The Off-Topic Battle over Nothing!!!!


The Tentacled One
*In a statistically improbable universe inversion, Ransac, Oversoul, Doombringer, and The Orgg find themselves fused into one superfreak: Doomsacorggversoul! The giant monstrosity approaches the Nightstalkers and reaches to pick some of them up and eat them...*


CPA Trash Man
*The Nightstalkers squeel in fright and run off to plot on how to make Doomsacorggversoul slaps his buttcheeks to revert the universe, again.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


*Doomsacorggversoul picks up the Mis-shappen Violet Box and begins to toy with it, not sure what he/it wants to make

The darksteel handle, somewhat confused as to who its master is, forms itself into a Leashling and awaits for The true Doombringer to return*

By the way, I have accumulated 3 leashlings, and don't know what to do with them, anyone know a deck they'd do well in?


CPA Trash Man
*Doomsacorggversoul flatulates, wiping out approximately 15% of the Nightstalkers population.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


The Tentacled One
*The Leashling appears to have become sick from this as well. It eventually falls over and mutates into a giant fern of death.*


CPA Trash Man
*Dormsacorggversoul notices several dead Nightstalkers and begins to eat THEM, too.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


A giant Darksteel fern of death, Oversoul.(that also has a leatherbound handle sticking out of it somewhere)


*The Nightstalkers, thanks to their transdimensionary intertimewarping paste use their Linking Books to escape... Then dump thousands of gallons of twenty year old egg nogg back into it's belly*

Tomahna, Edanna, Amateria, Voltaic, Narayan; J'Nanin, comensanin, expidan revilani erte yan.


*From a combination of the twenty year old egg nogg, and the putrid musk of the orggs, Doomsacorggversoul gets flaming diarrhea and slaps its buttcheeks in pain. . . . . . .*


CPA Trash Man
*The universe reverts back to normal with the following exceptions: Theorgg has been covered in marshmallow fluff; Doombringer is now an order of fries at Checkers, while his darksteel.... whatever is now the salt shaker that salts him; Oversoul is, once again, in the drive-thru at Checkers and has ordered an order of fries; Ransac is passed out from all the flaming diarrhea that the former Doomsacorggversoul had; and William, the cyber-bacon, is still sizzling.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


*The Nightstalkers find some leftover transdimensionary intertimewarping paste and use it to create an orbital relay... which they use to call down... Space Marines! The Space Marines begin attacking everything in general and the Nightstalkers keep them at bey by using Ransac's interesting case of flaming diarrhea as a sort of biological weapon*


CPA Trash Man
*Ransac screams in pain while the flaming diarrhea starts continues to expunge from his body.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


The Tentacled One
*Just as Oversoul is about to demand ketchup from the guy working at the drive-through, he sees the space marines descending for an assault.*

Freaking Nightstalkers are probably responsible for this...

*Oversoul begins plucking the space marines out of the sky and crushing them with his tentacles.*


*the Mis-shappen Violet Box opens, and Doombringer climbs out, apparently unharmed.*

I always keep a spare myself, just in case!

*He notices the Space Marines just about the time that they notice him. Doombringer then pulls the Devastating Farm Animal Gatling Cannon from his ever so helpful Box, and starts to bring the barrels up to speed as the Space Marines advance closer to him.*


*The Nightstalkers, clearly at a disadvantage in this current conflict, decide to use the paste one more time on an old PC game they find lying around... Instantly a large Skaarj mothership is orbitting and sending down gobs of Skaarj that just fight whatever they find*

Hmm.... we'll just... umm... put the paste down and... well.... hide...

*The Nightstalkers put paste on a book and use it to link to D'ni*


The Tentacled One
*Oversoul is confused.*

These guys look a lot like Predators. Oh well...

*He holds his breath and unleashes millions of tentacles to decimate his airborne foes.*