Nightstalker's-type news



Why would a guy steal cosmetics?

Aren't there better things to borrow?


The Tentacled One
Why would he steal them by juggling them in front of everyone?

The guy clearly needs mental help...


The Tentacled One
The former really reminds me of Fight Club, probably because I read it recently, but I they kept that part in the movie too, I'm pretty sure...

The latter, well...

At least he won't be passing his stupidity down to anyone else now (well, he probably will, because they'll like do some stupid new experimental transplant for him or something and he'll get his penis back. But you know, if he'd just hurried up and bled to death before anyone could get to him, he could have won a Darwin Award for sure...


If you ask me that is discrimination...surely it was more or less the girl's fault.

She should have had the longer sentence


Staff member
Why is it more or less the girl's fault?

Beats me why the guy gets the longer sentence... probably need more details and info on indecency in Italy...


The Tentacled One
I don't see any reason why one of them should get a longer sentence than the other. They both did the same thing. Unless it was the guy breaking the lock or something that added the extra month to his sentence...


Staff member
I agree, but they could have some unequal gender laws. Kind of like how in some countries, to get a divorce, men only have to say they want it while women need to get three or four witnesses and go through a whole rigamaroll before getting it (if they're lucky and do).