Obama thinks babies are punishment!



Ok, maybe I just like to get things a little riled up, however I found this slip of the tongue to be most hillary-ous.

Senator Obama stated in a press spot recently that he wants to raise his daughters with good morales and values, and yet "if one of them makes a mistake, I do not want her to be punished with a baby". This was in reference to his stance on abortion. Not trying to take this out of context.


Killer Joe

New member
I'm not sure where you're comming from on this but I think he's saying that no one should be punished for having an unplanned pregnancy. Socially punished that is, which many people do have negative opinions about young folk who are single parents.

Somehow I get the feeling you're seeing another way? :confused:

Again, I am NOT an Obama fan so please point me to the light on this. :)


Obama is a candidate for the Presidency. Therefore, among many other qualifications, comes public speaking skills. (Yes, Bush has none either). As a professional public speaker, I know that the things I say matter. And the context must be clear. Where I ended my quote is exactly where he ended his. He could have, should have, and I even believe should politically required to, clarify his own context. The way I took it is, that he believes that abortion of a child is the correct way to do things, because having the child is punishment to the mother.

Perhaps he meant social punishment, perhaps not. However, if a person makes a mistake then they should suffer the consequences. Example, I decide to quit my job and blow all of my savings on Magic. (I know, this is supposed to be off topic but I could not resist) In 2 months I get evicted from my home, lose my vehicle, and am forced to live out of a suitcase. (been there, done that, not proud of it, just have the point of view) Should I be able to just say, "oops, that was a mistake, hello government, fix me up with everything again." I do not believe that is a viable option (Yes, I know there are some people that go through life just like that) I think if you create a situation that is likely to become uncomfortable for yourself, you should have to suffer all of the consequences. Guess what, bet ya never do that again.

Not sure if this clarified anything, but it was the best I can do at this time of night.


Staff member
<shrug> People make slips all of the time, public speaking or not. Hillary's gaffe about coming under sniper fire in Bosnia comes to mind. I'm sure there's some website that keep tracks of these sorts of things...

Killer Joe

New member
The new show on MSNBC called "Verdict" keeps track of these things and Hillary and her surrogates far out does it on blunders, misstatements and cheap shots than Obama by at least 2:1.

Killer Joe

New member
There's also a segment on that show called "Teflon John" where Dan Abrams points out McCain's Blunders, Misstatements and Cheap Shots that the media has missed or said very little about. Abrams implies that John McCain is getting a free-pass from the press because the democrats are way too interesting to report on.


What else do they have to say about McCain?

Monday: He is the undisputed Republican candidate.

Tuesday: He is still the undisputed Republican candidate (he ate steak today)

Wednesday: He is going to be the Republican Nominee (he had his laundry done today)

Thursday: etc....

Of course the Dems are getting a lot more media attention. They are still duking it out. Does this help or hurt McCain? You decide...the election is still a ways away.

Killer Joe

New member
It doesn't really matter what McCain says or does. He's beating both dems in general election polls. I don't think the media ought to put McCain on the Hot Seat for misstatements, blunders or cheap shots.

He does make those mistakes but it's pointless to scutinize him in any way.


Isengar Tussle
DF: Is this a stance on abortion? What about prevention of said unwanted situation? Or is there some government support for abortion as your example implied?

All: I like this site to get a more neutral POV on issues


He stated that he was trying to raise them with morals, but if they made a "mistake" then he did not want them to be punished with a baby. I assume that the mistake he is refering to is an unwanted pregnancy. Therefore I assume (and so does the rest of the media) that he is pro-choice, and may even be in favor of the government forcing abortions (although that last part is just conjecture). <shudder>

True, I am pro life, am conservative, am a republican (for the most part), however I am really saddened by the Republican party's lack of a true candidate. You will prolly see me making fun of McCain as well when he puts something out there that I can target. In all of these previous cases, I am truely being unbiased politically simply because I have no respect for any of them. I would love to see another Reagan in the White House, however, I have not seen anyone that would closely resemble the qualities that he brought to the office.

Therefore, just keep in mind, all my stuff here is mainly in jest, as, for me, this election year(s) is turning into quite a circus.

Killer Joe

New member
I wasn't aware that Obama's "pro-choice" stance equates to "forced abortions". Yet, another reason why I don't like him!!!

However, Hillary STILL out numbers Obama in blunder's, misstatements & cheap shots. She did it again last night, she quoted the "little boy" story, that Regan used to tell, to an audience and never mentioned that she got the story from The Gipper.

Leave McCain alone, he's the best "conservative democrat"*** of the three.

***note: this is not an oxymoron term. :)


MM: It was merely conjecture based on current practices of implementing Government control over something. Always starts out small, next thing ya know it has grown way out of control.

Example: Smoking. While in California last week I caught the news of a township that is trying to institute a ban on smoking on the sidewalk. The ban is already in place in public parks, apartments, restaurants, any business, bars, etc.... As a smoker (I know it is bad for me, hush!) I would like to know that the freedoms that we hold so dear to us remain intact, including my right to smoke. All of the misinformation out there is starting to get a lot of press coverage, and people now think that they have the right and even moral obligation to tell others what they can and cannot do (even in cases where it does not harm anyone). Fact #1: Smoking does not cause cancer (it does increase your risk to get it however). Fact #2: Second hand smoke is not more dangerous than actually smoking (not sure how that rumor got started). Fact #3: It is my body and if I wish to subject it to the harmful carcinogins then so be it. Next thing you know they will outlaw soda (pop) because caffine has been proven to cause cancer in laboratory animals (where was PETA then?) when dosed in sufficient quantities (more than a 24 pk a day I believe).

I personally do not like to see any government mandates regarding personal liberties. (With the exception of infringing DIRECTLY upon another persons liberties).

Not sure if that cleared it up, but that is why I put the conjecture out there. Yes it was a big leap, but look where smoking has gone.

(Texas is considering a ban on smoking in one's own car. Don't think it has a prayer of passing, however, the fact that it is even being discussed is frightening)


Staff member
Second hand smoke is not more dangerous than actually smoking
If by this you mean it still increases one's chances of getting cancer, just like smoking yourself, you ARE affecting someone else.

#1 and #3 I agree with though.


Isengar Tussle
So, DF you are against smoking bans but all for telling women what they can do with or to their bodies...... I am neither for or against abortions..... it's not cut and dried.

#1 I smoke and it it bad for you..... no question about it
#2 Others should not be subjected to your choice, but they can't live in a bubble either
#3 Sure, but it isn't going to get easier......

I do not believe that the government has the right to ban smoking in businesses like bars..... if you don't like smoke, don't go in there..... then the owners will decide how to run their business based on customers and the businesses ability to survive.....

BTW - I don't think Ronnie Raygun was a good president and those were not very good years for the economy.....


Spidey: It was the exact wording on #2. It is not MORE dangerous than smoking. That is a rumor that was started by the uneducated. It is dangerous, but more so for the smoker.

MM: I am not for telling women what to do. I am against it. I personally am pro choice, but only because I do not think I have the right to tell someone else what to do. Is it murder? No idea. Is it right or wrong? Again, not sure. Therefore with mu lack of a solid position, pro choice is the only way to go. But, I still do not think a baby is punishment. Consequence, sure. (Wife and I are trying to have one currently, but have yet to suceed. The trying is fun though!)