Avatars, more users, and more activity



and ours is not on it!!!! That is an outrage!!!!!!!!!!!!

you sicken us spidey, you cannot even put our name in your posts.

Start spamming on the other magic forums and they'll come.


Staff member
We're constantly getting new people (like Nightstalkers) and they post up a storm. Instead of complaining about it, drum up a few topics and get people thinking about it. I may not have played in three years, but I'm still keeping up w/ things and we have some pretty good activity...need more articles: write one.


"I wrote one - where is it, anyway?"


Staff member
Nightstalkers: Sorry about the non-mention. However, you have not really demonstrated to me that you still play Magic enough to post seriously about it. You are "new" and have stuck around however, and I suppose that deserves a mention.

Ferret: Nightstalkers is new, true, but he seems more concerned with getting his name as the "Last posted by" in every forum than posting seriously about Magic. To me, that's spam of the (slightly) non-offensive sort and doesn't count.

And I AM doing something about it, I'm leaning towards making this site all about games in general than just Magic :) You're the one who appears to be the advocate for remaining just Magic, I think you oughta do something :)

Why do you say we have some "pretty good activity"?

And I meant to PM you about your article on Monday/Tuesday, sorry about that... :(


Staff member
I know, I know... it's just that I can just see a flood of people posting after saying "what aboout me?" :)


Staff member
Okay, Spidey. Tell me EXACTLY what you want. No more beating around the bush here.

Do you want a site that receives a thousand posts a day about every gaming topic in the world? There are plenty of site that do that and most of them are as slow as mud.

Do you want a site that focuses on video games? There are plenty of those out there and most of them are geared toward one specific game. And most of them are terrible and filled w/ people asking the same questions over and over...boring.

Do you want new people logging in every day? Well, you got that! Every day we get new people. So, some don't post as much as others. Big deal. If they post occasionaly I'm happy.

I still don't see a significant drop-off of Magic-related information to warrant such a radical change. So, for final time, I would have to vote 'NO' on any changes in the CPA's Mission.


""(no witty closing line)


Staff member
Read this as to what went on a year ago.

Obviously this thread either doesn't have the eye-catching title the aforementioned thread does so people come here, or the people who participated in the last one aren't here anymore or no longer care.

I would like to see the site expand to all games, so we have one/two Magic forums (General and Decks), Video Game forum, RPG, and perhaps Other Games to see how much of an interest other genres might get. The current top 10 or whatever's above Trading can all be collapsed.

Would we advertise to get "thousands of posts"? No. Only the current people would know about the change and I can foresee growth through word of mouth (unless individuals take it upon themselves to advertise like rakso does in his sig).

I'm not sure how you come up with "new people log on every day". But I can tell you, the last of "new" people to post was Moss or Troll. Before that was WickedBoy and train, and they've been here "awhile" (six months or so).

Let me ask you this, when you came back here after two months, how many posts were new or did you wade through? Do you feel like you never left? If you do, that's probably because nothing significant happened in those two months. Look at the threads in General. The "Last Posted by" in each thread is a single day! That means only one thread is interesting enough to be posted in a day! And one was train's April Fool Joke!

Compared to what Magic talk should be, this place has almost none. But if you think that it hasn't changed radically, that's probably because there was none to begin with as your baseline :)


Staff member
Look, when the Founders created this site it was not as a general gaming place; it was for Magic. All of the users here have multiple interests, but the one uniting interest is a love of M:TG. If you expand it then the site will be filled w/ hundreds (if not thousands) of people that could have NOTHING in common.

How about a compromise:
Expanded forums for video games, other CCG's, and Role Playing Games - but, keep Magic as the primary focus.

Most of the founders aren't active anymore, but I know that they might be a little upset to find out the site that they worked so hard to establish was being massively changed from what they dreamed of establishing 3½ years ago.

Change is okay. Radical change just for change's sake is never a good idea.




I think, as I said before, that a change to a general gaming site would be a mistake. With a broad gaming focus, we won't do anything well. If you're a video game fan, why would you come here when there are a thousand sites devoted exclusively to video games? They will all be better than the CPA. Same goes for RPGs and everything else.

If we go to Casual Gaming in general, what's our point? Is there any kind of video gaming that isn't casual? How bout RPGs? We'll be just one of a slew of mediocre gaming sites in internet land. At least right now we're distinctively mediocre.


Staff member
Thank you! You've just made my point exactly!

The name of the site is www.casualplayers.org. I domain name that the founders agreed on, I fronted the money for, and Ed Sullivan registered. If we changed our focus, we'd have to change the name. That would require a new domain name and the last one was a pain in the neck to get set up - just ask Ed.


"adding to is fine, just don't change the focus"


I'm hurt! The only reason why I haven't brought up anything is because I have been around long enough to figure out most of my questions. The deck help is mostly to add combos to a collection that I have been building up. Why is it that you hate me so? I will never know, but it is certain that if we find something to really write about ten or twelve people will have already done so.


Staff member
Sorry. Even if it's a repeat of someone else, please feel free to write it. You might have a new spin on an old idea...


"New voices for my head..."


I vote to stay with Magic only. As soon as a few more people start wrighting more regularly(and I promise I will every time I have free time-- but that isn't much where your college is 4-years crammed into one), I think the forum will pick back up.

I'm keeping off my "The Orgg" nominer because I don't want to loose my cookies...

