Why can't the world live in harmony


Thallid Ice Cream Man

Yes, some of those people tried to take over the world. However, they didn't, just barely.

This is because the ignorance that was necessary to instill upon the masses was not present all around - not everyone was completely ignorant. This lack of complete ignorance is what really saves the world, time and again, because the least ignorant (of those who are opposed to instilling this ignorance) work to spread enlightenment.

In a slightly unrelated note:

Many people (in general, not necessarily here) are toying with the notion that humans are pure evil and should be eliminated from this planet to make it better. This, however, is not true. The one true hope for humanity is enlightenment. I just wanted to say that as this is the most important issue in the world to me.


Your idea is idealistic. Sadly, I predict you will never achieve the goal from your current position in society. Society, as it exists today, does not premit total enlightenment. As teenagers, and even young adults, we are extremely naive. We seek to better everything. But as time goes on, we learn it's just not possible. Society is too complex to easily weave a simple idea.

Thallid Ice Cream Man

I agree that this is very idealistic and that at my age, few people would listen to me, it would seem. In fact it would be impossible to achieve all of this myself in my lifetime. However, there are two important factors that make this more than just a fledgling idea.

First, there are certainly others who agree with me (for one Ristik, it would seem), so it's not as though I am doing this alone. What I (and other people who share my ideals) need to do is communicate to people who aren't sure whether they would want to do something like this or not that it really is worth it.

Second, the thought that few people would listen to me at my age is based on ignorance on the part of those people, which I need to eliminate as well. I will probably not reveal my age, as this won't help me, you are right. I am not expecting this to happen immediately. Despite my ideals, people are not going to take me seriously now, that is true. However, if I can communicate to more "respected" people my risk, or become respected for something else (which is not entirely impossible),
this will not present a problem.


Holland and Sweden have the best-functioning of all Western societies, but if you really want to know where humans get along best, go to Australia/New Zealand, or better yet, Polynesia. But we're still a basically self-serving species who are rapidly committing genosuicide. Read "Pastwatch" by Orson Scott Card. "Earth Day" is a misnomer. The Earth couldn't care less if all the air and water and lifeforms went away. It should be called "Human Race Day." But "The Powers that Be" couldn't care less about the future beyond their own lives, or at least the next fiscal quarter, or about 99.99 % of us as long as we keep buying their products. Gizmo, a Marxist? Who knew? :)


hmm...interesting thread. In prehistoric times where our original ancestors ,the Cro-Magons, thrived, there is evidence that multiple groups of hominids other than Neandtherals did too (at least during the earlier stages). Our ancestors have basically wiped the earth of these other hominids--tells you something about our disposition to hate and kill at the slightest hint of differences and keep in familial groups for protection. Why was there such an evolutionary struggle to elminate the so called competition of the emergining species? Today there are various species of apes, monkeys, chimpanzees, and orangutans...they avoid each other altogether for the most part.
Yet, I believe that hate is not entirely inherent even though that is one major factor. I'm going to have to pull Adolf into this. If you rationalize with this trend, you would suspect that he at least tolerated Jews since he was half Jewish. Clearly society's already laid out ignorances and misconceptions play a big role. Added to that, (sorry for bring in psycology) relationships in the family and past experiences that would either teach one to fear or respond to that fear in a violent way. Instances such as the Holocaust, Rape of Nanking, the white supremacy movement, ect... usually come by people masked and by the throngs. In a crowd, it seems, humans are easily swayed and induvidualism is lost. Our fear of our peers (not confirming to the trend) and the underlying
ignorance usually leads to hate.
Frankly I don't think we are capable of ever getting rid of it. I especially "hate" ;) the fact that most people my age are mindless products of our culture. I'm not exactly an misanthropist, merely not optimistic about our ability for enlightement even though I claim to be a "Buddist" :)