A very fond farewell.



Is it just moi ... or is Dukey's behaviour starting to freak the rest of you guys out too?

A nice way of stating Dukey's behaviour ... pining.
A not so nice way of saying it ... obsession.

I'm sorry for sounding so blunt, dahling ... but you're really weirding moi out already.

Purple Girl says hi, by the bye ... ;) How do I know that?Simple, dahling ... it's called e-mail. :D


Staff member
you could add:

a scary way of saying it... "stalking"

Hey, just listened to 'Obsession' on my Pure 80's CD...


...I thought I was gonna die...

Anyway, "obsession" is not the way to define it Whimseee, no, it's not, NO, I said no:), it's more like. Just think about it, can a person be obsessed with a 'name'? A screen 'name' for that matter?
Your answer might be "no". Nevermind, it IS "no";).

Can it be called "stalking"?
No, because I don't know where the heck she's at(ofcourse other than she's in Asia:))

I'm not like that...No...
If there's anything there's I'm obsessed with it's "Obsession with those who bleed", j/k:).

I'm just missing Purple Girl post here, that's all.
Don't let your imagenation fly now;)...Not that it hasn't already:)...


Purple-Jester's Asian? Why was I not informed of this. :mad:
(Multani waits for an answer but recieves none.)
Oh well. :D


...and you're Asian too right?
...She didn't inform it to anyone, not even me.
...I just know...Trust me, anyone like that has got to be Asian, or atleast, Asian related...CAN YOU even see the so many common things between you two and me? Did you notice all Asians are, um, what's the word...Ok: "cheerful". You are, Purple Girl is, and I am. This has got to be something going on...Maybe it's just that we don't give a "dang" about anyone;), or is that "anything"? I don't know...I'm just mad because I'm not from China, Japan, or any of those countries...NOOOOO, but I had to be born in the "middle" East...What a joke...

ALL I know is that all Asians are cool.
I swear to god, that's ALL I know. I might know a bit more information, but that's about it...

AND TELL ME Multani, how do you manage to "spell" every word perfectly all the time? Thanks to "some people" in here:D, I have to check my grammer and/or spelling over, and over, and over, and over, and over again inorder to make sure I'm "perfect", but what is perfection? Whatever, I'm "flying" off-topic here...



...How come Purple Girl? How come? Not that I'm comlaining or anything, but how come?

Personally, I missed you. I really did. You could see from my "many" replies for you:D.
I miss you Purple Girl, let me put it this way: I'm "obsessed" with you, and that I'm going to "stalk" you everywhere:)...Be warned:)...

[Edited by DÛke on October 8th, 2000 at 08:03 AM]