Unnatural Selection



Hope you dont consider this thread "dead ages ago"...

Pure reflection works also nice with spirit mirror. Reflection theme! The mirror ables you to kill every reflection token you opponent might produce.

Ideas for unnatural selction:
spirrit mirror,voidmage prodigy,mishras factoty,king suleiman,crystalline sliver (and maybe winged and others), elephant graveyard,seaside haven,knight of the mists,callous oppressor,standard bearer(?), lord of atlantis. Add some mistforms.
Yes, I did make the deck :)

I believe theres some U/G comboway too, combining the unnatural selection/griffin canyon/animate land(or other) combo with some argothian elder/maze of ith combo.
Argothian elder/maze of ith/griffin canyon/unnatural selection/another creature (yes, this is lots of cards) makes an infinite large creature. Mishras cuts the combo down to 3 cards, and fits well with unnatural selection. If you like strange comboes, this might be worth a try...


The Tentacled One
Well, the Griffin Canyon/Mishra's Factory one is only three cards and two of them are lands. That seems pretty plausible to pull off. Factory is good alone too, and Canyon is at least not dead weight without the combo. Selection is, by nature of the card, but it would always be the last component to hit the table anyway...


I'm not quite sure why Nightstalkers thinks that the Unnatural Selection + Spirrit Mirror Combo only works on your turn and not your opponent's...


I think what he means is that it cost you 1 mana for every kill, so you probably cant destroy all opponents creatures at once. Artificial evolution + spirit mirror hoses any creature theme deck.

I have been testing pure reflection, and I think it works very well -maybe even better than spirit mirror, since it is much easier to get into play in a deck which tends to play most blue. Spirit mirror is the bomb, but this one is more manaefficient, so maybe it will be wise to play more of these than mirrors (right now I play 2 of these, and 3 mirrors)
It have some really good sideeffects too.

1.it gives you creatures. Obviously you will add Karakas and make lots of creatures.

2.it actually saved me once, that you can destroy creatures, which cant be targeted with pure reflection + artificially evolution.

One major problem: Mistform Ultimus is a reflection too...

Artificial evolution also works better than one should think. It doesnt look like its doing much, but as an instant for 1 mana it will often be the "plan b" which might save ones butt. I play 2 in my deck, and dont want to draw both, but 1 will always be nice. If you dont see some disenchant effect comming, it can always give unnatural selection ability to make walls.

Shiro, Time Devourer

Black's ideas:

Chainer, Dementia Master (When he goes AT ALL, you get to wipe out as many creatures as you have mana.
Rotlung Reanimator (Lose a zombie, gain a zombie......)

For Blue, Cowardice is just NICE!

1: Return target creature to its owner's hand. :D


More black stuff:

Thrull Champion

extinction -but very expensive.

Various zombie cards

-but I dont think black is such a good color to use with unnatural selection.


The Tentacled One
Yeah, it seems to eat mana...

Although Thrull Champion could be cool...

The best trick seems to me to be the synergy with either Pure Reflection or Griffin Canyon...


Cowardice is nice, but NEVER choose cowardice before Karakas -it doesnt produce mana, it its not free...just ny oppinion....


The Tentacled One
Karakas and Unnatural Selection would give you an engine in which you can pay 1 and tap the Karakas to bounce a creature. Cowardice and Unnatural Selection gives you an engine in which you can pay 1 to bounce a creature. That seems better to me, even with Cowardice's exorbitant mana cost factored in...

Edit: Had to erase the extra instance of the word "tap" that snuck in there. Tap, tap, tappity, tap...


rhystic deluge and unnatural selection seems cool, just cuz i like rhystic deluge.........


The Tentacled One
You mean Rhystic Deluge and Cowardice? I've never tried a deck with Cowardice before...

Unnatural Selection might seem nicer since it costs 1 less, but Rhystic Deluge also does something when by itself...

Tough call, but I'd go with Deluge...


if im playin blu, with rhystic out, and no stuff to play on their turn, ill trry to tap their creatures, and if they pay 1 ill keep doin it to waste down thier mana, its fun....


lol! arcane lab is like rule of law..or whatever that card in MRD block is called.....