But I will make it back. As soon as I either get the buttons made or get my last two tournament reports written...

but I do check the most important forums mabe once a month during an hour's break.


Staff member
I appear to be in the minority so once again, I'll leave it be. I'll tell you though, I've heard it all before. That thread listed several people willing to do articles - and where are they? Not here anymore. People promised to start more Magic discussions (a different thread in General) and what happened? Nada. I challenge you Ferret to stay on this site for at least a year, visiting regularly, and next April we'll come back and revisit this (and I predict we will) and perhaps you'll see what I'm talking about.

The following is more rhetorical since I'm not really going to push it anymore:

Most of the founders aren't active anymore, but I know that they might be a little upset to find out the site that they worked so hard to establish was being massively changed from what they dreamed of establishing 3½ years ago.
Is this a bad thing? It looks like they've moved on, why not here? My thinking is if they've worked at starting it, they ought to continue it.

I don't see why the domain name has to change, it doesn't say magic casual players.

Apollo: Like I said before, my idea was not to grab the masses and make them come here for their gaming needs. My point was perhaps to change the mission statement and allow other non-Magic articles on the front-page, thus drawing in those who come here for the Magic anyway and be more inclined to enter the forums to talk about other games. A lot of people just hit the front page, you know...

Nightstalkers: (I assume your post was more to me) I don't hate you, I just think trying to get your name on the "Last posted by" every time you log on is immature and an indicator of the need for a spam-buster. I've kept an eye on it and deleted truly unneeded posts and let others be, but I was hoping you'd figure it out for yourself.

If you don't have anything to say yet about Magic, it's better to keep your posts to a minimum rather than post mindlessly everywhere.


I just submitted an article and hopefully will be starting a theme each week, and then writing an article for the theme each day...

If spidey thinks it's okay...;)


Ferret: I happen to agree with your whole "lull" take on things. Coming from the newspaper industry, readership for every media seems to be very bad right now. I'm working much harder than ever before on trying to do some damage control for my own paper. I also agree that expansion risks running us into the ground with "skript kiddie" visitors. Anyone who disagrees with your take on expansion need only look at video game message boards. With one glance, you'll wonder if diapers come free with every account. However...

Spidey: I tend to agree that something needs to be done as there is an actual problem going on here, and it does appear to be more than a lull (though a lull is certainly at least partially to blame). We need to do something to fix the problem, but we need to be cautious about it, because Ferret has a good point about being too drastic with change.

Let's look at what is working: Magicthegathering.com, Sideboard, Star City, and Brainburst. Forum-wise, I guess you could say MTGNews is living, but their content could be a rotting carcass and nobody would notice the difference. Look at the quality of articles, and the quantity, on the four sites that are living, and you'll notice there does indeed seem to be a lull going on. Or, at least it appears that way to me. However, they live on. Bye-bye Grimmore, and other niche sites out there. We have four bastions that live, and others flounder.

The two Wizards sites live on because they're from Wizards. MTG.com at least, provides content you can't get from anywhere else, with all the inside tidbits. Sideboard has the event coverage and the tourney info. In my opinion, though, if they didn't have the WotC bankroll, I would have absolute confidence in saying they would be dead right now. They live somewhat because of their content, and somewhat because of their backing...

That leaves two strong tourney sites, Star City and Brainburst, as the only real things left. Two friggen tourney sites...

On Brainburst, we see forum threads on the front page. On Star City, we see forum threads on the front page. On both, we see a definite increase in editorial wish for readers to chime in via forums.

From my experience in newspapering, when editorial says "Readers, we really want to know what you think" it really means "Readers, we need you to submit filler." Yeah, they're floundering, too, but at least they're not lingering on Death's door.

Why? I think its because they overspecialized. I think Ferret is wrong on what killed Dojo. It wasn't expansion, it was overspecialization. Getting rid of the humor area and stiffling casual articles, and a tighter focus on hardcore tourney coverage destroyed them. We see it with Star City and Brainburst now.

Heh heh.

What does any of this mean? How the hell should I know. It just means the whole thing isn't doing too well, thanks to many outside influences such as economy, and inside influences such as a pretty-much sharp shift towards tourney Magic (look at WotC's push for casual players to "at least try out" tourneys...after all "You can WIN WIN WIN. Enter, play WIN. It's that easy, Mr. Dupe...I mean, Mr. Casual.")

We have the right seating to make a casual comeback, as its an interest for all of us. And trust me, junk like "House of Cards" on MTG.com is not support for casual players, its just bait for them to come closer to the tourney propaganda. Every living site out there cares only for tourneys, which is their weakness.

The problem with casual, though, is it has no focus whatsoever. Everyone has their take on "how to really play casual." Everyone and their dogs makes up stupid formats (myself included...anybody remember Type X?) that have no purpose except to waste the reader's time. Its only the formats that get money backing (5 Color) or the ones which WotC backs (Highlander/Casual Format One) stick around for anybody to actually try out, and work out the kinks so they're worth playing.

What do we do? I dunno. Every take on "house rules" rather than lame new formats has already been done. Nothing new under the sun, until a new set comes out...so what is a casual writer supposed to do? Its not like we have the hook of "the money maker deck" like tourney sites do.

Just a few observations...my brain is on empty, sorry.


Staff member
Those were great observations, SeFRo. Thanks for providing a nice neutral view of that and helping me see Spidey's points a little better. If you do come up w/ some ideas, please please please let us know :)


"Say? Do you need any writers for your paper? I could really use a job..."