A question about religion


Fire Slinger

I'm probabily going to get myself in to trouble here, but I don't care.

So what is the difference between a religion and a cult?


the main difference in a religeon and a cult is that a cult usually is secretive, and attempts to keep their members at any cost.

Most religious "shizims/sects" started their life as "cults" such as the whole mormon branch of religeon...

I had to do a report on it...

the reason most "cults" are assumed to be satanic and not just halfway crazy is the confusion with the word "occult"...

I'm not very sure about the meaning of the word "occult" besides it's implications, however...

Fire Slinger

I was just wondering, cause there doesn't seem to be much difference to me.

Cateran Emperor

To be honest, I make little distinction between the two save that cult tends to have a darker meaning behind it, with, as orgg put it, secretive, outright fanatical members who don't let the outside world know what's going on with them.

A lot of cults are seemingly militant, occaionally to the point of being violent terrorists. Many religions started like that, but have gained... how to put this... respectability from most of the world, and are widely recognized for doing good deeds. A cult to me is like an anti-religion. I don't listen to what others say on this, something's not always a cult to me until I see exactly how they work. Then I'll judge for myself what I think about wheter I call it a "religion" or a "cult".


um, emperor, you just described the Catholic and Muslim Churches of the dark ages......

A cult, in my opinion, is any religon where there is a punishment for asking questions. This means that several varieties of christianity as well as other religons classify as cults to me.

On a technical note: legally, a cult is a religon that claims the property and ownership over a person. This was written for the rulings on kidnapping. Tithes, anyone?


There really is not difference, some 'owners' just say 'this is the lords church' but they really know its theirs. And I think churches are worst than cults cause a church hides this fact away from the eyes of its members, myself I don't beleive in organized religon cause that is crazy each person has completely different ideas about what there purpose in life is, and what death is. For example I don't fear death because I think of death as just another change in our 'lives' as we call them, its just like leaving off to college but instead of writing to home you haunt your families dreams (j/k)


"Death is like going into another room. The only difference is, when you yell 'Where are my socks?' Nobody answers"
-Terry Pratchett

Dark Horse

Reaper Man?

Funniest author ever. Period.

You ever read Small Gods and Interesting Times? They were my two favorites, along with Men at Arms.


my favorite author. :)

My favorite of his is Guards, guards!, Men at arms, feet of clay, Jingo, and The Fith Elephant.

He's evolved his art form into some of the best satire of everything in this world.

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of "the carpet people" or "small gods?"

I can't seem to find 'em...


A religion is any universal organization focused on enriching the spiritual needs of its members, mainly through the direction of doctrine obtained from the religion's founders and a central deity or pantheon. To be decreed a religion, such an organization must have a worshipper base occupying some large region.

A cult is by nature any pseudo-religious group with a minor worhsipper/believer base which tends to focus more on the doctrine than the member's well-being. Emphasis is placed upon belief rather than benefit. The term "pseudo-religious" is used because of the emphasis on a particular faith, not necessarily on a deity/deities. For example, Doomsday cults do not necessarily revolve around a religious theme, but only on the end of the world.

In general, religions are accepted and recognized for the msot part by the local populace while a cult is often a negative connotation. Was that helpful?


*****OFF TOPIC*****

I have one major problem with the Catholic church. Only one. It has absolutely nothing to do with the religious or moral standpoints it holds: It has to do with the Church itself, the physical building. When you go to church, you are expected to dress up. For men, this means sports jackets, an nice shirt, and slacks. For women, this means a dress. A dress has sleeves that come down partway down the upper arms. A sports jacket has sleeves that extend past the wrist!

Now, ladies and gentlemen, it is _physically impossible_ to keep a room an acceptable temperature for people dressed like that! No matter what you make the room, someone is too hot or too cold.

The Church has existed for centuries. It seems like at some point during those centuries, someone would have realized how feasible proper heating is in such a situation, and fixed the problem! Sheesh... :)

(Some people ask me, 'That's the ONLY thing you have against the Church?' No, it's not. But it's the most upsetting thing about it, IMHO.)

