Survivor: Micronesia



The other fan, Tracy, said that she wouldn't write Chet's name down. Chet couldn't write his own name down. They also didn't show those votes at tribal counsil, which is more curious to me than why they voted for Erik in the first place.

If I had to guess, I would say that they wrote down Erik because he was a "safe" vote. They assumed he wasn't getting blind sided and they didn't want to/couldn't vote for Chet, but they both wanted to let Chet leave, so they just cast an unimportant vote. The producers would have known this, which might explain why they didn't show the votes - they didn't want people thinking Erik was a rift in the "alliance". Not sure why they would have cared, though...

I'm surprised they didn't copy the pole carrying idea. Perhaps they didn't feel they had anyone that could do it the way James could (I'm not sure Joel would have managed, either).

It's been an interesting season for the challenges, though. Between this week and Ozzie getting all the coconuts ready first, it seems like this season's survivors want to think smart and gain an advantage any way they can instead of doing the challenges as presented.


Staff member
Well, Joel was supposed to match James for strength, so that's why I think if they still had him, they could have made a go of it. But since they didn't, they couldn't.


Staff member
Surprising how everyone seems to be against Ozzie... I guess we're not around him 24/7 like they are though, to see his "arrogance" and stuff... but everyone ended up voting for Tracy despite her efforts...

The other tribe keeps losing members... now Kathy's out. I'm not sure why she thought watching Survivor on TV made it easier than actually doing it, but <shrug> it happens. They have some puzzle solvers on that tribe though; I think Eliza thinks she's a great puzzle solver but I think that's the second puzzle she messed up on. Ozzie gave them a great lead in getting the pieces back to them but she and Cirie (who might not be that good either) couldn't get them together in time.


I don't think they are "against" Ozzie. I get the impression that they actually feel that they cannot beat him. Yes, they think he is overconfident and "running things", but if they didn't like him, then they wouldn't worry about him winning the jury, either. At least, that is the way it comes across to me.


Staff member
Well, that last council would have been the time to get him out, but like Tracy says in the interview, Ami wants to stay true to her word and not go against her earlier alliance, even though it was her idea in the first place. So I guess it'll have to be sometime in the merge to get him out, if they still feel that way.


Been doing some thinking and clearly, this season has been a lot of fun so far with tons of surprises and unknowns, many brought about by Joel...but the fans seem to be getting picked off one-by-one. Clearly everyone wants to win and I think that Ami probably realizes that there are going to be some original alliance loyalties built up. She has to think that if Ozzie, Amanda, Pavarti, and James all make it to the merge that they are going to be a force to be reconed with, which is why she considers changing, but she's probably also concerned about an fan-dominant merge, which is just as bad.

I think if they were to do this again in the future, instead of a fan vs. favorite, I would like to see a "Survivor - Mentors" where each tribe has 6 new players and 4 returning veterans. And to make it more interesting, get people who have been in an alliance together before and split them to begin with.


Staff member
Ugh, was there not supposed to be an episode this week? It caught me by surprise... nothing taped on DVR, not even on Wednesday...


Staff member
Well, Eric managed to pull off the "upset" of getting the team to vote for Ami... I wasn't sure if they'd go for it, like first vote off Eric and then Ami, but I guess they were afraid of a merge coming now and Ami could get some other people to ally with her...


I think his friendship with Ozzie helped a lot. All things considered, I think Ozzie is correct that Erik is a bit of a lapdog at this point and is far more likely to go along with things than Ami. Still, if all it takes to get someone voted out is to suggest that they rallied against you, it wouldn't take much convincing to get rid of almost anyone.

In the end I think it was paranoia that did Ami in, regardless of what she did previously.

I'm a little disappointed that Fans Vs. Favorites really has turned out to be Fans Vs. Favorites and not some mixture. Voting of Ami is one thing, but realistically, Erik's only chance of final 4 is personal immunity unless things change even more significantly.


Staff member
Yeah, Ozzie's statement of "once someone turns against me, then I'm out to get them" probably made Ami a target and Ozzie would have persuaded Amanda at least also to vote for her.

Maybe things will shake up more when the tribe merges but, yeah, it's pretty much along the favs vs fans lines right now.


Staff member
Well, Eliza's out, she just couldn't make any strong alliances to save her.

Funny how Parvotti got Amanda into an alliance with the two Fan girls which Amanda didn't want... could be trouble later on.

And Amanda's seemingly jealousy over Alexi's attention to Ozzie... although Ozzie doesn't seem to mind...


Big blind side last night. Jeff said that the idol would be used in ways that are not expected and would make jaws drop twice. With Ozzie gone, I only remember once that could even be considered that and it was the fake idol, not the real idol.

Personally, I think the personal immunity idol is more of a liability than a benefit now days. It used to be that whoever had the idol was safe because no one wanted to risk them using it. Suddenly, people realize just how bad it really is and you are instead a target for a blind side...

The only thing I can think of is if Ozzie gave the idol to someone else (Amanda?) just in case he did get blind sided, so at least they could make some use of it.

Personally, I think the biggest threat to anyone right now is Cirie. She's way manipulative and will do anything she can to get to the finals. And as far as I can tell, no one even views her as a threat... She'll stab you in the back before anyone else even has time to think about grabbing the knife.


Staff member
Finally saw it...

Yeah, I suspected Ozzie was gone when my mother-in-law asked me if I knew who got eliminated. The way she asked me made me think it was some big upset and there would be no bigger upset than Ozzie.... plus, some preview of Survivor this week showed Ozzie with his torch getting snuffed, so that was a big clue :)

I think Jason was dumb to believe the others "guarantees", but standing with your arm up for 6 1/2 hours probably would make you believe anything :) I thought it was funny how Ozzie and James were busting on him before the council and saying "Yeah, he was outwitted" when in fact it turned out to be Ozzie who was outwitted :)

I think Cirie and Parvotti are pretty dangerous, although I don't think Parvotti will win if she's the final three or whatever nowadays because of her betrayals... I think I would like to see Erik win right now, he's just goofy and "innocent" enough to be more likable than all of the rest. Can't really get a feel for Jason, Alexis, and that other girl and out of the Favorites, probably James would be the front-runner although I'll still pick Erik over him.


I think Parvotti is playing a dangerous game. It's only a matter of time before everyone she "allied" with realizes that she's not really allied with anyone. Of course, she could stick with the "girl power" at this point, which might go well for her.

Cirie is the biggest power player I've seen that's stayed this much under the radar.


Staff member
Well, it looks like the power has shifted to the women... Poor Jason getting blindsided :) I think whoever finds the idol now should know to use it, no matter how "safe" they feel.

Ozzie still looks p.o.'ed and doesn't look like Parv will get a vote from him if she makes it to the final two or three :)