Corrupted Wishes game


CPA Trash Man
A 50 ton bag of trail mix falls off of the top of a building and crushes you to death.

I wish that more people would post on this thread.

Ransac, cpa trash man


The Tentacled One
You are implicated for murder and this thread is used as evidence during your trial. The thread becomes famous and people from all over the world come here to check out the thread that helped catch the killer.

I wish I knew who framed Ransac.


You DO know whom framed him, as YOU DID IT!

I wish I could get the DVD of the Original Braudway Cast Performance of Spamalot without paying eighty dollars.


The Tentacled One
A crazed killer walks up to you, chops both your arms off with a machete, and leaves you for dead. He accidently dropped his copy of the aforementioned DVD on your body, and the medics who bring you to the hospital assume that it was your DVD, so they give it back to you after you get out of the hospital. It's scratched so badly that part of it won't play though.

I wish something really improbable would happen.


CPA Trash Man
Granted! Ransac becomes British and goes all day without being random.

I wish for a nice spot of tea.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Granted! However, the spot is on the coattails of your waistcoat. Buggar!

I wish they'd reprint the original Orgg and Trained Orgg so I could use them on Magic Online's Tribal format.


CPA Trash Man
Granted. However, you die of a massive heart attack before you can trade for them. :p

I wish for cheese, again

Ransac, cpa trash man


The Tentacled One
A box is delivered anonymously to you. It contains cheese, which you eat. The cheese was very good, but it was also poisoned, since your fellow CPA members held you responsible for the overuse of the word "cheese" in the off-topic section.

I wish we could go after Evan D next...


CPA Trash Man
Granted. Evan_D happens to find this thread again and post. However, he spontaneously combusts immediately after you do, which is right after you respond to his post.

I wish that I could eat nails and spit them out as bullets.

Ransac, cpa trash man


The Tentacled One
Your new superpower is so much fun you show it off all the time. One of your bullets ricochets off a fence post and hits you in the face, tearing much of it off and giving you massive brain damage.

I wish I had a robot body.


Granted. It's quite heavy and unstable, however.

When walking behind it, it falls on you, pinning you to the ground, but not injuring you. However, your mouth is pinned, and you starve to death without being able to call for help.

I wish I Had THE POWER


A sledgehammer falls from the sky directly at you.

Unfortunatly, this hammer is a replication from Magic Online's Digital Object collection, and whenever you hit something with it, it kills you before the thing gets hit.

I wish I didn't get woken up tonight


CPA Trash Man
Granted. You never went to sleep last night, so you couldn't have been woken up. Actually, you never go to sleep again and go crazy from sleep deprivation.

I wish for a farm-animal catapult.

Ransac, cpa trash man



Yet it cost you $80-- breaking you, and keeping you from affording the farm animals that go with it.

I wish I could go see Spamalot on Braudway while Tim Curry was still Arthur.


CPA Trash Man
Granted. During the overture, Tim Curry runs out naked on stage, screaming some inebriated nonsense and shooting a pistol into the crowd, hitting your veins nearby your testicular region. While you bleed to death, Tim Curry shoots himself in the head and falls on you, landing headfirst into your balls.

I wish it was only a flesh wound.

Ransac, cpa trash man


CPA Trash Man
Granted. Patience is achieved and you wait at a broken stop light. The stop light NEVER changes...... and an asteroid lands on you.

I wish that the Ransac/Monkey 2008 ticket would win the USA presidential election in 2008.


CPA Trash Man
Granted. The first act of the Ransac/Monkey 2008 campaign is to rip out Theorgg's eyes. You never get a chance to see the defamation of Devo.

I wish that someone could explain how a 1-2 fantasy team can be in 3rd place?

Ransac, cpa trash man