Help with a Contest



Yeah, it took me quite a few tries at text to figure out a way to work it. The way it ended up, combat damage nets you a creature, but only if the critter survives.


The Tentacled One
Yeah, okay. I'm not sure how exactly Istanbul misread it, but after looking at it again, I can see how one might misread it and interpret it to be considerably more powerful than it is...

Anyway, I think it's balanced. On the good side of balanced, but that's where you want to be anyway, right?


I think Vampiric Werewolf would be cool since it take sppl over when it deals damage (turns ppl into vampires when they bote) sorta thing. but, that would give off a vibe that it would have the regular vampire effect.............


Well, actually, it was a top-down design playing with the theme of werewolves.

Lesser and Greater Werewolves, the first two (in Legends and Homelands) tried to implement a sort of lycanthropy by weakening the enemy critters, but that didn't make much sense.

The next two, in Odyssey block I think (I do remember one called Treacherous Werewolf in probably Judgement) for some reason just turned on you, but didn't really infect anything.

So with this one, I had it actually infect stuff, but turning enemy critters into copies of the werewolf. Then, since they went mad with lycanthropy, they joined the originator's side. :D

The most fitting application of lycanthropy I've seen yet.

Of course, a vampire should have a similar ability, too, but perhaps taking control of the critter and making it into a zombie (ghoul) or vampire in addition to its critter type. It should be on combat damage, too, since a vampire bite can convert. The vampire doesn't need to suck *all* your blood to convert. :rolleyes: