Why did you choose your User Name?



It all goes back to a basketball game.

All I can say - "It's hard to stop a train."


It's the name I go by in real life.
It means "mongoose" in my invented language, "a joke" in hindu, and "cheap crappy zinc based pot metal" in machinist's jargon.


It's been my nickname for years now. It was a take off of the Cold song "Just Got Wicked". After going by "Wicked" for a while, I felt that it needed more. Remembering one of my friend's high school tags "Sicko-Psycho #7", I added the last ingredient to make the name I've gone by for probably three years now.


Chipatog is a longer story.:D

Killer Joe

New member
"Yellowjacket" because that's my school's mascot (where I teach).
Then I had to change it, due to a glitch in my computer, to "Killer Joe", a Benny Golson west coast swing tune from the 60's. A great recording of it is on "Quincy Jones: Walking In Space" LP, recorded in 1969.


Started a number of years ago as "wen" which is some kind of bred-in-by-humans ugly thing on certain goldfish's heads, which somehow turned into "sven" and then the family first got an ISP when I was off somewhere and they made my screen name Svenmonkey which lives to this day.


Originally posted by Mazzak
It's the name I go by in real life.
It means "mongoose" in my invented language, "a joke" in hindu, and "cheap crappy zinc based pot metal" in machinist's jargon.
1. Its "Hindi"
2. I can attest to this.


I always identified with the Orgg from Fallen Empires... A big chicken that everyone made fun of that didn't like to fight.

I was always the 'fat kid' that was picked on growing up, and most people hated me. Same for that one card, and I felt a kinship with it.


I work at a bowling center that has a snack bar that serves burgers and appetizers and stuff. My Bowling coach, who used to bartend/work snack counter, was working and I walked in to place my order. I ordered a Hamburger w/fries, and then I left and waited for my food to be done. He called my order over the PA and then I got it, put some ketchup on it and began to eat in at another section of the bar. I returned my basket to the snack counter and begun working again. He then called me back over there and told me he had another burger that was accidentally made and asked me if I wanted it. I said ok, the last burger didn't quite fill me up so I was still a bit hungry. He gave it to me and again I went to the same place I had been eating before. I again returned the basket and begun to work again, when he called me over for a third time.

He asked, "How were your burgers?"
I replied, "They were good, but they were a little salty."
He said, "Dude, you just ate an entire bottle of Tabasco sauce on those burgers.......I'm gonna call you Tabasco Tony!"

So the name has stuck even since.

For the record: the bottle was the standard size that many bars use......(not one of those mini-bottles).


'Twas waaay back in middle school. I met this kid who quickly became one of my best friends. My real name is Andrew, and for most of my life, I've hated being called Andy. This new friend of mine kept slipping and calling me Andy and so I kept correcting him. Eventually he would cath himself and joke like he wasn't about to slip and call me Andy. What came out was "Andy-Roo" which sounded stupid and quickly became "Andy-Rooser," which for the sake of evolving into the coolest nickname ever got shortened to "Rooser." So that's it. Some guy kept calling me Andy and now I'm Rooser. I don't get called Rooser very often any more in real life, (Though I'll still answer to it,and I secretly wish more people called me that), but a few years ago I thought it would make a good internet-moniker.

Here's the final irony. The name was spawned because of my insistence on being called a specific name. Now I'm plagued by yahoos who call me "Rooster," "Roser," or even "Rosser."

And here's the uber-irony: I don't mind being called Andy so much anymore. What happened is that another Andrew entered into a circle of my friends and someone had to devise a way to differentiate between us. The classic "big v. little" system was adopted. I was Big Andy, and the other guy was Lil' Andy. Big Andy just didn't sound so bad, so I tolerated it, and that brings us to the present day.


Staff member
orgg: You sounds a little like Rupert from Survivor :)

Tabasco: I'm guessing you didn't know there was Tabasco sauce on your burgers? Did your boss put it on them as a prank to see if you would eat them?

Or you did know and your boss was amazed?


The biggest reason Mikeymike stuck with me, is way back in the day I used to work at Bed, Bath, & Beyond (hey, it was highschool) I used to have a hilarious/coke-head/loud-mouth co-worker who used to scream "Mikeymike" just about everytime he (or I) showed up to work. His delivery was classic and manic, and always gave me a good chuckle, plus I liked the name.

Once Mikeymike started to stick out in my head, I noticed that other people from multiple circles end up referring to me as Mikeymike. They never worked with me at BBB, and I never referred to myself as Mikeymike, so I always thought it was especially interesting that misc people were giving me the same nickname.

So I went with it.


Mine is rather weird and goofy and long.

Back when I was still in High School and the Original Medal of Honor came out, my friends and I used to play it all of the time. Incessantly. One night, I believe it was New Year's Eve, we decided to replay the mission in which you have to sneak around a boat collecting passports while all of the Germans keep yelling "Your papers please!"

The accent was so bad and amusing, that as plastered as we were, we just kept shouting "Where are the papers?" The stupidity almost ended there, but one of the four of us passed out, so what do we drunkenly do? That's right, we keep whispering in his ear "Where are the papers?" Eventually he starts whispering papers in his sleep. WE all had a good laugh to that.

After that, my family finally got a computer and the internet. And I was attempting to think of an online handle, and my thoughts went back the papers incident. But I couldn't just call myself The Papers (though that would make an interesting superhero name: Don't Worry, The Papers Will Save Us) I had this strange habit of adding the word head after everyone’s name at the time. Jasonhead, Garethhead, Santahead....was just a thing. So I tack that on there, add a little pesto, some spice, some zip, finish with a monsieur title. And voila. We get the name of nameness.


Way to quote NBC.
The other way is wrong, BTW. (Its Hindi. Hindi is a language. Hindu is a religion. Indian is a nationality.)
Sorry, but my parents are from India and I'm kinda picky about this stuff.