Survivor: Heros vs Villains



Yes, I am really looking forward to the villians losing an immunity challenge so we can see how that all plays out.

I agree with everything. It definitely appeared unintentionally when Jerri got whacked and dispite what Rupert probably thinks of her as a person, he seemed genuinely sorry that it had happened.


No, the next episode is next Wednesday, though. There just wasn't one this week. At the end of last week's, they said, "In two weeks on a special Wednesday episode". I doen't look like a recap episode based on the preview because they showed Rob and Russell having a conversation about the idol...but it could be recap, not really sure.


Staff member
Well, Tyson got played but good. His last comment on his exit "interview" was something like "I'm still cool." Umm, no you're not - you're out of the game and got played by Russell because you couldn't go along with the game plan.

I'm liking Rob more and more on this show - either he's much changed from previous shows (including his stint on Amazing Race) or the others in his tribe are just more annoying or both. But I don't want to see Russell, Mr. Self-Proclaimed Greatest Player of the Game, to win or even come close - he needs to be brought down bunches of pegs.

Coach didn't vote with Russell so it appears he's still loyal to Rob, for now. Rob knows the danger of Russel but I hope he can muster the votes the next time to get him off.

Heroes tribe voted off James, not a big surprise there. The funniest part was that Colby was resigned to go and didn't do any scrambling on his part, yet he stayed in! Ha... I'm wondering if Amanda and James are a romantic item (or were); she seemed to take his setbacks and leaving very hard (the "I love you" when he was leaving notwithstanding :) )


See, I've always liked Rob. I think he gets cocky and arrogant, but ultimately, he's a brilliant stratigist who loves playing games. My kind of guy.

Russell is also very brilliant. I think the biggest difference is that Russell doesn't get cocky and arrogant...Russell is cocky and arrogant.

Tyson...not so brilliant. What was he thinking? If he sticks the the plan, the only way Pavarti survives is if Russell uses the idol on himself. Perhaps he thought Russell simply wouldn't use the idol, but doesn't he know better than to trust his enemy? Guess he does now.

As for manipulation...Russell put on a really good show for Coach. You are right that Coach was loyal to Rob, but Coach respects honor above all else. I don't think Coach is any smarter than Tyson. Based on the previews, Rob is going to try to paint Russell as a wild card, but the way Russell handed Parvarti the idol was a calculated move to sway Coach.

I've got to say for Russell that he may be arrogant, but he knows how to play people. Last season, he took a dying team and turned them around. This season, I was ready to count him out before the vote, but when he talked to Tyson and Tyson said he was tempted to switch his vote...Rob is right...Russell is dangerous and this isn't over. Russell is smart enough to realize that he won the battle, but Rob still has an edge, but I don't think you can count Russell out until that final vote. After all, if Russell's play for Coach works, then with Tyson gone, the numbers are 4-4.

Honestly, most seasons of survivor are one tribe against the other. This season is Rob vs. Russell and very little else matters. Again, I don't think Russell can get better than second place, but...


Staff member
I thought Rob was a good strategist too, but the cocky and arrogance was a turn-off. This season, he doesn't have as much (or is overshadowed by the others in his tribe)

Tyson's just an idiot. Despite his funny quirks from his first season (and they didn't show any this time), he turned out to be an idiot.

Yeah, Russell knows how to play to a person's strength to get them to do what he wants... I hope Coach isn't swayed, but that honor thing will get him.

With the season shaping up that the Heroes are basically failing, that's not a storyline any longer (about Heros vs Villains) so yeah, now it's Rob vs Russell.


Staff member
Well, Boston Rob is gone... I was actually rooting for him and sorry to see him go... looks like dopey Jerri got taken in by Russell, man, I hope they wise up. The first thing would be for Coach and Jerri to compare notes with Danielle and Pavrati, since Russell has said to both pairs that he wants to take them to the final 3.

At least Coach remained true to his word and actually voted for neither Rob nor Russell but Courtney, but it might have been interesting to have a tie instead.

Heroes won a puzzle challenge, I think Steph WAS the problem before :)


I found it ironic that Jerri said she didn't trust Rob because of his past Survivor years, but isn't looking at how she is positioned in the current season.

And did you catch Rob's snuff on Coach at the end, calling him "Little Man". Coach could have forced the tie and Jerri wouldn't have wanted to risk getting randomly eliminated, so she would have changed her vote. But instead, he took what Rob considered the coward's way out and instead of voting directly for Rob, he voted for Courtney so he could "stay loyal". Rob wasn't impressed.

