All three readers of Team M94 will be happy...



Just got done typing up a lot of M94 goodness, so the three of you who actually read the things rejoice! And to those of you who don't read them, why not give them a try? I'd say they're about as interesting as the Magic novels. (Wait, I think I just *insulted* my writing there...)

There is more Junkyard-style humor. More battles. And even a little injection of anime themes (mecha battles...trains...messed up love stories...)

The end of the series is coming. So, if you've read the stories in the past, you'll want to check out how the whole thing wraps up. How do card players turned multiversal goblin hunters end their days?

Episode 1: Dark Goblins
Episode 2: Last Man Standing
Episode 3: A Different Game
Episode 4: Woke Up This Morning
Episode 5: Rabid Pokemaniac
Episode 6: Porkulid
Episode 7: Enter Otis Jones
Episode 8: Fractured and Twisted
Episode 9: Execution
Episode 10: Power Spill
Episode 11: Killing Time
Episode 12: Die, Black Hat Knight
Episode 13: Transition
Episode 14: Patchwork
Episode 15: M94 vs. M94
Episode 16: A Loss of Loved Ones
Episode 17: Dark Side of the Earth
Episode 18: Oh, Alexia Bonds
Episode 19: Only Friends
Episode 20: Final Stand, Part 1
Episode 21: Final Stand, Part 2

Episode 1: Knight in Blood-Stained Armor
Episode 2: Spare the Rod
Episode 3: Treat With Respect

Order 1: Acquisition
Order 2: Backlash Heroes



I've been wondering what all's happened with Team M94. I'm going to have to re-read them in order to refresh myself, though...

I'm ready and waiting!



Originally posted by orgg
I just got sick of writing. I kept wanting to write, but couldn't. Magic, and writing Magic, sucked. Nothing about M94 in particular. But now I've written up a storm and there's a bunch of final M94s to show for it.

You won't need to do much back-reading. Unlike the previous gaps in writing M94 episodes, this one takes place right after where it left off. No huge span of months covered in broad newsreel narrative.

They link to the previous episodes, but don't depend on them to make sense. These new ones are going off on their own totally new direction.

I hope you like it.


Staff member
I'll probably post them weekly (or bi-weekly; on Monday and Thursday) since we're so slow on the front page otherwise :(


Heya Spidey!

Monday/Thursday sounds good. :D With four done and more coming (and a whole new series coming after that), there will likely be too many piling up if it was just weekly. Also better than doing the posting in a huge clump. Great idea, oh webbed one!


Yes, over the course of two and a half years, there have been 14 episodes of M94. Hoping to change that turtle-crawl pace, though. :D Of course, the whole thing is ending (Spoiler: If plans go as rough-outlined, Ep 21 will be the finale) so prolific output of these stories is hardly a concern anymore. :eek:

...or is it? ;)


Cool to see the first one posted on Wednesday. :D Does that mean two in a row for the first week? In case thats so, I'm submitting Ep16 right now, Spidey.

(Oh, shameful double-post. Oh well, likely not spammage as this is a whole different post.)

Is cool if you post it Thursday, as the next series should keep the front page busy with two-per-week when Team M94 ends.


Staff member
Well, no, I would still do Monday/Thursday. However, the Wednesday update was because there wasn't anything else in the article queue :) When you start filling it up, I'll go to the twice-a-week schedule.


Oh, don't you worry Spidey. I'll start filling that thing up. I'm just being a lazy slow-poke about running these things through a spell checker and proof reading them (and they still come out with typos! wow, I suck at editing!). With fiction, at least. Dunno about writing articles, though. (Maybe I should write an article about why articles shouldn't even be written, heh).


Hard to believe the end of the line is almost upon Team M94. I also find it nice the Fiction section on the front page *finally* has a second page. :D Makes it look like a real section, now.


Spidey, wanted to let you know I'll submit the final two episodes over the weekend. Finished with Ep20 and still working on Ep21 then will edit them a bit. Ep20 alone is a whopping 27 pages! :eek:

And, since its nearly the end of the line, wanted y'all to know there are two new spinoff series underway, to appear the week after Team M94 ends. Already have two and a half episodes done for DM94, so you can look forward to that one starting up quick.

That's all for the Notepad "take over the fiction section" news bit.


First off, my apologies for not having sent in the final TM94. I've had it half-finished since I sent in the second-to-last episode, and took a break for a day. Then the next day. Then the next...'s coming. I promise that. With any luck, this week. Then, I'll send in the DM94 episodes I've worked on. And from there, who knows, but I'm pretty sure its over when those get posted. No more. Oh, no freaken more.