*****END OFF TOPIC*****


I agree with Namielus on the fact that I don't believe in organized religions based on the idea that I don't think it's a good idea to have one person or one group of people should have the power to judge what is or is not morally correct and try to influence the way you think. That's why I don't go to church.

Cateran Emperor

Uh Duel:

Many religions started like that
I was partially referring to those two, just so ya know.

And I agree Zadok, they can't turn the heat down just a bit? :D


Staff member
In a religion you can come and go as you please.

In a cult you cannot leave without dire consequences, MUST give your worldly possessions to the cult or leader, must do whatever the leader tells you to do.

Zadok: I think it was more how the church evolved concerning the dress. Back in 'olden times', the church was the gathering and social place of the place (we're talking like day-long services and such). People just wanted to dress up and look their best at this time. Now "tradition" has it ingrained in us that "improper" dress is frowned upon (although depending where you are, it's not uncommon not to wear a tie/sports coat/dress).

Kinda like work :) What the heck is the point of a tie, anyways?

My church always has the AC on full-blast. I'm always FREEZING!!


Purple-Jester makes a great point, so I must begin by saying I think that her viewpoint is an entirely valid one which I have to respect.
(can`t you tell we both play WWolf stuff?)

And now for something completely different...

There is no difference between a religion and a cult.
The word cult has become linked to more 'outre' belief groups, but the basics are pretty much the same. Indoctrination into a belief system that, inevitably as it is the fundamental point of religions in the first place, involves the subjects being put under tighter control by the governing minority.

A religion is just a big cult.

Spot the difference:
Do what we say or we`ll kill you.
Do what we say or you`ll be punished for eternity.


Staff member
Due to my definitions of the two, I'm going to differ with Gizmo and I can't quite tell if Purple Jester was saying the same thing (although I mostly agree with her statements). There IS a difference between the two because one consequence is physical and the other is spiritual. The spiritual technically shouldn't matter because if you don't believe what the "religion" believes, you are free to move on to another "religion" (or cult if you REALLY want) that DOES have a set of beliefs that match yours.

In other words, if I don't believe in heaven/hell, I could leave a Christian/Judaism faith and move to whatever faith it is that believes in reincarnation (Buddhism? Hinduism?) with not a physical penalty. Most Protestant churches will not spiritually condemn you either (depending on how orthodox they are); I don't know about Judaism. And who cares about the spiritual; it doesn't matter because you're moving to a new set of beliefs.

On the other hand, leaving a cult is much harder, especially if they threaten you with bodily harm. And not being able to associate with family/friends/outsiders is a real stickler also...

So basically, I believe there is a difference. And it's derived from the way the group OPERATES, not from the religious aspect.


I think you have a narrow definition of what a cult is. The Mormons are considered by many to be a cult, as are the Fundamentalists.

Not all cults are Waco style.


Staff member
As I said, those are MY definitions, probably not the technically correct definitions like yours and Purple Jester's... :D


The only difference between a cult and a religion is that a religion has more members. If the cult grows large enough, then public acceptance will increase and it will no longer be considered a cult.
Because it started out as a few Hebrews and Isrialites out in the desert, saying strange things and doing wierd stuff that no one up to that point had thought of saying or doing before, you could easily say that Christianity started out as a cult, and grew into a religion.


A "cult" is gen. regarded as bogus, or extremist religious sect.
The word Sect means to divide, or split off from the larger whole.

So I guess You could say that religions such as Seventh day Adventists
,and Jehovah's Witnesses are "cults"
, but that would be an insult, because the word "cult" by def. is negative.

So I guess what I'm saying is that, whether it be Cult, or Religion, is matter of "opinion".

Hopefully My two examples won't offend Anyone, they're just examples.
I'm not saying that they are cults, but they could be interpreted to be.

Am I just repeating what Everyone else said, I don't know?
How come I hardly ever post Magic related stuff anymore, I don't know?

[Edited by Griffith_se on September 12th, 2000 at 11:04 AM]