The influx of Spam we've been getting


CPA Trash Man
Is it just me or have we been victims to an increasing number of spam members in the past few months? AND, is there a way to prevent this from happening? (My immediate train of thought says "no," but I'm tired and refuse to think at this point)

Ransac, cpa trash man


You could beg people to make you a mod... Otherwise, I think the spambots go in spells.


I don't think we have it on this version, but I'm pretty sure on later versions of vbulletin there is a mod option to make new members post not be automaticly posted.Instead the first so many posts are redirected to the mods for approval first, I belive.I think that's how some sights delt with the danny cheung issue.


Staff member
Are the spam members actually posting (this is the first forum I check when I log on)? If they are, someone else must be deleting them. If they aren't, no big deal as I have been deleting members who have been inactive for a year and have 0 posts (granted, that means they don't get deleted until 2011, but again, if they're not posting, no big deal).

If I do come across a spam post when I'm on here, I delete it and its poster immediately. Which is why if someone else is just deleting their threads and not the poster, I wouldn't know about it and not delete them either.

It hasn't really been that much though. I've been keeping an eye on the member count and it's only risen by about 10 members in the last couple of weeks. I wouldn't necessarily call it a "flood".

There is an option on this version to allow mods to "approve" new members before posting, I believe... I think we didn't turn it on for danny cheung because it wasn't that great of a problem... he posted once a day, we just deleted. It wasn't like he was registering every hour and posting, for example.


On most message boards there is about 50% of members who never post, just lurk. You're probably deleting perfectly honest individuals.


Staff member
I probably am, but I'm checking the date of their last activity. If they haven't been on in five years, then they're probably never coming back on (and even if they want to, they probably forgot their password anyway).


I've been blowing up the spammers, or if a member has posted, editing out their two dozen URLs and locking the thread.

OffTopic is where they usually are.


Staff member
orgg: Is "blowing up" another term for deleting?

I usually just take your locked thread and delete it and delete the poster...


CPA Trash Man
*Ransac gasps at the sight of Spammer Apollo and shoots a small nuclear missile in his general direction. He misses and accidentally blows up Rhode Island.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


Isengar Tussle
Ransac said:
*Ransac gasps at the sight of Spammer Apollo and shoots a small nuclear missile in his general direction. He misses and accidentally blows up Rhode Island.*
And nobody notices........


Spiderman said:
orgg: Is "blowing up" another term for deleting?

I usually just take your locked thread and delete it and delete the poster...
Pretty much. I take it out of circulation for the general populace of the CPA.


You should know better than to shoot nuclear missles at me by now. Even if you hit me, I'm just reborn in a plume of fire, to scatter my spammy seeds across the landscape once more.


You arn't a page of fifty-eight links to pornographic matter or MP3s.

That's the kind of excression I've been blowing up.


Nothing Special
orgg said:
You arn't a page of fifty-eight links to pornographic matter or MP3s.

That's the kind of excression I've been blowing up.
Oh man! So I'm not allowed to post 58 links to porn and MP3s, anymore? These rules are getting way too strict around here!