Offshoot from 2005 CPA Award Ceremony


The Tentacled One
HOUTS said:
It wasn't a card being played. Unless you're from another county (or website for this case), most everyone knows my background. Card, huh? This is my field of expertise. I have no idea what you do for a living, however, I when I point something out such as your incoherent me, it's clearly wrong.
I do not know (or care about) your background. Trust you? Why? Has this worked for you in the past? Do you seriously say, in arguments, "You are ignorant" or "You are wrong" and expect the other person to suddenly go, "Wow. Why didn't I see it your way before?"

No, I didn't.
Well, you had said, "you lose this time bud." I said, "But I guess none of that matters, since I 'lose bud' by decree of the almighty HOUTS" to which you responded, "No, it's your stubborn attitude, commonly displayed..."

That looks like you changed your mind.

How many times have I shouted out loud about the liberal attitude being displayed here? Well, sir, this is a good example. Who said I changed my mind? I pointed out that regardless of "right" or "wrong", that it was your attitude displayed was what brings out the "HOUTS". You can't act childish and think it'll back up your points. However, this shift of topic is what makes it so damn liberal. Going off track as usual. Stay with me puppy. And you wonder why I treat you guys like little children. Or, maybe because you truely are...
Liberal? Where'd that come from? What's liberal about my attitude?

Let me insert my retort to your above quote: Time cannot be measured.

What? You don't get it? Come on now...
Aren't you clever enough to understand what I'm saying?
Ohhh pleaaseee.
I mean, I know where this quote came from. And without quotation marks, I am sure you'll for sure get it.
Pfft, everyone should understand this. I mean, if I do then everyone should!

See what I mean? You sound just like that.
You seem to have the habit of asking a question and them answering it in the same post as though your answer must surely be the answer that the reader would give were he to respond to the question. I think I might be starting to see why Sefro finds you amusing (although really I can relate more to Istanbul at the moment).

See my above comments. You inserted an incoherent, randomly placed, and out of context statement into an already going semi-conversation.
You should call it incoherent a few more times. The repetition will make your claims true. :rolleyes:

Yet, you have the balls to say I am whining?
Who said I was whining? You?
You might be catching on. Yes, I did say you were whining. Does this bother you, whiner?

I made a remark to your random sentence. I slapped your hand. "Bad Timmy, bad!"
And then I cowered in fear at the presence of HOUTS! I promptly hid in a corner and regretted having been such a bad Timmy... :rolleyes:

You even pointed out that only ONE person got the joke.
Oh? When was this?

You said: "Also, a lack of context does not indicate incoherency"

I didn't say lack of context. You have that worded wrong.
I have it worded wrong? I'm the one that said it. I can't very well misquote myself...

Yes-your sentence was incoherent based the context of the conversation.
Context does not dictate coherency.

In your mind it might, but it doesn't qualify.

You're obviously trying to be 'witty' with your responses, regardless if you "considered" them to be or not.
I was not trying to be witty. I think I would know that better than you, unless you can read minds...

Then you back up your idiocy on the very next sentence above.
Childish attempts to insult in order to prove/back up a point.
It wasn't an insult and it wasn't being used to back up any of my points. I was being completely serious. I don't find my responses witty--but yours are so stolid that they do make mine look good by contrast.

Yeah, I have too. I aced debates classes at my college, but who cares. The "you lose bud" is referring to gamer language.
What, you didn't get it? I mean I got it. You should have.
(your silly logic)
My point (which, not surprisingly, seems to have gone over your head) was that "you lose bud" is not a tactic that supports any of your contentions. Sarcasm IS used in debates because it can be powerful if applied properly. "You lose bud" serves no purpose whatsoever, unless you expect the other party to be brainwashed by your retort.

This wasn't a debate. I was pointing out something you should have learned in your senior year of high school if not freshman college course. Sorry if you missed out on that lesson.
What lesson? The lesson that I can't simply use quotations if HOUTS doesn't get them? I guess you're going to be frustrated then, because I'll quote whatever plays I like, whenever I like. Hey, who knows? I might even insert quotes that really don't make sense, even with context--just for you. :p

Your continual defensive measures are what makes this a 'debate' in your eyes. To me it's just another class session: teacher teaching the pupil.
My sympathies go out to your misinformed students (if they exist).


