Wall Of Deceit


Staff member
Once again, I didn't explain myself well. I'm not sure what I was thinking that day... :rolleyes: :)

I meant that it shows that he's new to the game so it's not certain that he knows about Ancestral Recall. It's clear he's not too knowledgeable about the power of drawing cards, so mentioning such a power older card would need more explaining.


Tell your friend he needs to learn the rules of the game.

Also, if this was a courtroom, the judge would probably say the burden of proof was on him, not you. So he doesn't want to accept this thread as proof that you are right, fine, but it should be pointed out that he has absolutely no proof that you are wrong, either. The card by itself doesn't provide any evidence that you are wrong - so that means means its up to him to prove that you are breaking the rules. Fact of the matter is he won't be because there is NOTHING in the rules anywhere that says you can't morph a creature on the same turn you play it, nor is there any rule about not being able to turn the creature back over and keep flipping.

If he stilll doesn't buy it, you should ask him why he thinks Wizards designed the card in the first place. What would be the point of the card if you couldn't keep flipping it back and forth? Even without stuff like aven farseer, clearly the card is designed to be a cheap wall that can becomes a 2/2 and attack if you need it to, and then switch back to a wall if you need defense again.

In the future, you can resolve rules issues by calling Wizard's Customer Support line, (Not enough people know about this option, actually). You can get an official judge on the phone and they'll answer your questions right quick!



You'll get a flunkie min-wage slave who knows a bit about all of WOTC's games. If you ask a well-thought-out rules question, they'll get the answer correct after a twenty-minute waiting period... about half the time.

Yes, if you need a resolution, call and go with that temporarily-- but they're NOT JUDGES. They know a little about a LOT of games. That's It.

What's that 800 number again?


Um, I think they've probably upgraded their service, because at a tourney we got a quick answer from an actual judge - and it was a complicated question ... let's just say the guy had a lethal vapors in hand when his opponent mindslavered him.


"Can you say infinite turns?":rolleyes:

But I could be wrong......


Staff member
If you don't need the answer right away, you could also contact Rune Horvick(?) at the magicthegathering website and he might put it in his Sunday School rulings...


or you can post here in our rules forum, and some of our certified judges can answer the question...

The people manning the WoTC phones, are supposed to be at least level 1's from my uderstanding...

"That doesn't say much as my daughter is in (grade) level 2...":D


Staff member
Yeah, but I figure his friend might be more willing to take the answer if it comes from a more "official WOTC" source like Rune...