YJ: The Killer Wasp!


CPA Trash Man
*YJ then feels fatigue and falls down, as strong as a baby.*

You see, you can't recover someone by praying. You have to kick them in the nuts. It doesn't heal them, but it's funny. Watch!!!

*Ransac kicks Nodnarb24 in the nuts. Nodnarb24 starts crying.*

Ransac, cpa trash man


[me]starts laughing.

* Ransac rubs his foot because he hurt it kicking nodnarb24's steal plated underwear.[/me]

[me]gives ransac a vasectomy.[/me]

Now thats funny.


CPA Trash Man
*Nodnarb24 looks at the vasectomy job he did and realizes that it was not to Ransac, but to one of Nodnarb24's many rat followers. Ransac is running away like a spoiled monkey.*

Next time!!!!!!!

*Ransac disappears into nothingness. Actually he hailed a cab and left.*

Ransac, cpa trash man

Prince RXI

I raise from the dead! (Ransac shot me, remember?) And am on the war path. First, I pick up what's left of Nodnarb24's dignity and I eat it. Then, I take Nodnarb24, Pull out a weird staff, Impail his nuts on it, check to see that it was Nodnarb24's nuts(it was:)), use a weird rat call to call all of Nodnarb24's rat followers, mindcontrol them all, and send them straight up Nodnarb24's Rectum, checking that it was(it was again :)), I then, I hail a cab to find where Ransac went to.

Prince RXI, one Pissed off little Brother!!!!!




CPA Trash Man
Because you interfered with the match. Only WWF superstars and the announcer's can do that.

Ransac, cpa trash man

Chaos Turtle

Does getting kicked in the rear really chap your a**?


Are you tired of rats crawling up your rectum?

Of course you are!

That's why you need the Butt-Barrier®!

Yes, ladies, gentlmen, and what-the-hell-are-you; Butt-Barrier® Steel-Plated Underwear is almost unconditionally guar-on-teed to keep pesky rodents from invading your most secret of places!

Only $29.99 per pair!

Get yours today!

Entropic Terrapin, Inc.
42 Allupinthere Way
Sazzerbill Shell, NC 28734

(Note: Butt-Barrier® Steel-Plated Underwear is not legal for use in San Francisco, CA; Asheville, NC; or NYC's East Village.)


CPA Trash Man
DUDE!!!! How do you make the "R circle" thing? I've been trying to find out for a looooooooooong time!!

Ransac, cpa trash man


CPA Trash Man
Ransa, here, waiting for the arrival of YJ. He said he would challenge Apollo and I've been waiting here, doing nothing but waiting while I sit here waiting. TOO MUCH WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!

Ransac, cpa trash man

Chaos Turtle

If you're still wondering, it's "& reg ;" with no space in between them and no quotes.

Preview your message first. It won't show up (usually) the first time, but when you post after the preview, it will. (Quirky.)


Chaos Turtle

As you can see, in the above post, I did not preview first...


This time I did.