An attempt at a new Soap Oprah...



Okay, Characters:
Teachers, (my ideas):
Dean Sullivan
Science teacher:Let's make him Frinkish. (Mua-hi-hey!)
English Teacher: a French lady who can't pronounce stuff correctly.
History Teacher: A jolly guy
Coach:is gay.:D LOL!!!!
Math Teacher: Pure evil...That is what math is, right??


I guess I better show up at school tomorrow.;)
I'll join the crazy show.


Hey, I signed up for the first day, too. Mabey noone saw me.

Cateran Emperor

Hey, I'll join. I like seeing other people's versions of how I would act :D

Hawaiian mage

I was hoping to have someone else write the next segment, but oh well.

Well every thing IS normal today(if you would call it normal :)) Almindra decided not to wash her hair last night becuase she assumed everyone had that sped up version of the flu, like in "The Stand." But that's about it as once again people flok into campuss.

Scene:Darsh and Gerode are walking across campus while at the same time helping each other study for the Science test on the frog they were suposed to disect yesterday. They do fine despite the fact they'er eye's are in books instead of on the sidewalk. But by a cruel chance of fate Darsh bumps into Cateran Emporer, DUke, and Volradon; the three black hearted football playing jocks.

Cateran Emporer: What do you think your doing, fool?

Darsh: Sorry I was stu...

Cateran Emporer: When I ask you a question I don't want you to answer!

Darsh: Well that's pretty stu...

Scene: Cateran Emporer slaps Darsh on the face.

Cateran Emporer: You will shut up!

Gerode: Hey! You can't do that!

Cateran Emporer: Says who?

Scene:Cateran Emporer pulls out a pocket knife and flicks the cutting knife up. Gerodes eye's glitter in awe at the blades gleaming edge.

DUke: Yes! Let's see some blood! Blood!

Cateran Emporer: I'll use this!

Darsh: You can't do that! I didn't do any thing!

Caterane Emporer: Hell you didn't!

Scene: Caterane Emporer flings the knife around and starts to approach Darsh.

Volradon: Dude! Stop! You'll go to jail for that!

Caterane emporer: Hmm... I guess your probably right. You punks got lucky, this time...

Scene:Cateran Emporer flips the knife back into the case. Gerode comes out of his trance with a sudden jolt.

Gerode: Aaaaagh!

Scene: Gerode keeps screaming relentlessly. All of the sudden, how ever, a wind starts to gust upwards. Peices of debri and trash start to then float into the air as Gerode keeps screaming. Caterane Emporer start's to get worried at this. Then Gerodes hair starts to lift into weightlessness as well. And after a few more seconds starts to flash yellow.


Scene:At this point Gerode is now being wrapped into a bright glowing aura.

Gerode: Now..! DIE!!!

Scene:Gerode lunges forward with great speed and tackles Cateran Emporer as Duke, Volradon, and Darsh just stair at this incredable power. Gerode continues to lunge forward intill Cateran Emporer get's sandwhiched between the school wall and Gerode. Gerode then does a backflip back onto ground. Suddenly the aura dissapears and his hair falls back down.

Gerode: Ooo! Something shiny!

Scene:Gerode walks over to the window with the suns reflection in it.


Could someone else continue it from here?


So Gerode can go SSJ, freaky, but what would happen if he ever saw his own shiny hair?


Scene: Cateran Emperor slowly gets up after receiving the awful pummeling by Gerode

Cateran Emperor: Augh !!! Curses foiled again

Scene: Cat runs back his room where he proceeds to plot Gerode's demise. However several hours later, missing a couple classes and staying up late in the night he still has nothing. Papers are thrown in crupled heaps along the side of the room, and there are several pencils worn down to a stub in a pile in the corner. Ademis enters and sees the huge mess cat has made of their room

Ademis: GOOD GOD!!! What happened here?

Ademis picks up some of the paper and un-crumples it

Ademis: AHHHHH these were my good drafts of poetry!!!! UGH!!!! Those were my drawing pencils!!!

Cat looks up from his work and glares at ademis.

Ademis: Oh well, I think I'll….. ….. I'll be going over to Darsh's room ahhhhhh!!!

Ademis is seen running in the Campus halls down to Darsh's room

MEANWHILE: Gerode can be seen looking into a pond where the moon is Shining on the water. So shiny and bright, shiny and bright… shiny and bright.

