Survivor: Gabon


Staff member
Yea! Bob won!

It was touch and go there, with Susie winning immunity and the others seemingly resigned to voting Bob off. But Sugar convinced Bob to pull off a tie and his practice at firemaking paid off! (As Jeff said in the reunion, *anyone* who gets on Survivor should be practicing their firemaking right away). And while Susie garnered three "surprise" votes (surprise to me, but I guess she was a better alternative than Sugar), Randy cast the deciding vote. Wooo!

Corinne is just a mean person. And a sore loser to boot. Her final tribal/jury and reunion comments just reinforced it.

Kenny looked foolish trying to call Bob out for not sticking to his deal and giving him the idol and Bob retorted with Kenny wanting to eliminate Bob right after. Twice too! Give it up...

Glad Bob won the Sprint challenge too.


Yeah, I really liked Sugar. My choices for top-3 would have been Sugar, then Bob, then Matty. I liked Kenny for most of the competition because I felt he played very intelligently, but I think he was right that he got cocky. After that, I wasn't rooting for him anymore.

I thought Sugar also played a very intelligent game. Giving the idol to Matty when she did and then arranging a tie to give Bob a chance. The thing I liked about her is that she always played for what she felt was right rather than what would give her an advantage. While that's probably not the best way to win, it gets my respect.

All in all, I'm surprised how many votes Susie got, but I'm satisfied with Bob winning. He really rallied to keep himself around and while many of the ultimate plays weren't his, he kept his eyes open and latched onto opportunity when he had the chance. For example, he was upset about what they did to Randy, but had he not gone along with it, he probably would have been outed earlier himself.

And I agree, Kenny kept making a point about handing over immunity, but ended up looking dumb himself..."well yeah, I thought you were going to sacrifice yourself..." What??? Bob could have actually handed over the necklace had he felt more confident that people would still side with Sugar in voting out Crystal anyway. I think they would have, but I don't blame him for being unsure.

I wish Sugar had won the Sprint challenge, just because Bob already got the million, but oh well...


Staff member
Yeah, Sugar didn't jump out at me in the beginning, but she proved herself to be a capable and fair player. Just taking along Bob instead of Matty even though she knew she wouldn't win against him is reminiscent of the Outback one, where the strong guy lost to the popular female elder (forget their names, it's been so long!). She believed in fairness and goodness :)

And for Kenny and Bob, Bob easily could have rebutted Kenny's assertion that he "needed the idol" by pointing to the votes in that no one even put Kenny's name down and thus wasn't in any danger...

Sugar was probably pretty close in votes to Bob in the Sprint challenge though.


Spiderman;275600 said:
Sugar was probably pretty close in votes to Bob in the Sprint challenge though.
I'm sure you are correct. And all things considered, given Sugar's previous line of work, she's going to end up winning out of this one way or another anyway. I wouldn't be surprised to see her getting some endorsement deals. Bob, on the other hand, is likely to retire and find a nice hobby to occupy his time. So I guess we can feel good for both of them.


Staff member
I agree.

I think it's pretty cool Bob's incorporating some of the Survivor challenges in his physics class too :)