Wizard's Tower: New Magic Format



I'm good with adding a fifth.

Also good either way with card pool change or not.


Staff member
Okay, so what's easiest is Oversoul is last with the card pool remaining the same. Just slogging through everyone's responses about their hand in order and then we'll start!

Mooseman chose to replace one card, turgy22's now deciding...


Staff member
My bad, for some reason I thought you kept drawing until you were satisfied with your hand and was waiting for rokapoke's response to his new draws. Turns out he doesn't need to respond :)

So rokapoke draws 2 cards. BigBlue stands pat. It's now Oversoul's decision and I thought I PMed you your hand but don't seem to see it in my conversations so let me know if I need to send it to you again.


The Tentacled One
Maybe it got lost somehow? You did send me a message last Thursday with a hand and I responded that I wanted to re-draw.


Staff member
Weird, I must have been looking at the names under the "Conversations" and thought they were the last person who replied, when I guess that's the conversation starter and instead I should have been looking to the right. Okay, you have three new cards.

I'll set up the game thread in Games Run and Mooseman can begin!