Commander 2015: Spidey (Seize Control) vs Mooseman (Plunder the Grave)


Staff member
Ha! They probably do, but I forgot about that (obviously); I would have chosen the Butcher in that case. Mooseman, you're a judge, you should have caught that! :) So do you want to do? Play it strictly by the rules where I wasted the spell and so continue playing or play it by intent where I was trying to deal the knockout blow?


Isengar Tussle
Well, It would have to go back to the point of error and to be strict, the tokens would be sac'd, but since I lost that deck in the computer fiasco, I'd say you did get the Butcher and I would have died anyway
Funny that essential magic lists it as non-legendary, but the picture of the card shows it is.
I'll get another commander deck this weekend and get back to business.