WWYT - Round 8 Results



Well, there was a lot more diversity with this question than with the last. However, in the end, there were three or four answers that nearly everyone put two of, but no one had three of them, so the scores that round were pretty close all the same.

With 11 people responding:
Clouds - 7
Paper - 5
Snow - 5
Shirts - 3
White Knight - 2
Cotton - 2
Wedding Dress - 2

And a lot of 1 point answers: White House, Angel Wings, Bones, Chalk, Crayons, Cue Ball, Eggs, Flowers, Glue, Ice Cream, Magic Cards, Milk, Newspaper, Paint, People, Piano Keys, Plains, Polar Bears, Rabbits, Rice, Sails, Salt, Serra Angel, Sheets, Sugar, Teeth, Toilets, Underwear, Walls.

The results of the round:
Azreal - 16 (5)
train - 16 (5)
BigBlue - 16 (5)
sageridder - 16 (5)
Apollo - 15
Zhaneel - 15
Nightstalkers - 12
TomB - 12
Jigglypuff - 11
rkoelsch - 11
Spiderman - 9

Just goes to show you that everyone can have their bad turns in this game...

A lot of new points to distribute:

train - 19
sagerridder - 16
rkoelsch - 12
BigBlue - 11
Apollo - 10
Azreal - 8
Spiderman - 8
Zhaneel - 6
orgg - 5
Izaryo - 4
Jigglypuff - 2
Nightstalkers - 2
TomB - 2


Some of my submissions shouldn't be out for the young to see....


Milk is bad for you! It'll rot your teeth, and wither your bones!!!



Well, I wouldn't expect a . . . collective? . . . called Nightstalkers to know many "white" things... :D

Clouds was the answer to have, and I was lucky enough to have it...