I think what I really like about Rob is that he's a true gamer. He realizes it isn't personal, but isn't really happy about how those around him play the game. Russell, on the other hand, is a businessman. I think the biggest difference is that both will use you doing the game, but Russell will throw his own mother under the bus in real life and I don't think Rob would. At least, that's the impression I get of them.

Very sad day for the season :(

Based on the previews, the villian team falls apart, which isn't a surprise since it was previously established that Rob was holding them together. He was the reason they were even competent in the puzzles, so we'll see...


Staff member
I thought the "Little Man" comment was to Russell as he was passing him :)

Yeah, unfortunately, Jerri knows Rob's history and has no idea about Russell's. I wonder if these guys kick themselves when they watch the show :)

Apparently Tyson held the team together even before, so with those two gone, I hope the villains do fall apart... but not enough that they can't get rid of Russell first :)


Staff member
So now Coach is gone... and JT/Heros think it's an all-girl Villain alliance? With the previews showing JT wants to give the immunity idol to Russell? Holy moly.... and Coach is the first member of the jury...

I hope Courtney and/or Sandra, because they're kind of on the "outs" with the dominating Villain alliance, spill the beans about what's going on for real during the merger.

Not sure what Russell's reaction will be back at camp when he wanted Courtney out but apparently his alliance (or enough of them) voted for Coach... is he in control or just thinks he is? :)


As arrogant and sloppy as Russell is, I don't know how he keeps managing to find the one idiot each week that will do what he asks them to. Jerri immediately regretted it and now that coach is gone, I think she realizes that if there isn't a merge right away, she's could be next. Good going girl.

And next week, if there is a merge, JT wants to WHAT??? Russell won't play it and won't give it back.

I agree, I hope someone tells them what's really going on.


I'm not sure anything can be said without giving something away. The only thing I'm going to say is that I can't wait to see how Russell explains to everyone why Parvarti didn't get eliminated...or if he even bothers.


Staff member
Finally saw it, though of course we didn't see the 4/22 show yet...

Since we had stopped it right before the tribal council, I can't remember a lot of the early parts of the show except how dumb JT and Russell from the hero side seem to be and making the assumption that the Villain tribe has an all-girl alliance. I like the heros and want the Villains to blow up, but the heros are just giving the Villains the game... :(

Without seeing the 4/22 show, I would guess Villain Russell would just explain he put some doubts in their ears about Courtney and managed to get her voted off...


Actually, they claimed that Pavarti pulled her own idol as well and that everyone had to revote. I'm surprised anyone bought the cover story, but I guess if you already think you are making survivor history...Assuming Pavarti had an idol (which she did, but Russell didn't know that), why would she bother playing it. I suppose if Russell pulls one, she might also, but he claimed that they both pulled one at the same time.

And everyone bought it. Sandra filled Rupert in and he started questioning and I think he realized how silly the story was, but couldn't convince anyone else.

Next week, however, I think we are going to see if the aliance can stand up to a secret that Russell wasn't involved in. I think he will see that as a threat and things could crumble very quickly...He's not good and rolling with the flow.


Staff member
Okay, finally caught up in preparation for tonight :)

I think Rupert *did* convince everyone that something was up with Russell and they shouldn't be "blindingly" trusting him like JT was doing up to that point. That's why they told Russell to vote one way and they all voted another. But tribal council was a doozy, with Parvati pulling out *both* idols and giving them away to the two "weakest" members. That was pretty amazing. And it worked... JT got sent home.

It was just funny-slash-annoying-slash-frustrating watching JT's camera talk during the whole show, with him saying "Well, if Sandra is telling the truth, Russell still has the idol and he's in charge and yada yada yada, but I'm sure that's not the case" and then during tribal when he sees the votes, he realizes what's up. But he was gracious enough to say "Well played" as he left, knowing he was "Outwitted" that time :)

So from the previews, I hope Sandra aligns with the heros and gets Russell out. I'm not sure why she didn't align with them during *this* vote, but maybe because it was all of the idols still being out there and the heros couldn't trust Sandra blindly either. But now that they know what's up, they'll need to scramble to get her vote (since I don't think Jerri will go with them, seeing that it was her name they put down for this tribal, even though she's still at the bottom of the villain alliance).


I don't think JT was ever truely convinced until it was too late, but Rupert at least raised enough doubt for them to hedge their bets.

Ironically, Russell himself would have done exactly what Amanda did, telling Pavarti that, but then he would have had everyone still vote for Pavarti, figuring that she would think you were trying to divert attention from someone else. Russell is still in this game because he knows which players are idiots and which ones are smart enough to deserve his respect. That's probably why he teamed up with Pavarti and that's why the episode between him and Rob was so interesting (the one where Tyson was voted off).