Wizard's Tower: New Magic Format



I'd be interested, but do you really draw 2 cards every turn? Seems like it would be a powerful format...


Staff member
Well, it sounds like it's supposed to be fairly fast *and* because the "deck"/library is 9 booster packs, it's probably to ensure you can get some land to start casting stuff.


Staff member
I guess give some other people a chance to get in and start setting up (like choosing boosters) on Monday?


Staff member
KJ: Does that mean you're in?

What a response! :) Well, I'm willing to step out and handle the library draws for people, which means we have six players if KJ is in. I don't think that will matter too much (I hope?) so let's play with that and see how it goes. I'll add one more booster and one more set of basic land though, so that's 10 boosters and 85 lands. So everyone PM me two booster choices - the first will definitely be in and I'll count votes for the second and the top 2 will get in and I'll choose the last two :)


Isengar Tussle
Holy Crap ( I just read the format)... It's me! They made a format just for me....
"What's in your deck?"
Mooseman, " How would I know until I draw it?"


Staff member
Well, Oversoul and KJ haven't replied so I guess we'll just move forward with the four players we have and they can get in the next game if and when they have time.

So we're back to 9 boosters, so I took your two choices and added one of Mark Rosewater's winners from his rumble a couple months back and so they are:

Planeshift, Planar Chaos, Mercadian Masques, Torment, Mercadian Masques, Urza's Saga, Time Spiral, Onslaught, Ravnica

I rolled a d20 for the order and it is:

Mooseman, turgy22, rokapoke, BigBlue

I PM-ed your initial hand of three so let me know if you want to keep or re-draw.


The Tentacled One
I was out of town for three days. Didn't think anything of it because usually no one is in any big hurry around here, but whatever.


Hey, you can always just go 5th. Spidey can handle 5 as well as 4, right?


Staff member
<shrug> I don't care, I'm just the facilatator for the deck and draws. It's up to you four already playing. I can do five, sure, but I would need to reshuffle Oversoul's booster into the Tower and give everyone new initial draws. Or Oversoul can forgo a booster choice for this game and I can just give him his initial draw.


The Tentacled One
Yeah, I don't really have a booster preference anyway. It's been a long time since I've tried any format that was even remotely similar to this, so I don't know what to expect.