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the point is... wait, we have rewritten the constitution! several times in fact.

We have one crappy deck of yugi, three sorry decks for DBZ, and about ten decks for magic (With more on the way.)

Me, I personally "borrow" hero clix from people whenever I want to play. as for L5R, the deck kinda got attacked by kittens and now has three cards covered in kitty doo, the rest are either in ok condition, been pee'd on, or chewed into holy cards.

*Holy! Its holy all right. Holy temple of cheese!*


Staff member
I'm not sure about what you mean by "slum in some areas" and getting swamped in others. If I'm understanding it right, we're having a "slum" in Magic right now (and have been in one here for a while)

All of the Founding Fathers of the United States have been dead for about 200 years - does this mean we should go ahead and re-write the Constitution?
Like Nightstalkers said, we have amended the Constitution quite a bit since the Founders Fathers of the US passed on... and that's all this is.

(Stealing from Ferret's closing quote)

"What do you mean you want the right to vote, woman? That's not in the Constitution..."


Staff member
So, since the US gave everyone the right to vote (at least US citizen everyone) it's justification to change the way that all of the Constitution is done?

If you want to follow your reasoning, the right to vote is an amendment - not a radical re-write. I offer nice little cosmetic changes, but the spirit of the site stays intact. What you offer is a complete re-vamp...

...this reminds me all too much of my early BBS days (for our younger readers, these were like websites, but they only had one phone line so only one person could be on at a time and there were no frontpage articles) I was an administrator on many bulletin boards and quite often I had to fight to keep message-oriented boards from changing their format. The most common change was to stop the message formats and focus more on games and warez (pirated software). If the BBS was having difficuties w/ their message boards, I would start posting like a madman, firing up conversations and generaly getting people so mad that they had to post. This worked and the BBS would be saved...

...on occasion, the System Operator (or SysOp) would ignore my pleadings and the messages would be removed in turn of the extended file coverage. Things would pick up for a short while, the 'board would be loaded w/ activity from people downloading software. Eventually the software would grow stale and people would stop visiting the BBS. The 'board would die and i would be there to tell the SysOp "I told you so"...

Of course the change that Spidey is proposing is nowhere near that kind of change, but there are many similarites. It's asking for a radical departure from what this site was founded on. In essence it's asking for a re-write of the entire Constitution just because things are starting to slow down again.

Simply put, it's change for change's sake - and this is never a good idea.


"...Oh, how I long for the K-Rad wars of '93..."


Staff member
I guess that's how we're differing then - I don't view as a total rewrite. Just an addition/expansion. So maybe I'm still not explaining it too well.

Keep in mind this is all still moot for now since it's been decided (at least by me) to keep the site all Magic for another year, at least.

How early are you talking about? I remember dialing BBSes at 1200 bps and 2400 modems cost a bundle... :) Also frequented a lot of Apple II sites :)


all this talk about changing the site is giving some of us the creeps.

Hey, I got an idea. Change the subject Spidey :p


Staff member
Consider the subject changed, Nightstalkers.

You want to talk early? Try using a TRS-80 Color Computer w/ a 300 baud modem - granted it was a friend's. Later on (1989) I was using a friend's $250 2400 baud modem to logon to local pirate boards form an old Tandy 1000. And, eventually I got my own computer in '91 and spend $60 on a 2400 baud modem - unfortunately, at the time everyone else had their expensive fancy 14.4k's and I was so behind the times...


"Ah, prehistoric memories..."


Thats quite a long time ago, man. You need to get that there computer of yours there upgraded. Man you what, I give ya one of them pi'rat'ed computers that we have here down at the shop. Who would have known that all this junk would come in handy someday.

Whatcha want? 486, 246, or Matrox 2300? Got all that and more if ya need it... Of course you can't have anything from the central computers. Man, those pricey windtunnel cases are enough ta bankrupt small business'!


Staff member
My current PC is pretty close to "middle of the line". It's fast enough to stay current for at least two years (Athlon XP/1700 w/ 288 megs of ram), but I'd like to have an old system so I can play some of my pre-Win'95 games. I miss playing Master of Magic :)


"...now where'd I put that cane?"


PreWin95's were sold on ebay for scrap. but if you want a torn apart alienware, we could send you some screws or something that nobody would notice.

Current use for old systems: Anger Management

Got three systems that are still complete... wait, two now. Bill threw one out the window.

Man! fifteen stories makes them computers splat! I gotta try that.


Staff member
Now, there's a video to send into Letterman...


"So, what are we throwing out a window tonight, Paul?"


Lets see what the last one makes when its thrown off the twentieth floor!

Muhahaha... Wait, we are going to run out of computers! Waaa