'Ello, I'm Reco


The Tentacled One
That sounds petty. Slivers don't distort the metagame in any of the formats where they're legal. Just because I don't like Mother of Runes doesn't mean I'll hold regular tournaments (Legacy, let's say) and ban Mother of Runes because I can.


Well when I open a respected store I'll make it so that every card is legal....hell I'll even encourage people to use cards from the Unhinged and other related sets.


CPA Trash Man
I'm sold. Unglued and Unhinged cards legal? Stand back for Lotus Mox, Chaos Conffeti, and Incoming!

Ransac, cpa trash man


The place you play is without a doubt not DCI-sanctioned.

That is a very strange set of house rules that store has in place. VERY strange.


Donno really about the name number...just kinda was there...nobody else ever uses it so I know I always have a name online.... and yeah Matt (The shop owner) never runs official tournaments 'cept in summer, he said he is going to run official tournaments for the next 3 months (With the DCI-sanctioned rulebook, no more no less) and he said he's thinking of running a Emperor (3 vs. 3 where you guard one guy on your team, the one that is guarded is the Emperor and he is the only one that can attack) or Pulpier(250 card decks having some of every mana type where only one card is allowed to be over common) tournaments.

Yeah I was looking at the shop owner's rule book that he has for magic, there are about 15 different tournament types so Me, a few other guys, and Matt are going to try to do a poster blitz on the streets to try to lure out some new players.

But yeah, Matt is really cool except that he runs his shop his way, and it is a HUGE shop, 2 backrooms (One is storage then other he uses as employee lounge and holds all of his decks in a gun safe, he has deck for everything From Magic to Medabots) and he says that he makes rules as he sees they are needed, apparently the Sliver's one came from when he started to see all sliver decks and said that they really sucked the fun out of playing some of his usuals, and was also tired of having to hand over tournament spoils over to people with all sliver decks if they where just going to hand the cards over to the local loanmen) So yeah he maybe a totalitarian shop owner but he is cool enough to make up for it.


Isengar Tussle
If the players are happy with the way he runs the games, then who are we to complain...... In our gaming group, I have been able to get everyone to agree to ban congregate..... I hate that card in MP...... Although, sometimes people will play it and then razz me, but we all have a good laugh.

BTW - What the heck is a "local loanmen" and "local loaner"?


They are these guys that hang around shops sometimes and they act kinda like a pawn shop, you give them a few cards as 'Collateral' and they loan you a few cards, donno how they started but they run pretty smoothly, infact they keep tighter records than Matt. But these guys must have every card printed. Yah know those big silver suitcases you always see in the movies...they have those, just filled with cards, bottom is show and top is 'collateral.' Pretty good system of all parties.


Isengar Tussle
reco5151216 said:
They are these guys that hang around shops sometimes and they act kinda like a pawn shop, you give them a few cards as 'Collateral' and they loan you a few cards, donno how they started but they run pretty smoothly, infact they keep tighter records than Matt. But these guys must have every card printed. Yah know those big silver suitcases you always see in the movies...they have those, just filled with cards, bottom is show and top is 'collateral.' Pretty good system of all parties.
Wow, that is amazing.....
Magic Loansharks....
Only in Vegas..... :D
Do they threaten to break your deck boxes?

I am totally kidding..... :)

If it works then cool..... so what do they get for offering this service?


Actually they send disturbing pr0n to all of your email addresses, I'm talking zombie/furry kinda disturbing....but I think they sell some of the cards that they take or sometimes people buy cards off of them....really I think the gods just smile on them and they stay afloat by a razor's edge.


I mostly use a loan people when I know what the other guys deck looks like and what card or two I could use to drop or gain....no rise if you give the card back and take your card back soon enough. And they only sell the card of people who have no intention of giving the cards back or havn't been seen in months. Or they move the cards to the bottom part of the case.


w00t, finally someone down in my age group =D. I know 'm a little late but..



Isengar Tussle
Homestar said:
w00t, finally someone down in my age group =D. I know 'm a little late but..

What the heck are you doing on at this time of night...... Where are those parental controls we keep hearing about......

Heavy B

Ransac said:
First deck I played was five colors, had all of the wards, and the major win cards were Craw Wurm and Sengir Vamipre. On yeah, and banding was awesome.
Man.... I'm really old.

Ransac, cpa trash man
Dude. Banding is still awesome. Now where'd I leave my sock tie? *oldguytoo*


reco5151216 said:
Donno really about the name number...just kinda was there...nobody else ever uses it so I know I always have a name online.... and yeah Matt (The shop owner) never runs official tournaments 'cept in summer, he said he is going to run official tournaments for the next 3 months (With the DCI-sanctioned rulebook, no more no less) and he said he's thinking of running a Emperor (3 vs. 3 where you guard one guy on your team, the one that is guarded is the Emperor and he is the only one that can attack) or Pulpier(250 card decks having some of every mana type where only one card is allowed to be over common) tournaments.

Yeah I was looking at the shop owner's rule book that he has for magic, there are about 15 different tournament types so Me, a few other guys, and Matt are going to try to do a poster blitz on the streets to try to lure out some new players.

But yeah, Matt is really cool except that he runs his shop his way, and it is a HUGE shop, 2 backrooms (One is storage then other he uses as employee lounge and holds all of his decks in a gun safe, he has deck for everything From Magic to Medabots) and he says that he makes rules as he sees they are needed, apparently the Sliver's one came from when he started to see all sliver decks and said that they really sucked the fun out of playing some of his usuals, and was also tired of having to hand over tournament spoils over to people with all sliver decks if they where just going to hand the cards over to the local loanmen) So yeah he maybe a totalitarian shop owner but he is cool enough to make up for it.
Neither Emperor nor what seems to be an amalgamation of Pauper and 5-Color Prismatic are actually sanctioned tournament formats. You may want to find and print off the rules for the SANCTIONABLE 2-Headed Giant tournament format, which seems like something that may be up his alley.


Staff member
Mooseman said:
What the heck are you doing on at this time of night...... Where are those parental controls we keep hearing about......
Hey, I don't care... this means he (hopefully) took his turn in the Singleton Draft... :D