ALSO: In Darsh's room the three closest to normal guys are. Ademis, Darsh, and well I dunno Nameilus (yeah he can work, wait no sorry Nameilus you're cut) okay the guys are Darsh, Ademis and Apollo (if he ever gets around to reading this thread)

Ademis: and after you make the incision from the frogs neck to his mid-section then what do you do

Darsh: Ummmm I got this one, I know it ummm

Apollo: Pipe down!!! I'm trying to watch t.v

Apollo Drools over the Kids in the hall's Chicken lady,

Apollo: oh she's so hot….

Darsh grabs the remote and turns off the t.v

Darsh: Man, that is dirty and wrong. For one thing you're like what a tropical bird, a she's a CHICKEN??!?! Crazy….

Scene: Apollo grabs the remote and proceed to turn on the t.v and start drooling. Suddenly theres a knock at the door, I say "Who is it" theres no answer "Who is it?" no answer (wait that's from a song) anyway

Erinpuff: Its Just me!!!!

Darsh runs to the door and lets Erinpuff in.

Erinpuff: What a nice room you ha….

Erinpuff sees Apollo still drooling over the Chicken Lady and Ademis working on peotry about dissecting a frog.

Erinpuff: Umm would you like to go some where else, for a moonlight stroll?
Darsh: Yes! (Kick ass)

ON THE CAMPUS: Darsh and Erinpuff sit next to the fountain in the center of the campus

Erinpuff: I was wondering…

Darsh: Yes???

Erinpuff: Well you know this is hard, but would you like to go o….

SPLASH: Gerode jumps out of thee fountain

Gerode: Hey guys!!! The moon looks even shinyer underwater. Isn't that cool?

Scene: Gerode Wanders off looking at every discarded paper clip and piece of shiny chocolate bar wrapping on the ground. WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT????


I did look at this thread! I signed up earlier, right above the first part of the story!

Why doesn't anyone notice me???

Oh well, I got in the story anyway. That's cool.

Copious Wrath

I don't suppose it'd be too late to sign up as a character?


No, it's not, Wraith.....
Meanwhile, Bob, is walking out of the school, and bumps into Gerode.
Gerode:Oh...Hi too...
Scene:When the two bump into each other, Gerode dropped the shiny wrapper, and it got stuck on some gum on the bottom of's Bob's shoe.
Gerode(stops walking):Hey, Where's my shiny object??
He chases Bob and catches up.
Gerode: Did you see a shiny candy wrapper??
Bob:Nope. Sorry.
Gerode: Dang!
Gerode notices a small knife in Bob's pocket and takes it out.
Bob:Oh, Darn, I brought my swiss army camping knife with me...
Bob shows Gerode all the blades, saws, and screwdrivers
Gerode:Ooh....Shiny....where can I get one?
Bob: You can get them if you're a boy scout.
Gerode thinks:Yes! I'll buy a lot of disguises, and register each disguise, and get many shiny things!!!!


Back at the center fountain, Erinpuff was just about to ask Darsh something, but no-one really knew what it was going to be, Darsh then left Erinpuff to her thoughts while he talked to Gerode. Cateran Emporer is still plotting the downfall of Gerode and Almindrha is still tirelessly roaming the halls in search of an ice machine

Almidhra: D*** IT!!! There is never an ice machine that works around here

Scene: Almindhra tries another ice-machine but all that comes out is ice dust (water). Almindhra kicks the ice machine leaving a nice dent.

Almindhra: Great now only 10 more to go

Scene: Almindhra can be seem roaming among the halls, leaving dents in those damn ice machines


Cateran Emperor: Aha!!! I've got it. I'll cover all of the shiny objects in black paint, therefor nothing will be shiny and Gerode will be left a heap of unshinyness bwah, bwah BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Scene Evil laughter can be heard through the entire campus, everyone is disturbed, exept Gerode of course who just keeps wandering the campus looking for shiny things…


Erinpuff: Darn you Gerode. I was so close too… …hmm there must be someway I can pay him back… AHA!!!!

Scene: Erinpuff runs off to her room


Scene everyone wakes up to… Blackness! finding that their window have been covered in paint, all of their rooms have been opened and all the silver doorknobs and handles have also been painted. When everyone is starting to go to class they find that the campus has been simalarly been vandalized. NOTHING HAS BEEN LEFT SHINY IN THE WHOLE CAMPUS






I'm beginning to remind myself of Warren in "There's Something About Mary."
"Have you seen my baseball?"


At the school, the teachers are having a debate over budget...
Dean Sullivan: Mr. Zadok, Pr. TomB, we are losing money. What shall we do? Any ideas??

