Survivor: Pearl Islands



Women have a higher pain threshold... but maybe Shawn thought that Christy would have been a cake-walk...

Interesting to see how this next episode comes out - the survivors voted off coming back and all...

I think they might be in control of who gets voted off next...

Or - even more surprising... a third tribe!!!...:eek:


Staff member
I didn't know all of that... I don't think it was in the previews at the end of the show and I haven't seen any further commercials though... that'd be interesting.


Well they mention the cast-offs coming back... and then it's like they show them competing in the challenges...

It's a new twist, that's for sure...:cool: :D


Staff member
Just saw it last night, I'm still behind on CSI and Without a Trace...

Pretty interesting twist and a wowzers that the Outcasts won the challenge outright. I was hoping John would go from Drake and looks like Osten ran out of gas again, his choice. Jeff seemed perturbed that he just gave up like that.

Don't know when I'll be able to watch tonight's show... maybe over the weekend :)


Staff member
Saw most of last week's show, except the last 15 or 10 minutes. I'm surprised Lillian got voted back on, but it's too bad they're going back to their old tribes - it would have made it more interesting for them to go to the opposite tribes where they didn't have any past history.

Rupert should have won the immunity challenge, but I guess he either ran out of gas or Sean got a burst of energy or both. But maybe he'll give the immunity away since he's already immune (remember, I didn't see the end yet :) )


Well... I'm kinda waiting on you for the storyline...

Missed CSI, Survivor, and WaT...

We were out of town and decided not to hurry home...:cool:


Staff member
You didn't tape them like we do? :p

Well, basically, the Outcast tribe each said why they think they should be voted in and then they voted for two people and Sean and Lillian got three votes each, enough to put them on top. I think Lillian then reached inside a sack to get a bandana thingie to see what tribe they would be going to and she picked her old one (Morgan, right?) so they went back to their old tribes. Lillian commented that her tribe seemed out of energy and not for doing much. Sean promised Drake that he wouldn't lie and Rupert took him aside and I think they're going to try get out John next.

At the immunity challenge, they found out they were merging so it was for individual immunity. It was an underwater race where in sets of 4 they started on a floating platform, jumped in and swam underwater underneath it to the other side and pulled themselved out. I think they had to do it 3 or four times. Once they got the top 4, then there was the added "twist" of taking a medal from the end where they pulled themselves up to hanging it back on a post on the other end where they jumped off. The final four was Rupert, Sean, John, and someone else. Rupert was leading all the way into the 5th and last medal lap when Sean overtook him and won. I stopped before they got to tribal council though we have it taped.


Sean was voted out last week. It was Burton, not Sean that beat out Rupert at the very end.

They gave Rupert and Lillian an automatic immunity since they just came back. Burton turned immunity into a political statement and handed it over to Rupert, who should have won, anyway.

In the end, Drake was trying to get Lillian to vote with them because she was convinced that her tribe would just vote her out again anyway. Burton, on the other hand, had blended back into the Drake tribe that was left, who want to get rid of Jon.

I'll let you go online if you want to see who got the boot in case you still have it taped.


Staff member
Good thing I didn't see this until after I saw the rest of the show last night :)

I think Morgan had alienated Lillian too much or more than Drake had alienated Burton when they voted them off the first time. If Lillian felt that everyone (especially Andrew) was up front with her, she might have felt more inclined to stay with Morgan in the voting this time. Although pretty much from Day 1 she said she felt like an outsider with skinny Ryan, so it was pretty much already set.

Now that Andrew's gone and the Morgan tribe looks pretty weak, I can see them trying to feel out any discontent on Drake and maybe picking up Jon and another who might feel they can't win with the current set up. At least that's how I'd probably do it, 'cause otherwise they'd just get picked off, one by one.


Staff member
Finally saw last week's show (11/13). Bit surprised that after all the planning to get rid of Rupert, no one went after him during the immunity challenge. Poor Ryan O. got booted off but it looked like he really didn't have any allies after the girls ditched him for Lil, Burton, and Jon.


Staff member
Should I keep up with this and CSI and Without a Trace? It seems it's really just train and I and I've fallen behind watching the shows so they're no longer timely anyway...


I watch Survivor and CSI, but I don't really post the first comment here because I don't want to give anything away. My wife was upset at me because she asked me one simple question the other day before I had the chance to watch Survivor and I told her that based on the way she asked the question, I knew who had been eliminated....and I was right.

So, I hope that this post hasn't given away anything you didn't already know :D


Staff member
Well, I think I'm caught up with Survivor. T was the last person voted off last Wednesday, right? I'm just behind on CSI and Without a Trace.

I'm wondering and hoping that others will find out what Jon did for that visiting-relative challenge and want to see their reaction... preferably before the reunion/last show. :)


It's funny. I watched that episode with my wife (she often watches before I do) and as the whole thing was happening at the reward challenge, I turned to her and said, "Knowing him, I wonder if this whole thing is staged".


Staff member
My wife had an inkling that he staged it too. I had no idea, but I thought it was dopey of the others to let him win just because his grandmother died. News like that should be given as an aside anyway.


I thought that throwing the challenge was a bit cheesy also...

Either way he should be the one gone this coming week... i was really surprised that T got voted out especially after all the sneaking around they did in the night just to hear the guys talking - but then - that might all have been staged...


I think that most of the talk you hear is reasonably accurate, but you never know what plans end up going through and what don't because they don't show you everything.

However, in this case, T went to John and told him about the plan to get rid of Burton. John went to Sandra and told her what T had said, adding that T had asked him to vote for Burton this week with the promise of voiting off Sandra next week.

Apparently, everything on the show thinks Jonny Fairplay is honerable, even though they should know better by now. This time it all fell in his lap, he didn't even have to lie. But the truth makes T look like a bigger threat then John, so Sandra, et. al. decide she can't be trusted and lose their advantage.

At this point, John, Burton, and Lil are as good as the final 3. With that situtation, there is a good chance that John takes it all.

In the after show wrapup, they confront him with his lie in front of the other survivors, but all of the other survivors simply comment what a brilliant player he was to have even thought of such a scam.

Anyway, that's my understanding of what happened and my prediction for the rest of the show. I hope I'm wrong because I really would hate to see someone as slimey as John take the money.


Staff member
Sandra and Kristy know John's untrustworthy since he voted for Rupert twice, which makes me surprised that they voted for T. But I guess Sandra just wanted revenge (I missed that diplomacy part of voting off Sandra after Burton).

However, I doubt John will win it all. No matter who's in the finals with him, that person is probably going to look better and the jury will vote for that person instead of John (or the majority).

And if they do find out about the deceit in the reunion, he's going to get castigated, especially by Sandra. Most everyone there is playing semi-honorably and no one has done a low-down trick like that. That's what I hope, at least; I'd hate to see John get the money too.