New Game: Beyond Balderdash


Staff member
Sleepy, welcome back!

fuzzy: Actually, the point of the game really is to BS your opponents into picking YOUR guess from the list. The emphasis is really not on trying to get the correct answer first off (which is why this is hard to translate into an online game rather than a in-person game). The correct answer will ALWAYS appear in the list; technically it is "submitted" by me, the God Person, although I don't get points if you guess it.

It will be pretty hard for two people to submit the exact same answer (unless you guys are collaborating) so if two or more people put up similar WRONG answers, I will still post them. Obviously, other people will see that those two are probably not the correct answer and will not choose them, so you're gonna lose out on points. If three people give the CORRECT answer, I will throw out the question and start anew (but everyone still gets their points up to there).


CPA Trash Man
*Ransac starts to put on his leiderhosen when he is intercepted by a boot to the head.*


*Ransac will still participate. However, it will be without leiderhosen.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


Originally posted by Spiderman

Got it? Confused? Let's play! Game will start Monday, 5/7. The categories I will be using are People, Initials, and Dates (no words or movies because they're too easy to look up).



Staff member
Glad to see such enthusiasm from you guys...

Forgot to mention, the game will last as many rounds as there are players. Currently that is 13. So the highest score at the end gets adulations from everyone else :)