The Question Game!


CPA Trash Man
No. Your fat makes you look fat. Your pants just make you look uncomfortable.

Give me a cookie, will ya?

Ransac, cpa trash man


CPA Trash Man
Depends on which one. The current one was 3 and the THEN current one was 65.

Do you think KJ knows that its spelled calendAr?

Ransac, cpa trash man


Isengar Tussle
So those of us who ar not spelling challenged can understand each other.

"If the first day of Spring has already pasted, are we in Sprung or Sprang?"


Then the new gnome-built spellchecker for Macintosh would blow up in your face.

Did that sound to much like a corrupted wish?


CPA Trash Man
I may have been too much, but not to much.

How can I become a Mythbuster? I wanna blow stuff up.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Isengar Tussle
LA to work the Star Wars Celebration convention
Columbus to work Origins for Mayfair Games
Indy to work GenCon for Upperdeck (PES)
Hudson, OH to run the Poker Tournament at Another Game Convention
Somewhere with my wife? Maybe Florida in the fall.....

Do you have weekends off?


CPA Trash Man
Well, I get my weekends off from school (and come three weeks, I'll have a lot MORE off).

How many ducks could a woodchuck......... um.....? :D

Ransac, cpa trash man