Coach:(inturrepts) Hug!!

Sullivan: No, the mothers would get angry.

Coach:That's mean!!!:( We're poor!! (Starts sobbing uncontrollably)

Science: Mu hi hey! We don't need all these students! W can make a biiiiiiiiig test. B students and up will make it in. All the rest should be kiiiiiiiicked out. GLAYVIN!

Coach: But what about my thick, and dumb scholarshipped Players.

Mr. Zadok:Keep them in.

Pr. TomB: Agreed

Science:No! They're dumber than mules, and twice as ugly! Mua-hi-hey!

Coach: But all the girls like our Quartarback! They say e's cute!!!

Mr. TomB: How about we have a game with 2 teams made up of our players. The winners stay, the losers go!!!!

History:great Idea!

Science: Glayvinly great!

Math: Nice....FWA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Zadok: Sombody restrain him


Dean Sullivan: Order!!!

English: Ah thinkk it is Grand!!!

Dean Sullivan: Yes...The test shall be grand.

Math: Yes!!!!!!!GRAND!!!!!!!!!!!!MUA HA HA HA HA HAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dean Sullivan: I also have a backup plan. Meet Asst Principal Xarvox.(Villian Alarm)

That's all for now. THE TEST WILL BE HARD


Cool, are you going to post a test and let us pm you the answers or are you just going to tell who passed it?


Just try to pass it.
(Are the "Multani gets a B" jokes serious, or is he really smart?)

Hawaiian mage

Scene: the next day there is a school wide assembly to tell everyone about the desission that has been made. It is out in the open at the center of the colledge grounds, next to the memorial Bell Tower. The counseler comes up to the microphone set at the edge of the plat form at the bottom of the tower. Everyone showed up and it's beutifle sunny day.

Counseler: We have some inportant news before we begin, the princapal was hit by a car this morning, apperently the driver's windsheild was painted black and couldn't see him...

Scene: The scene shifts to Caternae EMperor and his friends in the middle of the croud.

Cateran emperor:Dang it, I stayed up all night doing that... I can't beleive I forgot about the freakin sun...

Scene: The scene suddenly shifts to way in the back where Gerode stands.

Gerode: Wow... I never realized how shiny it was...

Scene: It then goes back.

Volradon: Neither can I... Did you have to paint the lightbulbs AND the TVs?

Caterane Emperor:I didn't want to take any chances.

DUke: Did you have to paint my Arena foils? They were put in a box under my bed and Gerode would have never even came near my appartment...

Caternane Emporer:Well we all make mistakes...

Scene: Goes back to counseler.

Counseler: That is why we have decided to get a replacement for him, we actually just drew cards out of a very big hat. We have decided that the substitute pricable will be... Dear god no... No.. It can't be... Namielus...

Scene: Nameilous bursts through the doors at the bottom of the Bel Tower with a flowing black cape behind him. He shoves the counseler down and takes the mic.

Namielus: Attention! I am now the supream dictater of this colledge! I now controle you and everything you love. But any way, now down to bisness.I'm sure some of you have heard of the Football game comeing up, we will split the players into two teams. The losers will be kicked out of the school. Well since I am now in controle I decided to make an alteration of it. Everyone will play.

Scene: There are looks that are not even physically possible on the faces of everyone who just heard that.

Namielus: I have also decided to eliminate some of the slow and weakminded from the game early. I have gotten a cirtain Hawaiian up at thetop of this bell tower. He ha a shot gun loaded with darts that contain a synthetic liquid which infects it's victims with the Lou Gehrig's disease. You have 3 seconds before he opens fire. 3... 2...

Scene: Everyone starts o run as they realize what he has just said. The Lou Gehrig's disease is the same thing that Steven Hawking has. Hawaiian mage appears at the top of the belltower and starts shooting, just about everyone makes it, but a few of course don't...

What will happen next time? Who will survive the massacer? Who will win the football game? Who the hell is it that is talking to you right now? Did you know I got cheated out of a Mox diomond for a "magic bean?" I sure didn't! Tune in next time, or face dire consquinces. Hwaa ha ha ha!

[Edited by Hawaiian mage on 10-26-00 at 10:08 PM]


Yea, what will this Namielous do next?

I have 5 vowels in my name that is so neat!

Vote Namielus for CPA Prez
visit the site for updates on the race (note; none yet maybe if I have extra time tonight)


WHOHOOOO, i had a grand total of two lines so far. GO ME GO ME GO ME :)

Of course, me win the football game.