reasonably early in the game, so you may consider certain players to be bigger threats in general, but all else being equal, it always pays to try to hit the person in the lead.

I suspect, however, that it doesn't really matter in this case unless I am mistaken about which card CT has left.

But don't worry. Even though I take games very seriously, I do realize that they are only games. I intend to be a good sport about everything, win or lose :D


Oh, I don't mean to challenge your sportsmanship. . . I just think that you and I are perhaps taking this game the most serious.

And I thought hard about taking that trick with my Wizard, and I'm not sure why I didn't. Afterwards I was really worried. That depending on the lead to me, I'd end up with 2 tricks instead of 1, which really bothered me since I put the bid in, I thought long and hard about gambling for 2 instead of 1, but not knowing the strengths of other bids worried me. . . In retrospect I'm pretty sure I couldn't take 2 if I'd wanted to. This game is going to get very interesting. The 12th round will be crucial with no trump, it'll be intense.


BB don't mind Eric he likes to analyse things. That's probably why he is a Judge. :D

I have to agree with you, a hand with nothing is a lot easier to play.

Oh since JP put his reply and I think spidey went home my card is

King of Spades

how as that for a hand A,K of spades, K of Clubs, Jack of Diamonds, Wizard and Jester. The only card I could be sure wouldn't take a trick was the jester. Hence the 3 bid. In hindsight still too much trump available to bid 3.


And now, the long awaited Wizard :D

So. . . Toss in your worthless junk now, and let's get the next round started.


King of Diamonds

Yeah, rkoelsch. Something like that ;)

I had K of Hearts, 4 7 K of Diamonds, 4 J of Clubs. I figured I'd get a chance to trump 2 tricks. And I almost did, too, if CT had played anything but clubs :p

Of course, 3 Wizards dealt with only half the cards in the deck, while reasonable, is hard to predict.

CT, my guess is that you have the Queen of Diamonds


So, by my unofficial count. . .

rk - 2 (bid 3) for -10 points 100 pts
eb - 1 (bid 2) for -10 points 40 pts
jp - 1 (bid 1) for +30 points 60 pts
ct - 1 (bid 2) for -10 points 150 pts
bb - 1 (bid 1) for +30 points 150 pts

Which is completely unofficial, and not in the order of play. . .