The other Hobbies...



Oh, and to those of you who think I'm putting you on about some of the above, Although you have reason to be suspicious, I did not make up any of it.

And I knew I'd forget something: I also study Jeudo-Christian history and medieval culture, espscially British.

...and I hang out on the internet way too much, while at work.


I'm rather an impulsive person, My hobbies change from time to time.

But right now:

I play magic
playstation RPG's (star ocean is the best!)
Soccer (my Life)
Chess (I used to be the chess club president in my highschool)
Fantacy Books (mainly the Dragonlance Saga and a little bit of terry brooks)
Sleep (I like to sleep 10-12 hours a day. If I can't get that at night I get it in class)
I play the violin
I collect coins (I try to get them when I visit other countries, So far I just got a collection from Japan and Holland. I do have a few old coins but they arn't worth anything.)
Traveling (I plan to travel the world)
Eating (no matter how much I try I can't quit this addicting habit)

Well, I'm sure I forgot something. But for now Thats what I do.



Geeze, I dont even have enough time for Magic as it is.
Any hobby, including 50% of Magic time is taken from my hours sleep.

Unless you count as a hobby to run errands, clean, cook and work etc ...

Cateran Emperor

I work on my Evil Overlord's Guide to Success :cool: Now up to 113 points of advice for the up and coming ruler of Earth!

Sammy Dead-O

I play lots of board and card games. I really enjoy Ohne Furcht und Adel (a German card game from Hans Im Gluck). Like theorgg, I've also become a Cheapass fan, especially Button Men. And any casual Magic player should probably check out the Cheapass games Mana Burn and Landyland, both Magic-themed board games.

I also design as many games as I can for the kids I work with.

I play the drums in a ska band.

I ponder ways to make my lifestyle more cruelty-free.

Sometimes I get to hang out with my girlfriend.


I would think that by now we wouldn't be considered strangers...:)


What's this? Are we revealing ourdeepest and darkest secrets? Well, I will tell you one of mine, yes, its scary, but before you say anything, no I am not gay. I do get it alot.

Things ademis22 does: (other than magic)

Dances!!! Yes, I do Jazz, ballet, and tap (not this year though, had to drop tap..)
Killing people, I have a collection of body parts in my basement!!! (not really, but I wish I did..)
I read more than most people, I finished 1104 pages in 2 days, and buy every magic book that has and will come out.
Music!!! I play Saxamaphone (Baritone) and piano.
Band!!! I play my Baritone Saxamaphone in a marching band, so I get lots of pain between it and dancing.

I am interested in astrology, who else is? I'm learning Tarot, runes, I know aobut birthdays and astrology (Too many planet things to memorize... and ascendant, whats with that?)

Computer!! Currently, I'm passing Baldur's gate. Video games and most computer games don't last long in my house, so I usually throw them aside.

Poetry of course!! And recently a couple of mine have been published and 1 went on a cd!! Groovy...

Dragons, I collect dragon stuff in general, I can tell you literally anything about them, its an obsession.

M.t.m Marvin the martian, I collect everything I can about him (for some odd reason) he has been in 14 episodes of looney tunes, his dog, K-9 has been in 9 (might be 7), and his neice (yes his neice, Marcie) has been in one episode.

Too much information?


Originally posted by ademis22
...recently a couple of mine have been published and 1 went on a cd...
...and so did mine! I have 5 poems published, and 1 of them is on a CD...I think we're talkin' about the same CD's here, Ademis, which is kind of cool...are we talkin' about Poetry.Com's productions here?


Staff member
The Other Man In Tights! :)

Hey, where are you in Baldur's Gate? I WAS just past Nashkel and exploring the surrounding areas, trying to find that guard captain, but then I read something on how to maximize your character stats when you create him so I started over, and THEN I got a new computer and while fooling around with it and the old one, I lost the capability of booting on my old one, so my saved games were lost. So I had to start over AGAIN! Anyway, just wondering where you are, don't go into any spoilers or nuthin' :)

Sidar Jabari

Reading, music, football (Thats soccer guys!), food, rpg's (D&D third, storyteller (I wish they did a generic fantasy - it would really take the stigma off playing it!)), playing archmage on the net, hanging out with friends, staying up to all hours talking about the weakness of the ranger class in 3rd ed, anything with the word quantum in, talking, talking, talking, being afraid of the new LoTR movie, waiting for the psionicist handbook, thinking, thinking, thinking, programming in Java, loving, living....

Sammy Dead-O

Spidey: Zum Kuckuk is from FX Schmidt. What's the game like?

Hans Im Gluck ( also makes Aladdin's Dragons, I think. It seems to be a fairly popular game.


Staff member
You want an explanation? Oh boy...

Let's see... you have x amount of cards numbered from 1-60 in your hand, and a deck numbered 1-12 twice on the table. You also get a certain number of "egg" cards based on your hand. You flip over two of the On Table cards. Everyone then picks a card from their hand and shows them at the same time. (I think) the highest showing card takes the lower number on the table, and the lowest showing card gets the highest on the table. Then, out of everyone, the highest number showing from the On The Table deck has to turn over an egg card. When all your eggs are turned over, you're out of the round. When the round is over (either one person still has eggs or you got rid of your cards in hand), you get points based on how many egg cards you have left. Then you pass your hand and eggs clockwise and play with the new hand.

Did that make sense? Very fun, but no one around me will play... :(


Hey Trust me, spandex is not comfortable.

I'm up in cloakwood right now try to kill the wyverns and kill the evil bandit dudes. I checked the internet for cheats and there is supposedly something you type in in the .ini file and then in the game you can create items, but it doesn't work! Oh well...


That hack on Bauldur's Gate you are talking about does indeed work.

You can do all sorts of crazy stuff with it, from summoning up Drizzt Du'Urden to teleporting anywhere on the map. Very cool, and it makes the game a piece of cake.

Would you like +4 Platemail, a enchanted shield, a girdle of giant strength AND a vorpol sword? For ALL of the characters in the party? It all can be yours if you hack it just right. If I find my notes, I'll post how to do it right, since most of the instructions on the net are a bit confusing.

(The scroll of Cow Slaying rules!)

Also, did you know if you start a Multi-player game, you can play alone but with a full 6 person party you create yourself?


OH I'm sorry duke, Yes it is a thing. Mines "Death of an Eternal"


...the poem title, or the CD?

My poem, Vagabond, is being published, and is recorded in a collection of 33 chosen poems, in an internationally released CD called "The Sound of Poetry". If your poem, Ademis, is in that same CD collection (of 3), it would be cool...we're both from the CPA, and we both scored a good one at