Yet another werewolf: signup thread


CPA Trash Man
Yeah. I understand that one (or more) of us is a were-wolf. But does the were-wolf KNOW he's a werewolf? What are the limitations on developing a character? What can/can't I do in posting? Etc.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Isengar Tussle
All werewolves know they are werewolves.
The Seer know they are the seer.
Each night the wolves pick another player to eat and the seer picks another player to see if they are a werewolf.
Each day the group has to hang someone.
As far a role plying - do whatever you want, say whatever you want, just be prepared to hang if you say the wrong, or right, thing.


Staff member
The wolves can confer via PM since they're working together.

On this board, villagers are not supposed to PM each other.


Ransac - there is a moderator who knows what is going on and who isn't technically playing the game. Most recently, that's been me, but Spidey and BigBlue have also taken turns. Oversoul is going to be running this one.

Once we have all of the players, he will randomly determine rolls and give us a schenario. The schenario doesn't really matter, but will set the flavor of the game and the role playing.


Just watch how you role-play. If you do too good a job, you could get hung.