school's back...:(

Killer Joe

New member
Well, from the other side of the view (teachers-that's me), I look at the beginning of every year as a fresh start. I know ALL of my students already because of band camp, and I like every one of them. Being a Band Director, I'm not treated quite the same by students as they treat the other teachers. I have students comming down to my office throught the day and they mostly complain about other teachers, I always try to put a positive spin on their problems letting them know that the teachers are just doing their job and don't hate them if they get a bad grade or whatever. I love my job, and since I have these students for four years, I really get the time to develop a friendly rapport with them. As for the summers off, well, we really are 'laid-off' 3 months of the year because we don't get paid if we're not teaching (I'll bet no one has really thought of it as that way, huh?).


Its interesting to see what types of people play magic. For example teachers like Yellowjacket. My friend Domanic is an Algebra teacher and he is also a level 1 judge. It surprised me. I work for a resturant and see many truck drivers. One of them says he plays magic at the truck stops with his buddies in between runs. Kind of interesting. So I am gonna start a new thread in off topic..I think thats where it should go..About the more unlikly people to play magic


Staff member
3-1? That's okay, but I think I would like more 11-9 or 12-10. I don't need to sleep in THAT late :)

Even better, telecommuting... :)


I had no choice in the matter. They told me thats what its going to be. And I had to accept it


Staff member
Oh, I realize that (I think). I was just stating MY ideal working hours (although 10 is too much, even if you get 5th day off). For an eight hour day 11-7 or 12-8.


school started for me last week on the 14(sighs)

hememti the reason the orgg doesn't have access after school is because he runs a local at-school magic club (which i know about because i was in it). Great group
they are, orgg's a great player


I HATE my fifth period class, it's economics btw, but that's not why I hate it. It's all because the teacher is a jerk and a coach, I just don't get along well with coaches. I just don't like it.


I had orientation today.


I did meet some cute girls though so it'll be fun:)