WWYT Round Ten (Challenge)

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This is a challenge round - there will be 1 popular answer. If you do not answer the question or you have an answer which is NOT the popular one, then you'll lose points equal to 1 point per 5 points of your current score.

For those of you with nothing to lose, there is an incentive - if you come up with the correct answer you will get a share of the lost points in the round.

Now for the Challenge. Spiderman has complained that these are all 50-50 type challenges, so now he'll get his wish (and I imagine wish he hadn't)...

Go to the following URL - and pm me your results for the test.

Kingdomality Test

When I post the Round 9 results I'll put the amount each player has at stake.


My result - as an example - was 'The Discoverer'.

I don't really need the text, but it's always interesting to me...

Your distinct personality, The Discoverer, might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Your overriding goal is to go where no one else has ever gone before. Regardless of the number of available natural problems to be solved, it is not unusual for you to continually challenge yourself with new situations or obstacles that you have created. You are an insatiable explorer of people, places, things and ideas. You thrive on constant change and anything new or different. On the positive side, you can be creatively rational as well as open minded and just. On the negative side, you might be an impractical and indecisive procrastinator. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.
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