M:TG = Spiderman vs. Train


Staff member
Untap, Draw, Make two Workers (2 Swamps), Attack with both...

In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp, Swamp, Mishra Factory(T), Mishra's Factory(T), B.lands
Cards in Hand: 3
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict
Removed from game:
Life: 8

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Plains(T) Plains, Plains, Plains, Broodhatch
Cards in Hand:0
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Tusker, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper
Removed From Game:
Life: 10


Staff member
Nothing either... you take 2, two Insects are created. Play Badlands. Done.

In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp, Swamp, Mishra Factory(T), Mishra's Factory(T), B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 2
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict
Removed from game:
Life: 8

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Plains(T) Plains, Plains, Plains, Insect, Insect
Cards in Hand:0
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Tusker, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper, Broodhatch Nantucko
Removed From Game:
Life: 8


In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp, Swamp, Mishra Factory(T), Mishra's Factory(T), B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 2
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict
Removed from game:
Life: 8

train: Untap, upkeep - genesis for broodhatch, Draw, Done

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest, Forest, Plains(T), Plains, Plains, Plains, Insect, Insect
Cards in Hand:3
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Tusker, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper
Removed From Game:
Life: 8

Please note the cards in hand should have been 1 from the previous time I picked up the broodhatch(I had to go back and check the post myself...) from the draw that turn... so with this upkeep and draw I have 3...


Staff member
Untap, Draw, Make a Worker with a Swamp, Attack...

In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp, Swamp, Swamp, Mishra Factory(T), Mishra's Factory, B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 3
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict
Removed from game:
Life: 8


In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest, Forest, Plains(T), Plains, Plains, Plains, Insect, Insect
Cards in Hand:3
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Tusker, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper
Removed From Game:
Life: 8


Staff member
I'm done then.

In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp, Swamp, Swamp, Mishra Factory(T), Mishra's Factory, B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 3
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict
Removed from game:
Life: 8


In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest, Forest, Plains(T), Plains, Plains, Plains, Insect
Cards in Hand:3
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Tusker, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper
Removed From Game:
Life: 8


In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp, Swamp, Swamp, Mishra Factory(T), Mishra's Factory, B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 3
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict
Removed from game:
Life: 8

train: Untap, upkeep - genesis tusker, draw, cycle tusker for a feorest and then draw, Play forest, Done...

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest, Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains, Plains, Insect
Cards in Hand:5
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper, Oblation, Tusker
Removed From Game:
Life: 8


Staff member
Untap, draw, Make two Workers (2 Swamps), Attack...

In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp, Swamp, Mishra Factory(T), Mishra's Factory(T), B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 4
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict
Removed from game:
Life: 8

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest, Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains, Plains, Insect
Cards in Hand:5
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper, Oblation, Tusker
Removed From Game:
Life: 8


In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp, Swamp, Mishra Factory(T), Mishra's Factory(T), B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 4
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict
Removed from game:
Life: 8

train: Tap forest(riftstone) and plains - vengeful dreams targeting the 2 workers... discarding riftstone portal and broodhatch... pass...

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains, Insect
Cards in Hand:5
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper, Oblation, Tusker, Broodhatch, Riftstone
Removed From Game:
Life: 8


Staff member
Things look grim...

Should you be down to 2 cards? I'm done.

In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp, Swamp, B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 4
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict
Removed from game: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory
Life: 8

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains, Insect
Cards in Hand:5 (2??)
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper, Oblation, Tusker, Broodhatch, Riftstone, Vengeful Dreams
Removed From Game:
Life: 8


I was at 2 cards...

In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp, Swamp, B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 4
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict
Removed from game: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory
Life: 8

train: untap, upkeep - genesis for tusker, draw, play brushland, play tusker, attack with insect for 1... no responses and done after combat...

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Brushland(T), Tusker
Cards in Hand:2
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper, Oblation, Tusker, Broodhatch, Riftstone, Vengeful Dreams
Removed From Game:
Life: 8


Staff member
Untap, Draw, Choking Sands (3 Swamps) the Brushland...

In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp, B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 4
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict
Removed from game: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory
Life: 7

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Brushland(T), Tusker
Cards in Hand:2
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper, Oblation, Tusker, Broodhatch, Riftstone, Vengeful Dreams
Removed From Game:
Life: 8


Staff member
Yeah, yeah, Mr. Tusker...

I'm done.

In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp, B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 4
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict, Choking Sands
Removed from game: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory
Life: 7

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains(T), Tusker, Insect(T)
Cards in Hand:2
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper, Oblation, Tusker, Broodhatch, Riftstone, Vengeful Dreams
Removed From Game:
Life: 6


In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp, B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 4
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict, Choking Sands
Removed from game: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory
Life: 7

train: untap, upkeep - genesis a broodhatch, draw, play plains, play hunting grounds... pass on stack...

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest, Forest, Plains, Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains, Tusker, Insect
Cards in Hand:2
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper, Oblation, Tusker, Riftstone, Vengeful Dreams, Brushlands
Removed From Game:
Life: 6


Cool... i'll continue and play whenever you're ready...

In Play: Mt, Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp(T), Swamp, B.lands, B.lands.
Cards in Hand: 4
Graveyard: Diabolic Edict, Rain of Tears, Pillage, Choking Sands, Lightning Bolt, Energizer, Shivan Hellkite, Diabolic Edict, Choking Sands
Removed from game: Mishra's Factory, Mishra's Factory
Life: 7

train: untap, upkeep - genesis a broodhatch, draw, play plains, play hunting grounds, Attack with tusker and insect for 7...

In Play: Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest(T), Forest, Forest, Plains, Plains(T), Plains(T), Plains, Tusker, Insect
Cards in Hand:2
Graveyard:Krosan Verge, Plains, Plains, Riftstone Portal, Genesis, Broodhatch Nantuko, Circle of Solace, Akroma's Vengeance, Anurid Brushhopper, Oblation, Tusker, Riftstone, Vengeful Dreams, Brushlands
Removed From Game:
Life: 6