Thanks for backing my points up.
You did nothing to improve upon, or refute, the original arguements.

I win this round.




The Tentacled One
HOUTS said:
Thanks for backing my points up.
You did nothing to improve upon, or refute, the original arguements.

I win this round.


Are you sure you wouldn't like to throw another "you lose this time bud" or maybe a "0wned, n00b!" in there? It would make your repetitive (and insubstantial) argument even more convincing than it already is!

Oh, I know. You should compare me to Spiderman again. Since you have a problem with the guy, I must! After all, everyone thinks in the same warped manner as you do: it's the secret to your mind-reading powers.


Ah, I see. My mistake for taking the whole thing wrongly. I noticed that post about the same time the whole "A Friendly Chat with Houts" started and figured that was an originating post. I apologize for getting that in the wrong context.
Sefro's Notepad (

"I always hope for the best. Experience, unfortunately, has taught me to expect the worst." -Garrak, ST: DS9

You're fine Sefro, I was playing with the post. In fact I thought it had great timing. I had read the original post and knew whom it was directed to but wanted to make a point. Obviously, Oversoul didn't catch on. Not that I'd expect he would.
Thanks for the set-up Sefro.

Sucker MCs call me sire.

Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Dallas, TX
Age: 29
Posts: 4,552 <----- LOL! Amazing remark...*rolls eyes*
Don't feed the troll.

Are you sure you wouldn't like to throw another "you lose this time bud" or maybe a "0wned, n00b!" in there? It would make your repetitive (and insubstantial) argument even more convincing than it already is!

Oh, I know. You should compare me to Spiderman again. Since you have a problem with the guy, I must! After all, everyone thinks in the same warped manner as you do: it's the secret to your mind-reading powers.

Nah, your immature and ignorant responses are enough.
It's like the signs you see at Great America: You must be "This height" to go onto this ride.
I should have one for this: You must be X educated to even talk to me.

Honestly, you wonder why I put you, Spidey and Istanbull into the same category. You've put more time, and word count, into this whole thing than an article. Yet, I strain to see anything productive on either side.
You've continuously avoided the actual debate/arguement or whatever you want to call it. Even though there is no actual debate over a simple defintion being applied. Just pure facts you can find any book. Pure ignorance is what you run on, backed by utter diversion from the actual topic. Anyone with at least a B.A. in any field would just shake their head at your comments.

No, sir, I don't have to say "you're a nub", I let your own words say that for you.

I'll let you think what you want, and say what you need. Anything to fill the empty void inside that says-- "I'm Right!"

(End of Conversation)


CPA Five Time Winner of All Things Debatable: HOUTS
CPA Four Time Winner of All Thing Factual: HOUTS


The Tentacled One
HOUTS said:
Obviously, Oversoul didn't catch on. Not that I'd expect he would.
Thanks for the set-up Sefro.
I didn't even comment on anything between you and Sageridder.

Nah, your immature and ignorant responses are enough.
It's like the signs you see at Great America: You must be "This height" to go onto this ride.
I should have one for this: You must be X educated to even talk to me.
Somebody mark the calendar: HOUTS used "ignorant" in one of his lame attacks on another member. What an anomaly! :rolleyes:

Honestly, you wonder why I put you, Spidey and Istanbull into the same category.
There you go, trying to read my mind yet again.

You've put more time, and word count, into this whole thing than an article. Yet, I strain to see anything productive on either side.
Strain away. I do not care.

You've continuously avoided the actual debate/arguement or whatever you want to call it. Even though there is no actual debate over a simple defintion being applied.Just pure facts you can find any book.
I made contentions, which you failed to refute. Had this been a debate, any competent judge would have given you a big, fat loss.

Pure ignorance is what you run on, backed by utter diversion from the actual topic. Anyone with at least a B.A. in any field would just shake their head at your comments.
Oh, I see. Anyone who has gone to college is necessarily intelligent, whereas everyone else is a stupid plebian. My instructors in high school and college have all had degrees (being that it's a requirement and all), but some of them have been total morons.

When being elitist, setting ridiculously low standards make you look even more ridiculous.