To be real honest, I feel like giving up on this Magic writing thing. I like this site and will continue to pop in, but the Magic community just sickens me. All they want is fast deck tech. There are no real issues discussed anymore. There is no room for humor for humor's sake. Its all tourney reports and decklists...and never-ending damned set reviews. And no issues really go anywhere because everyone is so damned complacent it's like WotC would do anything they like--however mean it may be--and the masses would beg for the chance to lick at WotC's feet.

I hate the Magic community. I despise online Magic articles. I am nearly fed up with playing the game online. And, I cannot play with anyone in person.

I raise both my hands up at the online Magic players and readers and give them two middle-fingers up. No apologies if it happens to be you in that bunch. You're part of the disease, after all.

So, soon. Goodbye.


Well then, you don't mind if I shoot you two middle fingers in return, Notepad. After all, if I'm part of the disease, then consider this my way to help with a cure.

Part of the problem with blanket statements is...they're blanket statements.

By the way, maybe you haven't been looking hard enough. Everything you're not finding is out there, even if you don't see it.


Yes and No.

Magic Online community is a disease. Magic community in general is a disease. "Casual players" are a disease. Magic is a disease.

Some of us know it's a disease but like to be infected anyway, such as myself. Quickly it's becoming boring again. I realized why I had quit in the first place: not because I didn't have many players to play with, but because of how boring the cards are, also how even more boring other players are, both as Magic players and more importantly, as people. Yeah yeah yeah I played my creative decks, blah blah blah, won, had the fun, what? Yawn.

Mostly everything that becomes popular with the masses is automatically corrupt and lacking.


Thank you for the fingers, Isty. I accept them, as part of the disease myself. Yeah, there is good stuff in the Magic community. The CPA is a good example. Just, you know, as one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch, one good apple among a spoiled bunch stands no chance at redeming the problem at hand.

Blanket statements? Here's one: The Magic community is all about blanket statements. "Cheaters are bad and people who don't cheat are holy," said by cheaters. Blah. Dimwits. They disgust me.

Yeah Duke, the game gets boring fast nowadays. Because of the horrid card quality, and the players. It just isn't fun playing the game anymore. I'd be weary of saying "back in my day..." but to hell with it: Back in the good old days, WotC didn't pre-build decks for us in every set. And opponents were better quality because they tried thinking at least once or twice a day, unlike today's Magic players.


Staff member
I've always said you have to find a group of players who think and play like you want to and stick with them. If you don't have them in person, you might have to sift through a lot of chaff online to find them :)

But I've always appreciated you writing for the CPA and while I don't know about other magic sites other than magicthegathering (which does have a humor guy - Mark Gottlieb :) ), it does seem too bad that the others don't have room for it. Maybe the CPA should be the humor Magic site! Tell all your friends! :p


Misetings does that humor crap, but I'd say they do it horribly. What I miss is the casual humor of the Dojo days. Then again, even the Dojo kicked humor out. So, whatever. A big double middle finger and a hostile grab at the sack toward the Magic community.

(While you guys here get a mere hostile arm wave--New Yorker style--because you're lazy #$*@s who never write.)


*salutes another fallen friend, then returns the single-fingered salutes.

I'm both saddened and angry at your announcement, Seff. The three unpublished articles sitting on my hard drive do as well-- I'm hoping this is temperary.

If not... I'll still treasure my signed Mad Dog, as I treasure my Rizzo signed Chance Encounter. You're an excellent writer. I wish you hadn't become disenchanted with the Magic community and Magic in general.

As I said to John "Friggin'" Rizzo,

Goodbye. And **** You.


Staff member
Well, I'm not sure how the humor is these days; the Dojo humor actually wasn't that great, I thought, except for a couple of pieces here and there. I'm not even sure I got into YOUR humor at the time, Notepad ;)

Killer Joe

New member
I personally don't understand what you're going through as I am delighted and happy with the state of my gaming environment (and NO, I am NOT Polly Ann).

I write but not to the point of having an impact on the magic community but I DO write, or scribble or what have you..... :rolleyes:

Just take a vacation and never say things in finality (because it's too hard on the ego to retract or contradict statements later). I have never quit smoking but I haven't smoked a cigarette in 11 years so I still consider myself a smoker (actually a second hand smoker around my friends).