Survivor: Micronesia



Just went to the official CBS site and there are a few "favorites" that I don't even recognize...Most of them I do, though. Should be interesting. We knew from comercials that Jonny Fairplay and Yao Man would be back. Amanda and James are back from last season. Maybe I'll reconize them better once they are back on the islands. It's sometimes hard to recognize them from a cleaned up photo :D


Staff member
Saw last night...

It was hard to recognize Amanda! And I don't really remember couple of them, like Ami or Eliza...

Wasn't too much going on, although they gave a lot of screen time to Fairplay, I guess because he ended up leaving. Wasn't sure if his reasons were sincere, but everyone else took him to heart and voted him out <shrug>

Funny how Pavarti and James and Amanda and Ozzie hooked up that quickly.

Not sure what to make of the Fans yet.


Staff member
It's been a while, so can't remember a lot of last week's episode...

Cirie looks like she'll be the swing vote in the Favorites...

Still can't get a feel for the Fans, although I think they should have voted out Chet instead of Mary. Man, how did he get one of the swimming jobs?

Mary's Interview


Staff member
Sorry to see Yao-Man go last night... looks like that alliance fragmented, as Eliza voted for Yao-Man too and Ami voted for Cirie... so it doesn't look good for the "non-couple" people on the Favorites...


Yes, I was sad to see Yao gone as well. I can't believe they voted him out because "he's the smart one", but they completely ignored both Jonathan and Eliza, either of which are more coniving than Yao ever was. I suppose they figured they already knew that no one would trust either of those two, so Yoa was the most dangerous?

I think the fans are in a bit of termoil also, but probably not to the extent of the faves. Voting off a strong player this early in the game just because you detect an alliance forming is probably a bit risky. But then again, the faves didn't even try to hide alliances.

I loved how everyone was plotting and sceming with Cirie and didn't even worry about the fact that people not in their alliance were just standing there, listening, and even participating in the conversations.

In the end, did you notice that Eliza voted for Yao also and Amy was the vote for Cirie.


Staff member
Yeah, I noticed that they apparently didn't care who was listening to them :)

And yeah, I noticed the voting, I mentioned it in my post :)


Staff member
Saw Thursday night's...

I think Chet should have gone. He's clearly the weakest there, but his friend made a good plea to Joel to get Mike booted out. I think it was a mistake, but oh well...

Favorites just flew threw the immunity and reward challenges... Ozzie was amazing in the reward one. Great strategy and helping out his teammates. Parvotti seemed to go in the water only once or twice though :)


Yeah, I'm really not sure what is going on. Joel is going to either win it all or take the entire tribe down with him. For whatever reason, Joel seems to feel that if anyone else wants to control the vote that they are suddenly the biggest threat.

Its also a bit ironic that Erik commented about how the "weakest link" isn't necessarily the physically weakest as a justification. My question - did anyone ever comment that Mike might have been weak in any sort of challenge? The irony is that the physically strongest guy is effectively calling the shots. I'm concerned about the fans. I would like to see them do well, but...Fortunatly, the team shake-up may help. Or it might seal their doom...

And yeah, Ozzie is going to be the biggest threat by far once again. Wouldn't mind seeing him go all the way this time. He certainly deserves it from a value standpoint. Unfortunately, everyone else wants to win too, so it doesn't alway pay to be the most valuable.


Staff member
Yeah, I think it's funny how Joel thinks that whoever controls the vote is the biggest threat, yet he himself has been controlling the vote for the past couple time :)

I think Ozzie has more going for him (so far) since he's allied with Amanda and the other couple. The shake-up might ruin that, but up until then, he was in a much stronger position than his first season, allied-wise.


Staff member
Not sure what the Malakala(?) tribe is thinking; well, I know what they're thinking, but I can't believe Chet has lasted this long. Cirie is so much more dangerous than she was during her first stint! Wow, that she could persuade the others to vote off Joel...

Good to see that the other "Favs" that went to the other tribe took charge of that sorry camp and started building a new shelter and firepit in a better place. Do you think they got to eat their "victory meal" after the fire went out? :) Wow....


A "spoiler alert" warning would have been nice. That's some interesting stuff, but I think it's a bit more than I really wanted to know at this point...At least the specific stuff. The general stuff is pretty cool.

As for last week, I think Joel may have dug his own grave. As for Chet, I think we are far enough along now that people are already starting to look toward the merge in a different way. They shook up the teams, so worrying about the weakest player isn't so important anymore. Besides, remember what Todd said about Courtney last season - it doesn't hurt to have someone weaker than you around.


Staff member
Oops, sorry... I actually get TV Guide in print and saw the same thing and was wondering why they were already giving away stuff that would happen on the 20th when reveal stuff that would happen tonight :blush:

I don't remember Joel doing anything really to dig his grave with the new tribe - I think it was more Cirie knowing that the plan was to vote off the weaker members, of which she considered herself one, so she hatched a plan to get rid of the stronger members. Of course the other weaker members would go along with that (Chet and the other Fan) and the other strong members were probably all right with going along in voting a rival strong member out.


I think you are correct - Cirie was the one that started things in motion. However, there were a couple of things that Joel did that cinched it for him.

- Twice he conspired to eliminate a stronger player (at least physically - though in Chet's case, probably in all ways).
- He originally insisted on getting rid of Cirie before Chet because of the numbers game.

When Cirie went to Ozzie and Amanda, the argument she used was that Joel was playing the game and that Chet wasn't. Chet would go along with them if they needed him to, but Joel had a history of playing the game. In particular, Joel had a habit of getting rid of anyone that he perceived as trying to control the vote.

They didn't show a lot of the reaction from Ozzie and Amanda, but they did comment that she has a very good point.


Staff member
I think I missed that or don't remember that conversation. But how would Cirie know Joel had a history of playing the game? Would someone on the Fan side tell her?

Well, maybe Kathy during their time on Exile Island together, but that was before the Mikey B vote, I think...


Staff member
Chet's finally out, although due more to his foot and asking to be voted off than anything else. Erik and the other Fan tried to make a case for voting with them and it looks like Ami's going over to their side, but he didn't want to do it.

Although why Chet and the other Fan voted for Erik in the vote, I have no idea...

Great idea by the other tribe to just carry the pole and speed things up. I bet Ozzie's tribe wished they had Joel then :)